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Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities)

10-19-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by 1.21Jigawatts
I just installed the latest version but still can't get the cash table opener to work. Most of the time I start PCP it doesn't seem to scan the fulltilt lobby at all except for one occasion where it bought the fulltilt lobby to the front, started scanning tables and I couldn't click anything else because the fulltilt lobby kept stealing focus from all other windows while it scanned for tables (also no tables were opened, just continuous scanning)

When I manually click 'open table' on the custom lobby it's opening the table alright, but it doesn't seat me or buy me in.

Seating / buying in are other functions in the program. Do you have table actions -> cash only -> take open seat selected? Buying in is a popup handler, I imagine this component works but you cant tell because the buy in window isnt popping up.

If you have actions->cash only->take open seat enabled,
1) do you have any graphical mods installed
2) are you in racetrack view (not sure if i've implemented this yet for classic view)

As far as the the opener goes, you need to click off of the PPC main window. Note the blue text in the upper right corner that says 'running', 'manual', or 'paused.' Most of the automated features are disabled when the software is in any mode other than 'running'

I hope this helps with most of your issues. Please let me know which ones are still not resolved and I will fix them if it is an actual software issue.


Edit: the scanning behavior you experiences is most likely caused by at least one of the following issues (probabally both together)
1) The table that the software is trying to get into is not visible. This could be due to the lag time from when a table changes (either removed or drops off your filters) to when the table's stats change in the PC lobby. This lag time will decrease significantly in future versions when i have multiple servers scanning the lobby simultaneousness.
2) Full tilt (or your computer in general) is not updating the lobby as fast as PC is scanning. Generally this would just cause the software to take longer to find the table its looking for, but its possible that this is the reason for the glitch. The code used for entering the table is identical for the 'open table' button and the automatic option, so the scanning behavior you describe is most likely a glitch that may show up in both features.
Try the following as an attempt to resolve these issues:
1) Use the 'standard' lobby view
2) do NOT filter the full tilt lobby by number of players seated or minimum average pot, (instead use the filters included with the PC lobby and PC table opener).

Sorry for the complexity, I will try to work to make everything smoother in the near future

Last edited by dashortstack; 10-19-2009 at 07:06 PM.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-21-2009 , 01:16 AM
I've added a few updates.... avaliable in v 1.3.5 on the poker companion website.
1) There was a bug which could cause PC to 'crash' in some cases if the 'keep PC on top' option was selected. I believe this was actually due to bug with the underlying microsoft windowing system, but nevertheless its resolved
2) the table opener has been somewhat improved... it will now select the 'best' available tables.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-23-2009 , 01:26 AM
Available in v 1.3.36:

1) Large improvements to the highlighting system:
a) 'Flicker' when selecting tables by mouse is now eliminated
b) An issue which caused all the tables to be highlighted as needing action has now been resolved
c) A similar issue which caused single tables to be highlighted as the mouse was swept across several tables has been improved drastically. Further improvement may have a negative impact on preformance... I will tweak more later on based on user feedback.
d) Highlighting process is now much 'snappier' due to other improvements in the graphics system.

2)Improvements to the popup system: In rare instances, the popup manager would cause accidental mouse clicks (usually resulting in the chat box popping out of a table). This is no longer an issue.

3) Improvements to the custom lobby

4) Improvements to the table opener including 'Banned Tables'

5) A control panel for easy access to some of the more commonly used features during gameplay.

Enjoy (=
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-23-2009 , 03:27 AM
Love the progress I'm seeing with PPC. If you could add some selection criteria to the SNG opener I'd happily make a donation to the cause.

Step #1 would probably be a mode similar to what FTS used to have -- don't register until X players are already registered, avoid players on the sharklist, etc.

Ideally there'd be more selection capabilities -- for example, I have color-coded most of the players I've played against. It'd be so cool if I could define a weighting for each color, then have PPC scan the lobby, sum up the color weightings and only register if the result meets certain criteria.

That basically mirrors my own manual selection criteria.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-23-2009 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by JLaw
Love the progress I'm seeing with PPC. If you could add some selection criteria to the SNG opener I'd happily make a donation to the cause.

Step #1 would probably be a mode similar to what FTS used to have -- don't register until X players are already registered, avoid players on the sharklist, etc.

Ideally there'd be more selection capabilities -- for example, I have color-coded most of the players I've played against. It'd be so cool if I could define a weighting for each color, then have PPC scan the lobby, sum up the color weightings and only register if the result meets certain criteria.

