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Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc Personal Attacks in Political Forums by Poobahs Mr Wookie, 5ive, goofybalef AoFrantic etc

06-28-2017 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
Thanks Mat.

I then replied:

OK, let's talk about this one. I researched this because I thought it might be the thing that would make me vote against Trump, back to goofyballer's original question to me, is there anything Trump could do.

These are just a couple of sources. Can anyone read these and not think they assaulted Meili? Maybe they left her knocked out, and Reyes took over. I don't know. But they assaulted her, beat her. I feel just fine about them doing 6 years, or 13 years each.

The DA that asked for the convictions to be vacated (Is that really the same as "exonerated"?) said that their confessions were handled properly. Three of them had a parent present for all questioning, from what I can tell. Exonerated? Hell no. Just let off, cuz they did time, and we have clear DNA evidence that someone else clearly raped the victim. That might have influenced the jury - only convict of assault or whatever, so they would need a new trial, but they've already done time (holy run-on-sentence batman).

Just read the Wikipedia entry on this and you'll see they clearly ran around beating people that night. Are we sure they raped her? Are they guilty of assault and battery of Meili? Obviously.

See, I do research like this. Then I come away thinking, hmmm, I reacted because your tone was so strong. But, in fact, Trump is actually reasonable on this issue. It's the liberal media and some posters here who are way out there. Note, I'm saying his recent statements just say they are guilty. I take that as guilty of something severe that night. In my view, that is, at least, assault and battery of Meili.

I'm willing to be proven wrong. Of the three whose parents were present during questioning, was there actual questioning before the parents arrived? I didn't find that. Were their bruises on them from police beatings? I didn't find that. Just police threats of violence? I didn't find that.

I read that 23% of exonerations due to DNA testing also include false confessions. I didn't find out what percent of those confessions were with parents present, included lot's of details about the crime scene, etc. Not sure what to make of that statistic.

OK, more research:

How is the Daily Beast as a source?

"On the matrix of circumstances under which false confessions have occurred, you have a great number in which police misconduct was the decisive factor; you have a lesser number in which some aspect of disability led a vulnerable suspect to confess, under inherently intimidating circumstances. Instances of multiple false confessions are still more infrequent, though a pair of mentally ******ed half-brothers were recently exculpated after serving decades in prison for a murder in Virginia. As for cases of multiple, parentally supervised, false confessions, it’s harder to say. Family members were present for the questioning of three of the five, and they were there for the video recordings. When a teenager is asked about a rape in front of his mother, is he more or less likely to deny it? And when several admit to rape, sitting beside their mothers, sisters, grandmothers, fathers and stepfathers, what do we make of that? On video, Raymond Santana was smug, boastful, and nonchalant by turns, vividly reenacting who did what during the rape. Antron McCray was with his mother for most of his interrogation, his stepfather for all of it. He signed a written confession after an hour and 45 minutes. Even defense counsel would have to acknowledge that there isn’t an abundance of comparable cases in the available literature."

Why aren't these guys out campaigning? Bury Trump, right? Cuz they did it.

Why on Earth would that post warrant a ban? I think there is a legitimate case to be made that the CTF were involved in the crime. It became a political football in NYC and no longer related to the merits. Was Trump's position on it aggressive? Certainly. The CTF were never at risk of the death penalty given that the victim didn't die, so Trump's rhetoric on that point was definitely over the top. But his motivation is not necessarily racist. LOL at Lovett's twitter.
06-28-2017 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Just wanted to highlight that this is garbage posting that starts out from a premise not of independent and objective investigation, but rather with a goal of interpreting every piece of evidence as beneficially to Trump and as biased against the defendants as possible. I'm not sure if the conclusion you reach at the end is that they really did it or just that even if they didn't they still deserve all the jail time, but either way it's downright conspiratorial.

I don't think it's rule-breaking on its own but I think it's possible by this point that you were temp-banned for an overall body of work and not this specific post alone.

I'll at least give you credit that your posting has improved quite a bit since these dark days.

