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Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities)

09-12-2009 , 10:37 AM
What pokersith and digit postet as a request for the table opener would be great!

Definig parameters for tables and number of tables to be opened. When the tables pops up automatically buy in, sit in and wait for big blind.

Automatically close tables I am not seated anymore. And close tables when sitting out more than x rounds.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-12-2009 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by digit
My ideal setup would be:

1: Shortcuts

Key 1: Bet 3.5bbs (preflop)
Key2: Bet 3bbs (preflop)
Key3: Bet 2/3 pot (postflop)
Key4: Bet pot (postflop)
Key5: All in

2: Table Opener

I would like to be able to be able to define a number of parameters for the table-opener (e.g number of tables required, minimum vpip, minimum number of players seated, maximum wait list) and then have the table opener seat me or add me to the waiting list at these tables.

3: Close dialog boxes

When a table i'm on the waiting list for becomes available automatically seat me and buy me in. Automatically click wait for blinds.

4: Auto Timebank

If you succeed in getting this working for stacked tables you're a legend!


I still have problems with the table opener, it's not listing all the tables available in the FT Lobby, it seems to be listing some tables 3 times each, and it doesn't seem to distinguish between regular/ante/turbo tables. I presume some of these problems are because there is no permanent server yet? Do you have an idea of when you expect the table opener to be fully functional?

I'm on XP service pack 3.

Permanent server coming as soon as i have the shortcuts functionality finished as you described

Table opener fully functional approximately 2 weeks.

dialog boxes / wait for blinds, etc. very soon

auto time bank on stacked seems to be a serious concern , but I will put together a solution that detects time on a table in question and swaps it into a different position if necessary to bring it to the front (without overlapping other active tables).
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-12-2009 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by younggunz
I'll add in my two cents about table opener requests. I would want to define how often it scans for a new table. The old FTTO would only scan every minute, so it would miss out on a lot of tables I was looking for therefore I would like it to scan every 2-5 seconds. Is that too CPU intensive?

2nd thing I would like is to define a "do not join this table if I played on it in last 30 minutes". FTTO had this feature and it worked great. I play with 50bb's so I don't want to rejoin tables where I doubled up because I am too much of a pussy to play real poker with 100bb's
scanning isnt cpu intensive but it could be annoying because it requires interaction with the lobby. hence why i have a server that scans constantly and updates every 2 seconds ish. I think 5s for a update to make its way through the entire system is a very reasonable target in the very near future

the 'last 30 min' feature is a great suggestion, i'll eventually make something like this available
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-12-2009 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by ffr
1.) Auto time bank (+1 to the earleir comment that you will be a LEGEND if you can get this feature to work with stacked tables)

2.) BetPot feature. Instead of having set amounts the program will use, can't we get the option to set the desired amounts for each street ourselves?

3.) Auto activate the table with your mouse over. So when you move your mouse from table to table, the table your mouse is over is always in front and the one you can act on.

4.) Close dialog boxes. As mentioned above: "When a table i'm on the waiting list for becomes available automatically seat me and buy me in.

5.) Auto buy in for new tables and close dialog box.

6.) Automatically click wait for blinds when seated at a new table.

7.) Autosize tables to a predefined size that we set.

8.) Not sure if this has been mentioned, but PLEASE, PLEASE have support for Pot Limit Omaha. Every PLO regular I have talked with LOVED PSC and feels lost without it working correctly. If you get this program working I'm pretty sure every single PLO reg will be a customer.

1) as mentioned previously i'll keep looking into solutions for this
2) yes, eventually
3) already implemented
4) mostly already done
5) as before, dialog boxes area already 100% solved, buy in wont be far away
6) soon
7) already implemented
8) i'll look into this very closely after i have this working for NL HE.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-12-2009 , 06:17 PM
A couple pieces of good news
1) I completed most of the technically complicated pieces of my software that were missing for implementing a 'bet pot' or 'bet half pot' button. These should be finished very soon

2) I tested my software on a PLO table and it just happens to work by default as far as I can tell. If there are any technical complications about the game of omaha that I might be missing someone should let me know, but i'm fairly confident support for PLO should be a piece of cake. 7 card stud... probably not going to happen but Omaha looks very promising.

Eventually the software should work with any table size, but initially it will only work with smaller tables (until the font size increases).

Also, I dont really plan to support anything other than racetrack view. As far as I can tell all the serious players use the racetrack view already. The main reason for this decision is the fact that the racetrack layout is much better suited for developing a HUD in the near future. If people begin to demand support on the standard view I may reconsider later on.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-13-2009 , 10:33 PM
More good news: a long awaited feature is now completed: 'bet pot' shortcuts, etc. are now available in test version 1.3.2. There are still a few things that need to get polished out like fractional bets, etc. but for now all the complicated parts are completed and available for testing.

