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Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities)

11-05-2009 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
Server is only set to scan 2c5c tables right now, see if these show up. It seems to be working for me.

I've kinda been on a binge of $1/$2 live poker so advances have been slow for the last week or so, I promise i'll get my act together as soon as profits drop below $20/hr, or in a week, whichever comes first.
Oh, I did not realize that. Hopefully you get it working higher soon.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-06-2009 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by skraper
Oh, I did not realize that. Hopefully you get it working higher soon.
I guess pick a blind level and I can switch it for you?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-07-2009 , 03:57 AM
I play 25c-50c 6max.

Would be really sweet if you could do that.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-07-2009 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by skraper
I play 25c-50c 6max.

Would be really sweet if you could do that.
Should be set up now. When I get enough poker winnings to buy a new computer I intend to have the software running on all blind levels by running about 20 servers with VMWare.

As always, please let me know of any bugs you run into... I'm sure there still are some.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-08-2009 , 01:11 PM
Thanks for working on this.

I'm using lots of FTP table and FTP card MODS. I don't want to give those up. Can I still use your software? THANKS!
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
Should be set up now. When I get enough poker winnings to buy a new computer I intend to have the software running on all blind levels by running about 20 servers with VMWare.

As always, please let me know of any bugs you run into... I'm sure there still are some.
Haven't had a chance to try this out yet. I def will tomorrow. Thanks!

Originally Posted by BuddyQ
Thanks for working on this.

I'm using lots of FTP table and FTP card MODS. I don't want to give those up. Can I still use your software? THANKS!
This is a good good question, though my instinct is that it would have no effect. At least on the table opener.

Definitive answer?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-10-2009 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by BuddyQ
Thanks for working on this.

I'm using lots of FTP table and FTP card MODS. I don't want to give those up. Can I still use your software? THANKS!
some features will, some wont. It depends on the mods themselves. I tried to make it so 99% of the features will work with around 70% of the mods, but some things cannot be modified (the PODs and usually the dealer button). Supporting all mods is impossible
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-12-2009 , 07:23 PM
I've figured out how to do mouse wheel scrolling. This and some performance upgrades will be coming shortly. In addition future releases will be about 4 megs larger and contain some incomplete parts of the future hand tracking system.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-16-2009 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
Sorry, As of now no. I will add this feature shortly... I agree it is very much needed.

You can set up a 'popup handler' to auto register, or use the ones already built in if there is one. I will be revising the way tournament registration is done eventually because treating it like a simple popup is useful... but I intend to add many more features, possibly at some point a table selection system for tournaments.
I'm having the same problem where it opens the sng lobby but won't actually click the buyin button to reg me for it. I have auto buyin on and popup handler on and I'm using class/basic windows7 theme. Windows just makes a dinging noise when the program tries to reg for the sng (like when you try to click outside a popup that won't allow you to).
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-18-2009 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by guitarizt
I'm having the same problem where it opens the sng lobby but won't actually click the buyin button to reg me for it. I have auto buyin on and popup handler on and I'm using class/basic windows7 theme. Windows just makes a dinging noise when the program tries to reg for the sng (like when you try to click outside a popup that won't allow you to).
add your own custom popup handler.... its a fairly simple process. this will work for sure
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-19-2009 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
add your own custom popup handler.... its a fairly simple process. this will work for sure
I tried doing it just now but it's confusing. I had it auto detect the window then I'm kind of lost from there.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-19-2009 , 07:50 PM
ok i'll describe exactly what to do

1)Press the NEW button
2)Type a name for the handler (the standard I use is FT:XXXXX where XXXXX is just some title)
3) Press the Auto Detect Button then put the mouse cursor over the title bar of the popup you want to add a handler for. The button will change from 'step 1' to 'step 2' after about 2 seconds.
4) When the button changes to say "Step 2" move the mouse cursor to the place where you want PPC to 'auto click' (for most popups this will be the close button, but in some cases it will be buy-in or something similar).
5) Put in a name for the popup's menu group. The specific name is not really relevant, but to keep the software neat i recommend using 'Cash' 'Tournament' or 'General'.
6) Put in a name for the popup's menu title, this is the name that will be displayed in the drop down menus.
7) Click Add

How it works:
The popup handler searches for any window on the screen matching the parameters specified by title, class, height, and width. In some cases, you may not want to use the title field, for example some popups have a different title depending on which table they have spawned from. In this case, leave that field blank, or set the height / width to 0 if you want it to be ignored. Setting too many fields to 0 may cause the handler to trigger when unwanted, although this is unlikely.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-29-2009 , 01:37 PM
I downloaded the software today.

I am primarily interested in the table opener.

I can get it to scan through the first 20 or so tables in the list but it never opens any. It then stops and restarts at the top after a 5 sec (or so) break.

How do I get it to open the table?

BTW: I use Vista with standard view lobby. I ran the Poker Companion as adminstrator.

Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-30-2009 , 09:02 PM
which table opener are u intersted in using? SNG or cash. If you want cash its probably because the server hasn't been running.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-18-2009 , 07:02 AM

just found this software, as I am looking for sng signup on FTP.

I can get the software to register for SNG's, but there are two major problems making the software unusable.