Goofy, there is no question that the liberal media were ridiculously simple and political on this one. Lovett's tweet is a good example. There is nothing at all out of line about that post other than the fact that the left doesn't like its conclusion.
06-28-2017 , 03:47 PM
pdox - In the same statement you were responding to (you didn't paste the tweet contents) Trump called it "outrageous" that the case was settled, in other words entirely rejecting the notion that any miscarriage of justice was done by convicting them of a crime they didn't commit. Even if we give Trump your super charitable and undeserved benefit of the doubt on the "guilty" aspect of the statement, the rest of it is still unreasonable as hell. I'm pretty disappointed that you're still standing by this posting.

As for the body of work, I'm traveling most of the day but maybe Wookie can speak to the ban if he remembers.
06-28-2017 , 03:57 PM
I am not going to review and investigate while at work. I may remember to when I get home.
06-28-2017 , 04:03 PM
So you agree that the post is not ban-worthy.

You're disappointed that I think Trump was reasonable on that issue, ok.

There was no "body of work" type mention in the ban notice. I think the ban notice itself is a direct moderation issue, so my posting it here should not be a problem. I think all of the PMs re moderation should be open for discussion, but I'll wait to see if MrWookie wants to weigh in or if the mods here or Mat want to comment on that.

Edit: Was replying to goofyballer.
06-28-2017 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Goofy, there is no question that the liberal media were ridiculously simple and political on this one. Lovett's tweet is a good example. There is nothing at all out of line about that post other than the fact that the left doesn't like its conclusion.
Thanks. From your first post it wasn't clear if you realize the distinction between Trump's ad at the time of the Meili assault/rape versus his positions around the election. I don't think he ever said they were guilty of rape in the timeframe of the election. Just guilty.

Last edited by pokerodox; 06-28-2017 at 04:30 PM.
06-28-2017 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
I don't think he ever said they were guilty of rape in the timeframe of the election. Just guilty.
...and that it's outrageous that the case of wrongly convicted men was settled, but who's paying attention. And definitely don't think about what his "guilty" statement could have meant, just give a notorius liar and blowhard the benefit of the doubt and assume as a default he meant it in the least offensive way possible, like we know he always does.

06-28-2017 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
...and that it's outrageous that the case of wrongly convicted men was settled, but who's paying attention. And definitely don't think about what his "guilty" statement could have meant, just give a notorius liar and blowhard the benefit of the doubt and assume as a default he meant it in the least offensive way possible, like we know he always does.

There is a fully legitimate and supported position that the settlement was and is outrageous.
06-28-2017 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
This is what you get in echo-chambers folks and a good example of why they can be so dangerous.

This guy is literally advocating assassination. Posted earlier today in the politics forum. wookie posted shortly after this in the same thread. It's still up. I'll leave other people to draw their own conclusions.
Speaking of ban-worthy posts. If that post of rep+lol's doesn't warrant a permaban I don't know what does.
06-28-2017 , 04:38 PM
That's a great example of the Internet magnifier. I know +rep IRL and we disagree about almost everything political, but we get along just fine. He's a good guy.
06-28-2017 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
That's a great example of the Internet magnifier. I know +rep IRL and we disagree about almost everything political, but we get along just fine. He's a good guy.
He may be a "good guy" irl, but that post is literally an incitement to assassinate people.

Are you saying that because he may be a good guy irl he shouldn't be held accountable for posts on the internet?
06-28-2017 , 04:45 PM
I understand and I'm not defending the post. I'm Im pointing out the impact that impersonal communication has on the social dynamic.
06-28-2017 , 05:03 PM
And we all know why nothing happens about that post, because it was posted by a liberal. If a conservative had posted something like that it would have been an insta permaban.
06-28-2017 , 05:52 PM
Looks like a 2nd amendment solution to me. I thought all the Trump peeps were cool with that?
06-28-2017 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I understand and I'm not defending the post. I'm Im pointing out the impact that impersonal communication has on the social dynamic.
Exactly why internet forums have rules. As long as they are being applied, that is.