That basically mirrors my own manual selection criteria.
My thoughts exactly.

Also I recall in another thread you mentioned adding "how many BB in stack" hud like was in FTS/PSC. Any word on this?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-23-2009 , 09:03 AM

Sry i dont have time to read this whole thread as im in work but could someone answer a quick question?

in pokershortcuts they had a feature that was great for multi tabling sng's.. you could make reg and fish lists and tell it when to automatically open new tables etc with the different list taken into account ( IF > 4 regs don't open )

does this have anything like that? fulltilt and ipoker mainly

Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-23-2009 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by holdemfoldem

Sry i dont have time to read this whole thread as im in work but could someone answer a quick question?

in pokershortcuts they had a feature that was great for multi tabling sng's.. you could make reg and fish lists and tell it when to automatically open new tables etc with the different list taken into account ( IF > 4 regs don't open )

does this have anything like that? fulltilt and ipoker mainly

It will eventually. Unfortunately doing this sort of work for SNGs is much more complicated. Reading through the lobby for tables, player names, etc is possible even if the lobby is stacked or hidden. For tournaments, this is not possible in full tilt. Although standard irc methods can be used, this is not preferred because it is buggy and wont work if the lobbies are stacked. I recommend you check back in a few weeks.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-23-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
My thoughts exactly.
Also I recall in another thread you mentioned adding "how many BB in stack" hud like was in FTS/PSC. Any word on this?
I can do this fairly easy. I am looking to add some standard HUD features like VPIP etc eventually as well. I'm guessing this will come when those features come as well. I might even be able to toss in a basic ICM calculator (i think full tilt would allow it if it only calculates current EV and not the EV of different stacks.)

My no 1 goal right now is to fully automate the cash entry / exit process. At that point i guess i'll start looking to add the features that people have been requesting for sit and gos.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-23-2009 , 05:58 PM
Just put out a few more updates in v 1.3.37...

The next update may be a ways off, but will start to contain some database components.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-24-2009 , 03:36 PM
where can i download this to try it out?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-25-2009 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by jogden139
where can i download this to try it out?
Sorry, for some unexplained reason I'm not allowed to post links to my software (dont ask me, ask the admins). I think you should be able to find it fairly easily on Google.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-25-2009 , 12:29 AM
Good news....

I've spent some time working with some database ideas, and poker companion will likely include a tracking system (similar to PT3 / HEM except faster and more informative) in the near future. I am not sure how long this well take, but I am sure it most likely will become a reality.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-25-2009 , 04:31 AM
Couple of things -

1. I downloaded the newest version, yet the popup keeps saying a new version is available.

2. I registered, but even after I enter my username and password, the "login" button is greyed out and I cannot click it. Should I just click demo and use it? Will it remember my settings?

3. (edit) - I just opened it in the demo mode and opened Full Tilt. Whenever I click in the lobby on a tournament, it starts scrolling down automatically then stops. ???

Last edited by arjun13; 10-25-2009 at 04:39 AM.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-25-2009 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
Couple of things -

1. I downloaded the newest version, yet the popup keeps saying a new version is available.

2. I registered, but even after I enter my username and password, the "login" button is greyed out and I cannot click it. Should I just click demo and use it? Will it remember my settings?