First, when the software is looking through the table lists, the software starts freaking out, popping back and forth between the table and the FTP menu. Like every 1/2 second the taskbar is flashing back and forth. This happens constantly when its looking through the sit and go's, and hinders my ability to click on the tables. (I have to left click on the table, then click the action button, sometimes sevearl times) I have disabled all features in the software except the signup option, but nothing is helping this issue. It seems to be stealing the focus from the tables constantly, even when its my turn at the tables.... (USING WINDOWS 7)

Second problem is that the software doesn't seem to know how many tables I am playing at. Somtimes when testing I set it for 2 sit and go's, and it registers me for 3 or 4. Sometimes, if it tries to register for a tournament, but its full already, it will think I'm in 2 when I'm only in 1.

Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-26-2009 , 04:29 AM
Long awaited updates are now on the way. Just finished translating the entire project (from c++ to c#... for several reasons) and reworking the underlying architecture. The net result should be improved performance and reliability of the software and much quicker feature development in the near future. Key upgrades starting in version 2.0 include

For now please run the software in 'demo' mode.... entering password and username is unnecessary

1) Better Client-Server system....
You can now easily setup and run your own servers... Be sure to properly setup port forwarding to the server computer if you are using this over a router. To avoid port forwarding, you can most likely use or use the local ip, usually 192.168.xxxx:xxxxx. you can find the IP part by using start->run->cmd->ipconfig, and use the port number that you set the server up with.

2) More logical layout...
Some stuff has been moved around / renamed to be more clear.

3) Bug fixes...
This is the big one. I have no idea how many bugs I have fixed in the last month, but there's a lot... most likely introduced a few new ones too, but everything should be working a lot more smoothly in the next few weeks.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-28-2009 , 05:44 PM
I'm currently working on upgrades to the SNG registration system.

The plan I have in mind for now is to have a system that gets into and out of tournaments through the PC software only. This system would immidately register and close the tournament buy-in popup + the tournament lobby.

Also, the system should be able to fairly effectively keep track of how many tournaments its in as well as tournaments it's registered for, something that is a little bit tricky and not managed well in the current system.

Any other feature requests for this system??
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-28-2009 , 06:31 PM
Is it possible you could do a quick run down of the program and its features. For people that do not want to skim through almost 400 posts? Sorry if it comes off as lazy. Just would be alot more useful for people that are just not looking at the program.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-28-2009 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
I'm currently working on upgrades to the SNG registration system.

The plan I have in mind for now is to have a system that gets into and out of tournaments through the PC software only. This system would immidately register and close the tournament buy-in popup + the tournament lobby.

Also, the system should be able to fairly effectively keep track of how many tournaments its in as well as tournaments it's registered for, something that is a little bit tricky and not managed well in the current system.

Any other feature requests for this system??
If you could provide the same functionality as FTS used to in regards to:

1. Only register if a particular number of players are already registered.

2. Avoid registering if certain players are registered.

That'd be a huge improvement. The next step I'd like to see would be reading the color code next to each player summing the weights assigned by the user for each color and only registering if the result is below a user defined threshold.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-29-2009 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by JLaw
If you could provide the same functionality as FTS used to in regards to:

1. Only register if a particular number of players are already registered.

2. Avoid registering if certain players are registered.

That'd be a huge improvement. The next step I'd like to see would be reading the color code next to each player summing the weights assigned by the user for each color and only registering if the result is below a user defined threshold.
1) easy
2) hard (but it will happen eventually)
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-29-2009 , 11:17 PM
the next version (2.0.4) will contain an upgraded SNG opener and some of the requested features. I will post the update tonight in the next couple hours
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-30-2009 , 12:39 AM
As promised, I have posted an updated version of PC. You guys will find a far improved automatic tournament registration system as well as a small number of bug fixes.

Also, this and future versions will contain skeletons of the future 'tracking' system. The first use of the tracking system will be simply tagging of players as 'fish' or 'sharks' for use in table selection purposes for both ring games and tournaments.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-30-2009 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by fareals
Is it possible you could do a quick run down of the program and its features. For people that do not want to skim through almost 400 posts? Sorry if it comes off as lazy. Just would be alot more useful for people that are just not looking at the program.
the program's website has the feature run-down, although its a bit out of date. I was thinking of eventually putting together a 'wiki' for the software so that users can sorta develop a manual for the software based on their own experiences and info from this forum thread.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-30-2009 , 06:53 PM
New user: Just installed 2.0.4 (on my Vista PC) from and can't seem to get past the log in screen to try this program at all.

When I open PC I get this log in screen:

I hit "Register (Free)" and regsitered a user name and password, but when I use that info I always get "invalid login". I also tried to use that registration info on after registering, but the site didn't seem to recognize the log in either.

What am I doing wrong here?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
12-30-2009 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by ffr
New user: Just installed 2.0.4 (on my Vista PC) from and can't seem to get past the log in screen to try this program at all.

When I open PC I get this log in screen:

I hit "Register (Free)" and regsitered a user name and password, but when I use that info I always get "invalid login". I also tried to use that registration info on after registering, but the site didn't seem to recognize the log in either.

What am I doing wrong here?
hey... you have done EVERYTHING correct. please see the next post
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