In this case they aren't.
06-28-2017 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
So broad brush attacks on Trump supporters OK, because his agenda might be perceived as racist, but broad brush attacks on Muslims not OK, even though their beliefs and practices are (for example) generally misogynist?

You guys are amazing.
Plz go post in the P/Pv8.8 forums.
06-28-2017 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib

i dunno if he has the time, but isn't bobman somewhat conservative and also a good poster?
He's a Smart Guy Centrist who also happens to be a very smart guy, unlike most SMCs.
06-28-2017 , 10:49 PM
HT rustled

Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
The level of pompous sanctimony in this post is astonishing. How about D: people who correctly recognized that his bombastic idiocy was an excellent election strategy, and did not accurately reflect his underlying policies. On the policy front, the following are utterly mainstream positions that whether or not you agree with them can and do justify voting for him: restraining the administrative state; cutting taxes; repealing government-run health care; and enforcing immigration laws that have been on the books for a long time.

The idea that the left has the moral high ground is a pompous absurdity.

Break up that administrative state and cut those taxes but make sure to trample states' rights whilst wasting both state and federal time and resources to ensure all those harmless brown busboys get what's coming to them!

You know, it's a good thing you stuck 'repealing government-run health care' in between those as otherwise people mighta thunk you had the nonsensical belief system of a stupid child. Close call.
06-28-2017 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Sure. The Clean Water Act, which congress passed, gave the EPA jurisdiction over "navigable" waters. The EPA decided by means of an administrative regulation in 2015 that this included adjacent waters and waters with a significant nexus to navigable waters.

That is a significant change to the scope of EPA jurisdiction. Congress arguably has the right to make that change (subject to tenth amendment limitations) but the EPA itself does not. That was a case of deliberate overreach on the part of the agency to expand its own jurisdiction well past what the authorizing legislation permitted.
The sixth circuit stayed the reg and Trump issued an EO functionally revoking the rule. I'm simplifying a little bit but what I've articulated is accurate.

That is but one example. I know of at least half a dozen more, some of which are pretty technical and get into Chevron administrative law details not amenable to 2p2 posting. Or LOL superfund, which has not balanced costs with benefits and mostly benefits very expensive lawyers. I'm happy to take this offline if you wish, but this sort of administrative overreach from other agencies (e.g. The department of labor) has gotten 9-0 smackdowns from the Supremes.

I think it is a very bad idea to permit federal agencies to define the limits of their own power. That's not the way it should work.

I absolutely see valid reasons for EPA regulation. I don't know about the coal reg you describe but can likely find it tomorrow and give you my take on it. FYI neither CNN nor the WSJ are ever even close to correct in their analyses of these issues, which are usually far too complex to correctly summarize in a short op-ed.
I was typing up a longer reply to this last night which I will let go because the thread has moved on, but I do need to point out that the bold is you parroting exactly what I was criticizing in the post you replied to. It is demonstrably untrue on multiple levels. If your description were accurate then prior to 2015 I could have dumped 500 gallons of benzene in the upper rapids of the Niagara River because "lol not navigable".

The "significant nexus" standard was introduced by the SCOTUS (not by the EPA), in 2001. The ruling that adjacent waterways were under EPA purview was established in a unanimous SCOTUS decision in 1985. I don't know these things because of whatever CNN and WSJ op-ed's you were referring to, but because I can read the damn rules myself. The "overreach" and expansion of powers and all that other nonsense is bull****.

This final rule does not establish any regulatory requirements. Instead, it is a definitional rule that clarifies the scope of “waters of the United States” consistent with the Clean Water Act (CWA), Supreme Court precedent, and science. Programs established by the CWA, such as the section 402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program, the section 404 permit program for discharge of dredged or fill material, and the section 311 oil spill prevention and response programs, all rely on the definition of “waters of the United States.” Entities currently are, and will continue to be, regulated under these programs that protect “waters of the United States” from pollution and destruction.