3. (edit) - I just opened it in the demo mode and opened Full Tilt. Whenever I click in the lobby on a tournament, it starts scrolling down automatically then stops. ???
Demo mode does everything that logging in would do. I just have the server down a lot because I'm working on it right now. As far as the 'new version' issue is concerned, I may know the problem. If you have had a earlier version of PC installed, its probably due to a bug with the microsoft installer package. You have to go in manually and delete all of the files in the
application data / Poker Companion folder. The location of this folder is differnet depending on the OS, but for XP its c:\Documents and Settings\'your username'\Application Data\...
for Vista/win7 its \AppData i think, but in both cases it is a hidden folder so you will either have to type in the 'application data' part or show hidden folders. Delete that and reinstall the new version and both issues SHOULD disappear. If not, let me know.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-27-2009 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
Demo mode does everything that logging in would do. I just have the server down a lot because I'm working on it right now. As far as the 'new version' issue is concerned, I may know the problem. If you have had a earlier version of PC installed, its probably due to a bug with the microsoft installer package. You have to go in manually and delete all of the files in the
application data / Poker Companion folder. The location of this folder is differnet depending on the OS, but for XP its c:\Documents and Settings\'your username'\Application Data\...
for Vista/win7 its \AppData i think, but in both cases it is a hidden folder so you will either have to type in the 'application data' part or show hidden folders. Delete that and reinstall the new version and both issues SHOULD disappear. If not, let me know.
What about the scrolling problem I mentioned earlier?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-28-2009 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by arjun13
What about the scrolling problem I mentioned earlier?
Do you have the tournament opener on? If so, is it configured properly? I have not been able to reproduce the issue you are having, so if possible i would like to contact you directly to get this issue resolved. If the tournament and table openers are all off, I do not think it is possible for the software to scroll through the lobby.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-29-2009 , 04:08 PM
Poker Companion w/ tracking (VPIP, etc) is just around the corner. The initial release will most likely only have about 5 stats (total hands, avg bb/100, VPIP, AF, Preflop raise). More stats and customization of the HUD will come later.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-30-2009 , 07:39 PM
Is this supposed to work with the most recent FT update?
The program looks really nice but I cant get any tables to show up except the ones im already seated at... so I cant use the auto-sit function

Is this solvable?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-31-2009 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by jango
Is this supposed to work with the most recent FT update?
The program looks really nice but I cant get any tables to show up except the ones im already seated at... so I cant use the auto-sit function

Is this solvable?
Yes this is solvable. Currently I am only running a server to scan through 2c5c tables. Try testing out at that level in the custom lobby to see if you can get those tables to show up. Then try using the open table feature etc. and let me know what works. Anything that does not work is certainly solvable...

Currently I'm kinda busy piecing together all the parts of a tracking component. Once this is complete a lot of new features will become possible, and I will spend some more time debugging / increasing performance.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-31-2009 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
Yes this is solvable. Currently I am only running a server to scan through 2c5c tables. Try testing out at that level in the custom lobby to see if you can get those tables to show up. Then try using the open table feature etc. and let me know what works. Anything that does not work is certainly solvable...

Currently I'm kinda busy piecing together all the parts of a tracking component. Once this is complete a lot of new features will become possible, and I will spend some more time debugging / increasing performance.
No man, still doesnt work. I tried in "Classic View" lobby as well as "Standard View".
I also checked the filters in PPC but they are set correctly.
Only the tables that I'm already sitting at can be seen in the custom lobby.

Anything else I could try?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-31-2009 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by jango
No man, still doesnt work. I tried in "Classic View" lobby as well as "Standard View".
I also checked the filters in PPC but they are set correctly.
Only the tables that I'm already sitting at can be seen in the custom lobby.

Anything else I could try?
When you first turn on the software, are you able to 'login' or is the button grayed out, forcing you to use the 'demo' mode. It may be a connection issue.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-31-2009 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by dashortstack
When you first turn on the software, are you able to 'login' or is the button grayed out, forcing you to use the 'demo' mode. It may be a connection issue.
I can click the login button, I'm not having an account though.
I tried to register via your page but unfortunately the email never came in.
So I started in demo mode as well as by just clicking login but neither one works for me.

I also tried "settings > connection > refresh server list" and also chose the IP from the dropdown there, but it didn't have any effect.

Damn, I really want to get this to work, it looks so sweet....

Thx for the help so far buddy, is there anything else I could try?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
10-31-2009 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by jango
I can click the login button, I'm not having an account though.
I tried to register via your page but unfortunately the email never came in.
So I started in demo mode as well as by just clicking login but neither one works for me.

I also tried "settings > connection > refresh server list" and also chose the IP from the dropdown there, but it didn't have any effect.

Damn, I really want to get this to work, it looks so sweet....

Thx for the help so far buddy, is there anything else I could try?
I'll work with you to get this fixed over some instant messaging client. Check your PM.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-04-2009 , 07:42 PM
Program looks really cool.

I set the filters for the cash games but no tables show up. Any ideas?
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
11-05-2009 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by skraper
Program looks really cool.

I set the filters for the cash games but no tables show up. Any ideas?
Server is only set to scan 2c5c tables right now, see if these show up. It seems to be working for me.

I've kinda been on a binge of $1/$2 live poker so advances have been slow for the last week or so, I promise i'll get my act together as soon as profits drop below $20/hr, or in a week, whichever comes first.
Free Software: Poker Companion (FT Shortcuts, Highlighting, Utilities) Quote
