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My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward

06-18-2008 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by Peoplez
I am not a native speaker of teh language english but after reading this I know 99.99% sure this is fake. You need more practising to get better @ lying and making stories up.

this pretty much

it's just like every other untalented liar or writer of fiction, no grasp of how certain people ACTUALLY act in certain situations, and no attention to detail

ya i know it's ZOMG 20 SOMETHING SHORT PARAGRAPHS ZOMG TL;DR but there really are no essential details here
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 01:29 AM
give up posting that it might be fake, that has been addressed 900xs
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
And nermal, yes. Book smarts doesn't always translate into being smart and more importantly honorable in the real world
Bro wtf are 'book smarts'? Does that mean like you read a book once? If you have you'd probably see why this story is so implausible.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 01:38 AM
let us know what he says to your email request to lower the debt from 30k to ~5k

re read the last 50 posts in this thread a few times b4 you email him.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 01:40 AM
Just drop the dime, or buy a gun. And bullets don't forget those.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by MotorBoatingSOB
First of all to understand what happened to killer, you gotta understand who killer the dog was. Now killer was born to a three-legged bitch of a mother. He was always ashamed of this, man. And then right after that he's adopted by this man, Tito Liebowitz he's a small time gun runner and a rotweiler fight promoter. So he puts killer into training. They see killer's good. He is damn good. But then he had the fight of his life. They pit him against his brother nibbles. And killer said "no man that's my brother, I can't fight nibbles" but they made him fight anyway, and killer, he killed nibbles. Killer said "that's it!" he called off all his fights, and he started doing crack, and he freaked out. Then in a rage, he collapsed, and his heart no longer beat. wow.

My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by DarkMagus
honestly wtf is with all the skepticism in this thread? who even cares if it's fake? it's a good story.

Well, that's my only problem, it's not a very good story nor is it very well written. That's all.

It's not like anybody should bear him any ill will, I certainly don't mind reading a bunch of made-up crap. They're called works of fiction.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:01 AM
Chump, I'm in serious trouble here and you're really not helping the situation at all. If you don't want to believe me than thats fine.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:01 AM
3 of these almost similar stories in the same forum...

27 pages of responses...13,000 plus views

I stopped reading after page 3...but this story reminds me of what his name's columns in the back of Bluff
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by NoLimitLeagues
everyone assume the stmts below are true for a minute and post what you would do:

everything OP has said is true

alex was scamming him from the start and the 30k theft really didnt happen

alex is dead serious about getting his money back

what should OP do? what would you do?
go out in a blaze of glory ldo
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
Chump, I'm in serious trouble here and you're really not helping the situation at all. If you don't want to believe me than thats fine.

Wait, give me a second and i'll catch up with the thread. Then we can concoct a marvelous life-saving scheme. Don't worry, i'm a writer as well.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:03 AM
The other three stories were obviously levels.

Great, kick a guy in the nuts while hes down.

That still doesn't change my situation at all and just adds to the bleeding
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:06 AM
Chump, obviously theres no quick fix or life saving scheme. Regardless of whether I was scammed for the 30k or not, I still owe the guy 5k+.

At this point, I'm just looking for advice on a) how I can turn my life around and b) what I should do about paying Alex back the supposed stolen amount of 30k. Once again, many people think I was scammed and I have no way to verify the actual amount stolen
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by ImThaGrandMaster
Sigh Alobar use your head, if I wanted a stake, I could get one easily.
Yeah, first thing everyone thought when they read your story about blowing stake money and stealing what you didn't lose was "SOUNDS LIKE A WINNER, BETTER STAKE THIS KID".

lol @ everyone debating the moral/legal issues of this bull**** fake story.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:14 AM
get a bartending job, or a waiter. or inside sales, outside sales, or telemarketing, anything that pays decent, construction, etc...

get 2 jobs, work 80 hours a week. stay away from poker for now. are you going back to school in the fall?

i think ive finally figured out what i would do. i would work 80hrs a week and pay this guy back 8k as fast as humanly possible. after i have paid back 8k i would make a request to alex, asking him to forgive the rest of the debt based on the fact that the 30k was never stolen and if it was it was an inside job and not your fault.

this is your best and only option imo.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:16 AM
Your story has more plot holes than the latest Indiana Jones movie.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:17 AM


NoLimitLeagues is a ****in genius and I really don't want to stop the rock, but on the off-chance even some parts of this are true, please stop listening to him. He's just getting you worked up with a taste of your own medicine. I wouldn't worry about a two-bit hustler on the other side of the globe.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:17 AM
Cables, thats the exact opposite of what they thought. Instead, they thought- Man this kid is a degen, he was dishonest, screwed over a guy who was trying to help him out (debatable) etc etc. Why would someone EVER stake him.

Do u see my point now?
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:18 AM
Whenever honesty is a problem there's a problem with something other than honesty.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Jonezy
Also, show me an airline which flies from Europe to US for that price and I'll show you Elton John's girlfriend.
Show me the ---ch! Most airlines charge a $100 or slightly more to change flight times, depending on what airline you fly on....$129 is very possible Europe to U.S.

However...this story is very fake!
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:20 AM
Chump, I appreciate your opinion and honestly it might be true. If this guy is as financially well of as he says he is (which I have no reason not to believe), then whats 30k to him.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:21 AM
Has no one ever heard of renters insurance? And did Alex file a police report after the break in?

This story is so stupid I can't believe some of you guys are actually falling for it.

Nolimitleagues' obsession with this story is quite disturbing also IMO. I bet he is tossing and turning in his bed wondering if the OP emailed Alex to ask if he can pay him 5-8k yet.
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:24 AM
Alex actually refused to go to the cops after the break in. I immediately spoke up and said "I'm 100% innocent, lets go to the cops with this". He responded with "Thats not the way, I handle things and thats not the way its going to work".

As for renters insurance, I highly doubt that it covers stolen cash
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:25 AM
lol, jbizz, if you read carefully there are many reasons this story is definitely true, i feel bad for the OP, he got scammed hard core. im just trying to help a fellow poker player. sounds like he doesnt have many people to give him good advice, smart of him to seek out advice

but hey if you dont have anything useful to post, just throw out some insults and yell liar, thats what alot of 2p2ers do
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
06-18-2008 , 02:26 AM
Guys, theres no point in arguing whether my story is true or not. People are going to believe what they want to believe...
My Story: My ,000 Mistake, How I Became Homeless in France, and Moving Forward Quote