Next step: predefined bet amounts for each street

Also the current version needs to be run in racketrack view and at the smallest possible size (the software should automatically take care of the resizing). These requirements should slowly drop away with newer versions.

The latest update also includes the beginnings of what will eventually becomes a highly responsive HUD. Sorry if this inconveniences anyone.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-14-2009 , 04:20 PM
Starting today I will begin rolling out a number of the main features that have been requested several times already.

1) 'betpot' buttons: predefined buttons can now be used to control bet sizing relative to the pot size, or big blind size (eventually the maxbet size as well)
2) 'autobet' feature: predefined bet sizes filled in based on the pot size
3) 'increment' feature: upgraded, increments by the small blind amount

All of these features will round to the nearest small blind amount

Once these 3 features are completed I will begin work on the last remaining components necessary to make my software fully useful. These include:
1) Automatically taking open seats
2) Automatically leaving tables who fall out of preset criteria (first unposting then exiting when necessary, etc.)

After these features are completed the software adequately fill in where other software packages have failed after the update, but don't worry, there will be MUCH more to come.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-14-2009 , 08:44 PM
Just decided to try this out, but it seems that I can't connect to the server, and the SNG regger doesn't seem to work. I assumed you had to use the classic lobby as well?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-15-2009 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by uofi2012
Just decided to try this out, but it seems that I can't connect to the server, and the SNG regger doesn't seem to work. I assumed you had to use the classic lobby as well?
It SHOULD work in both lobbies. You can look through the documentation on how to set it up to work properly. If not, I will check into the issue if you give me your OS etc. I haven't worked on the SNG registerer in a few weeks but it is one of the next priority items on my list.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-15-2009 , 12:08 AM
V 1.3.3 has just been posted to the website. Notable improvements include
1) Betting buttons, auto-filling bets
2) Increment / decrement improved
3) Hud Disabling (right now its mostly there for debugging purposes but eventually it will replace the pokertracker hud)

Some of these features are largely untested. Please let me know of any bugs you guys find and in the meantime I will get started on some of the other feature upgrades / requests.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-15-2009 , 02:11 AM
I spent a little time testing my software and found a few minor bugs in the highlighting and tabbing system which came from optimizations I added about a week ago. These are now fixed and available in v 1.3.4
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-15-2009 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by uofi2012
Just decided to try this out, but it seems that I can't connect to the server, and the SNG regger doesn't seem to work. I assumed you had to use the classic lobby as well?
Also, in the 'STANDARD' view the sng registerer and custom lobby joining etc should all work but only when the widgets are ordered properly. the online documentation outlines how to do this.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-15-2009 , 12:56 PM
I just installed it and registered on the website. Every time I try to run the program and login, it freezes on me. Any idea what's wrong?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-15-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
I just installed it and registered on the website. Every time I try to run the program and login, it freezes on me. Any idea what's wrong?
Yeah... I think it was an issue with the server. Go ahead and try again or just run in offline mode and let me know what happens.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:59 AM
I've found some bugs with the custom lobby that I will be fixing shortly. Oftentimes I spend 2 days or so focusing on aspect of the software and miss something else that has been broken in the process. This is why i appreciate it when people let me know of bugs. Oftentimes I am not yet aware of them.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:16 AM
I've just uploaded version 1.3.5. A number of issues have been fixed along with a few upgrades. Everyone who expects to communicate with the server should upgrade to this version, older versions may cause the server to crash.

The upgraded lobby search algorithm can open up tables at a rate of about 1-2 tables per second. Also, the algorithm now automatically detects and corrects when the lobby is not sorted in ascending order by table name without using any form of ORC. The fact that ORC is not used is the fundamental reason that the lobby can be hidden and the software will still properly interact with the lobby (opening up tables, etc).
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:11 AM
Good to see another player in this market. What is currently available for FTP are definitely struggling to accommodate the new software.

I have a feature suggestion:
Maintain a queue of tables needing attention. Provide a hotkey that activates the next table in the queue and (optionally) moves the mouse to a user-configurable location on this table. If the user presses the hotkey again without taking action, send the current table to the back of the queue and activate the next table in line.

TableNinjaFT does this (for the most part, not sure if the queue works exactly this way) now, but the mouse position isn't configurable. Being able to specify the mouse position will save me a lot of time and brain power.

Also, a question: will your functions work if our table graphics are modded? I think most regulars do this and is a significant detraction if it isn't supported (TNFT doesn't at the moment).
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by jschell
Good to see another player in this market. What is currently available for FTP are definitely struggling to accommodate the new software.