State, tribal, and local governments have well-defined and longstanding relationships with the Federal government in implementing CWA programs and these relationships are not altered by the final rule. Forty-six states and the U.S. Virgin Islands have been authorized by EPA to administer the NPDES program under section 402, and two states have been authorized by the EPA to administer the section 404 program. All states and forty tribes have developed water quality standards under the CWA for waters within their boundaries. A federal advisory committee has recently been announced to assist states in identifying the scope of waters assumable under the section 404 program.

The scope of jurisdiction in this rule is narrower than that under the existing regulation. Fewer waters will be defined as “waters of the United States” under the rule than under the existing regulations, in part because the rule puts important qualifiers on some existing categories such as tributaries. In addition, the rule provides greater clarity regarding which waters are subject to CWA jurisdiction, reducing the instances in which permitting authorities, including the states and tribes with authorized section 402 and 404 CWA permitting programs, would need to make jurisdictional determinations on a case-specific basis.
06-28-2017 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong

That's fine. My point is different, though: I ask the left to understand that I hold these views in total good faith and the belief that they are actually good for our country.
So, like, you're just triple-dog-daring people to go all left-wing-authoritarian and tell you that people with your arrogant ignorance don't get a say anymore? That's an interesting gambit.
06-28-2017 , 11:06 PM
FFS let me flee this thread for a bit before I get banned.

Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Why on Earth would that post warrant a ban? I think there is a legitimate case to be made that the CTF were involved in the crime. It became a political football in NYC and no longer related to the merits. Was Trump's position on it aggressive? Certainly. The CTF were never at risk of the death penalty given that the victim didn't die, so Trump's rhetoric on that point was definitely over the top. But his motivation is not necessarily racist. LOL at Lovett's twitter.

Let's just say dude did not know and had no interest in learning what the term Voodoo Economics meant but had the inclination to write lengthy treatises about The Savage Negro Beasts.
06-29-2017 , 12:12 AM
Mat and bobo there are zero circumstances where it's a good idea to let a bunch of trolls run your social forums.
06-29-2017 , 12:38 AM
Since there seems to be a large amount of hateful regressiveness on this forum by nazis I just wanted to point out ignoring someone as well connected and socially agile will only lead to pain for you , your mentally stunted ideas of what intelligence is, and to the 2p2 community.
06-29-2017 , 12:41 AM
So yeah, pokerodox received an infraction for this post and was banned following this post, but it was also a body of work ban. He was not exiled from the forum, and this was his only ban IIRC.

Now, no one commented about this post on its merits, but it is wrought with counterfactual garbage.

Originally Posted by pokerodox
Thanks Mat.

I then replied:

OK, let's talk about this one. I researched this because I thought it might be the thing that would make me vote against Trump, back to goofyballer's original question to me, is there anything Trump could do.

These are just a couple of sources. Can anyone read these and not think they assaulted Meili? Maybe they left her knocked out, and Reyes took over. I don't know. But they assaulted her, beat her. I feel just fine about them doing 6 years, or 13 years each.

The DA that asked for the convictions to be vacated (Is that really the same as "exonerated"?) said that their confessions were handled properly. Three of them had a parent present for all questioning, from what I can tell. Exonerated? Hell no. Just let off, cuz they did time, and we have clear DNA evidence that someone else clearly raped the victim. That might have influenced the jury - only convict of assault or whatever, so they would need a new trial, but they've already done time (holy run-on-sentence batman).

Just read the Wikipedia entry on this and you'll see they clearly ran around beating people that night. Are we sure they raped her? Are they guilty of assault and battery of Meili? Obviously.

See, I do research like this. Then I come away thinking, hmmm, I reacted because your tone was so strong. But, in fact, Trump is actually reasonable on this issue. It's the liberal media and some posters here who are way out there. Note, I'm saying his recent statements just say they are guilty. I take that as guilty of something severe that night. In my view, that is, at least, assault and battery of Meili.

