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My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward

06-18-2008 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by NewTeaBag
U of M Summer course in creative writing?
haha yah i guess so....

i mean you gotta admit the story is pretty creative andit was a good read. maybe he's gonna use this as a script for a movie
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by academis
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by cmoneymaker10
Woah I didn't know you were playing this pot JBS. Now that you raised I think I'm going to have to fold.
Reading it tilted me....I hate stuff like this here!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 11:51 AM
Just kill yourself OP clean up the gene pool some.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 12:05 PM
Alex actually refused to go to the cops after the break in. I immediately spoke up and said "I'm 100% innocent, lets go to the cops with this". He responded with "Thats not the way, I handle things and thats not the way its going to work".
Also, I might end up dead if I don't pay him back the money.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by swd805
Im starting to beleive NLL is Alex
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 12:12 PM


My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 12:17 PM
Im kinda hungry. I could go for a baguette right about now.

French Alex. SHIP IT!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 12:17 PM
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:01 PM
1. Check Out Least Busto BBV Threads
2. See how Grimm scamed everyone
3. Make up own BS pity Story
4. Tell everyone you need 30k
5. ????????????????
6. Profit
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:08 PM
Wait a second.... If you were taking 50euros of each daily stake, then how did u end up eating out of a trashcan?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:13 PM
Also you havent addressed the fact that your name is very similar to another leveler called PokerGrandMaster....

[ ] the story is real
[x] this thread was still great
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
30k euros was the supposed amount stolen. Once again, I have no way to confirm. One thing that leads me to believe him is that you are only allowed to bring 10k worth of cash when traveling to a foreign country. Before going through customs, he gave me 10k to hold on to (so i assume that he was holding onto 10k, and his wife the other 10k).

4.8k was the amount I lost online before my trip.

There is a possibility that he scammed me, but I really think its doubtful

OP is Alex' wife HOT???

My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by luckfactor


LOL, classic
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:53 PM
Ok now that he is out of the hotel I put the pic back up of my caller ID.

So you guys can take it for what it's worth but he really was at the NY doubletree.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:58 PM
anyone who thinks it is fake, has 2p2 leveling issues, lol

maybe they were hurt real bad by a past leveler.

Last edited by NoLimitLeagues; 06-18-2008 at 03:04 PM.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:15 PM
This thread gets better every post
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by 98mute

So you guys can take it for what it's worth but he really was at the NY doubletree.
so what? that doesnt validate any of the meaningful parts of his story, and hes yet to address the fact hes already been caught lying in other threads on 2p2
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:27 PM
If we choose to believe that OP endured all of the above over the last 10 days or so, then we must also choose to believe that OP's first instinct upon his return to the United States was to spend every waking second recounting his ordeal to BBV from the business center of a New York hotel. We must also choose to believe that OP's first, second, third, and fourth instincts in responding to allegations that his story was largely fictional was to (1) claim that he did not care if others thought he was lying; whilst (2) simultaneously doing everything he could to "prove" extraneous details to the cynical masses (i.e., "extraneous" as in proving that one was in Nice, France or the Doubletree Hotel during the relevant time period does not a truthteller make). We must also choose to believe that the natural fear for one's physical safety, fear for public revelation of one's own criminal misconduct, fear over public revelation of another person's criminal misconduct, and shame over public revelation of intimate details of familial relations -- did not deter OP from disclosing same on BBV. We must also choose to believe that OP experienced no jet lag after his international flight, and was able to draft a fairly logical, chronological and factually "robust" narrative of OP/Alex's relationship and activities despite having been homeless for the better part of the last week, and as mentioned, having just endured an international flight and hearing news of the tragedy of Chien Mien Wang.

Since most of the doubters have focused on poking holes in OP's factual accounts ... I thought I would add my two cents why OP's conduct in the very act of telling the story, in the first instance, is problematic.

Just my opinion.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:33 PM
he wasnt caught lying in other threads that i have seen and his story checks out, there are no holes. its a true story, you guys are hilarious.

lmfao you figured it out! you proved it couldnt be true because he would have been too jet lagged, bwahahhahahahha, weirdos...
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:41 PM
lol wow this is amazing. i just wanted to be a part of this thread.

just wow.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:41 PM
Someone cue up the Internets Srs Biz pic please, I'm too lazy.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 03:58 PM
Why would you pay him back the 8k?

He tried to scam you...
tell him to GTFO

stop being a little bitch about it
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 04:16 PM
[ ] 80% ball****
[x] 90% ball****
[ ] 100% ball****
[ ] True
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by dj_mercury
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