I have a feature suggestion:
Maintain a queue of tables needing attention. Provide a hotkey that activates the next table in the queue and (optionally) moves the mouse to a user-configurable location on this table. If the user presses the hotkey again without taking action, send the current table to the back of the queue and activate the next table in line.

TableNinjaFT does this (for the most part, not sure if the queue works exactly this way) now, but the mouse position isn't configurable. Being able to specify the mouse position will save me a lot of time and brain power.

Also, a question: will your functions work if our table graphics are modded? I think most regulars do this and is a significant detraction if it isn't supported (TNFT doesn't at the moment).
1) Most of your feature suggestions have already been implemented with the exception of one part. The location of the optional mouse movement was not implemented but I have added it due to your request. The whole queue system should work beautifully already in my software.

2) modded graphics will unfortunately break a lot of the functions. Unfortunately this problem is VERY hard to get around. There are some mods which would most likely not affect my software, but most of the more heavy graphical modifications would mess up a number of parts of the code. I may come back and fix this later but the amount of hastle in getting it to work properly with 'any' mod heavily outweighs the benefit. Also, currently only racetrack view is supported (I may or may not worry about fixing this as I doubt many of the regulars use anything other than racetrack) and only tables with 9 seats are supported (this will be fixed much sooner).

Also. Keep in mind that all of the features you have asked for are rather complex. Implementing 1 or 2 of them is not difficult, but getting them all to work together nicely is technically challenging primarily because different users want different features. The result of this predicament is that to get my software to work nicely you will probably have to mess around with the 'highlighting' settings. The hot key you speak of is 'tab.' Look around in the user manual... it is currently outdated but provides a lot of useful information especially about how tabbing works.

Last edited by dashortstack; 09-16-2009 at 04:50 AM.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 06:19 AM
Any plans/eta for auto timebank/ auto "I'm Back" or sit back in?

Does the SNG regger work for nonstandard SNG's: super turbos, HUSNG's etc?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by uofi2012
Any plans/eta for auto timebank/ auto "I'm Back" or sit back in?

Does the SNG regger work for nonstandard SNG's: super turbos, HUSNG's etc?
1) probably about a week. i would also group a number of similar things like automatically taking an empty seat for cash tables in this group

2) i believe so. read the documentation, this should clear things up a bit, you will just have to make sure that the actual full tilt lobby is filtered in a manner such that only the type of SNG you want is available. The software only reads the text fields off of the lobby and ensures they match the text fields from the selection criteria. Things like turbo matrix or shootout are not checked by the software, but this will not be a problem as long as you turn on the proper filters in the full tilt lobby. Various improvements to the SNG regger are next on my list of things to do. In 2-3 days it will function far more effectively, although the current setup should be at the very least usable.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:04 AM
Erm, whenever I mouse over a table it is picking a spot in the top left corner and forcing my mouse back there whenever I move it. To end this, I have to shut down the program through task manager.

Known issue?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by fvariance
Erm, whenever I mouse over a table it is picking a spot in the top left corner and forcing my mouse back there whenever I move it. To end this, I have to shut down the program through task manager.

Known issue?
try turning off 'auto center mouse' in the highlighting options or pressing ctrl + d to deactivate all tables. This really isnt an issue, its a feature (:

For the future i will disable auto centering of the mouse cursor by default in versions 1.3.7+.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:41 PM
I tried this software just now 3tabling $1.25 SNGs on my Windows 7 system. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use it, because one of the table is auto activated all the time, therefore making it nearly impossible to control other windows than the tables.

I tried turning off all the features but the problem persisted.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by rubbishaka80
I tried this software just now 3tabling $1.25 SNGs on my Windows 7 system. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use it, because one of the table is auto activated all the time, therefore making it nearly impossible to control other windows than the tables.

I tried turning off all the features but the problem persisted.
I assume this is an issue where your are tying to multitask, using both poker and maybe the internet or a chat client where typing is triggering some of the shortcuts. I suppose this will be an issue for a number of players so I might as well try to find a resolution now rather than later. Look for several solutions for this issue in the next software update in about an hour.

Thank you for letting me know about this situation.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by rubbishaka80
I Unfortunately, I wasn't able to use it, because one of the table is auto activated all the time, therefore making it nearly impossible to control other windows than the tables.
After a very large headache, the issue described here has been resolved. version 1.3.8+ contain the fix which hopefully does not break on win7 or in any other odd circumstances. When another application is active, PC should no longer automatically activate any tables or accept simple keyboard shortcuts (with a few exceptions like 'tab').
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