I'm willing to be proven wrong. Of the three whose parents were present during questioning, was there actual questioning before the parents arrived? I didn't find that. Were their bruises on them from police beatings? I didn't find that. Just police threats of violence? I didn't find that.

I read that 23% of exonerations due to DNA testing also include false confessions. I didn't find out what percent of those confessions were with parents present, included lot's of details about the crime scene, etc. Not sure what to make of that statistic.

OK, more research:

How is the Daily Beast as a source?

"On the matrix of circumstances under which false confessions have occurred, you have a great number in which police misconduct was the decisive factor; you have a lesser number in which some aspect of disability led a vulnerable suspect to confess, under inherently intimidating circumstances. Instances of multiple false confessions are still more infrequent, though a pair of mentally ******ed half-brothers were recently exculpated after serving decades in prison for a murder in Virginia. As for cases of multiple, parentally supervised, false confessions, it’s harder to say. Family members were present for the questioning of three of the five, and they were there for the video recordings. When a teenager is asked about a rape in front of his mother, is he more or less likely to deny it? And when several admit to rape, sitting beside their mothers, sisters, grandmothers, fathers and stepfathers, what do we make of that? On video, Raymond Santana was smug, boastful, and nonchalant by turns, vividly reenacting who did what during the rape. Antron McCray was with his mother for most of his interrogation, his stepfather for all of it. He signed a written confession after an hour and 45 minutes. Even defense counsel would have to acknowledge that there isn’t an abundance of comparable cases in the available literature."

Why aren't these guys out campaigning? Bury Trump, right? Cuz they did it.
Somehow, pokerodox reads articles that say things like:

They want to test the claim that Reyes waited until this year to make: that on the night of April 19, 1989, he and he alone attacked the woman who became known around the world as the Central Park jogger.
Reading the article, one would find that all the physical evidence was against Reyes and none implicated the CP5, and that the only evidence against the CP5 was their coerced confessions. Meanwhile, pokerodox asserts a story he apparently made up out of whole cloth, because the sources he cites do not say anything about this:

Can anyone read these and not think they assaulted Meili? Maybe they left her knocked out, and Reyes took over.
This is a theory unsupported by any of the cited sources, and it's inconsistent with Trump's own statements on the matter. He's pissing on my leg and trying to tell me it's raining.

After eating his ban, he came back to me to assert that the only mistake he might have made is in believing the confessions of the CP5. Now, had he actually read his own sources, he would have seen text like this:

But the Innocence Project's agenda is far broader than applying DNA testing to old cases. "Twenty-three percent of the post-conviction DNA exonerations involve false confessions or admissions," Scheck says over a glass of red wine in a bar around the corner from his prodigiously messy Greenwich Village office. "And that's just after conviction. There are thousands of cases where people have been exonerated by DNA after they were arrested but before they were convicted. Many of those cases involve false confessions. The DNA work has pointed clearly and dramatically to this problem of false confessions."
Not to mention, Reyes confessed too! Why the hell is he, being allegedly supremely rational for believing confessions, only believing the confessions that don't agree with the physical evidence, and then additionally making up his own story that is based on nothing to try and explain this conflict?

Posting fabricated bull**** to impugn black people is about as transparently racist as it gets, and "citing sources" and then lying about their contents is about as transparent as trolling comes. And he was already on a stream of spewing lots of hateful bull****, things like trying to convince liberals that Trump didn't actually want to change immigration policy, and that his imagined conflict between the West and the entire Muslim world was akin to the Cold War.

That said, he still came back to the forum and posted for another couple months without being infracted or banned until apparently getting bored.
06-29-2017 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Since there seems to be a large amount of hateful regressiveness on this forum by nazis I just wanted to point out ignoring someone as well connected and socially agile will only lead to pain for you , your mentally stunted ideas of what intelligence is, and to the 2p2 community.
you're gonna have to rephrase this if you want me to know what you're talking about. maybe name the person who is "well connected and socially agile " if that's easier.
