Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
I definitely dont agree with this. The internet and social media has completely changed the sports landscape. ESPN.com use to be a sports site 5 years ago where is now it is more of a glorified gossip site. Take for example someone like Michael Jordan who is arguably the most beloved figure in North American sports history. Jordan was a known womanizer, degenerate gambler, talked down to teammates, fought with teammates and was one of the most ruthless trash talkers in the game. If he is playing today you really think Disney is signing him up to do Space Jam. No due to image concerns they wouldn't because his personality faults on and away from the court much like Tiger would be so much more publicized compared to when he was playing.
Kobe appeared on 'Modern Family' not too long ago, which is a show on ABC, which is owned by Disney Media Networks. Granted, they didn't build a 'movie' around Kobe, but he's heavily scrutinized, doesn't have the cleanest track record, throws teammates under the bus to the media (Jordan never did), supposedly only cares about 'winning' despite never wanting to share in the glory of building his legacy, and is just about the most contrived and overrated modern athlete I've ever had the displeasure of watching. Despite Kobe's many flaws, it's hard to believe in the modern media of which you speak of, with Kobe being about on par with Barry Bonds on so many levels, yet he still seems to get away with way too much; Bonds getting nailed for far more during/after his career.
So, while it's less likely that Disney would green light a 'Space Jam' if Jordan were playing in today's era, it's not impossible. Also, consider that Jordan's career was
always heavily scrutinized, and it did have some overlap with the emergence of the internet. Despite having cameras/media following him around 24/7, he (and those around him) did one hell of a job protecting his image. Jordan's private life was airtight, basically staying indoors pretty much all of the time he wasn't golfing/playing in private rooms. A lot of the negative stuff about Jordan, didn't really get into the mainstream's consciousness until after his career was over (Sam Smith's 'The Jordan Rules' was really the only thing people got their hands on until many year's later).
If he were playing today, he would definitely be getting nailed for something, but I think he's smart enough to play good for the most part. LeBron has a pretty good image on/off of the court, and despite that, he still gets scrutinized too much. Still, could you see Disney or some other major studio, at least consider making him the centerpiece of a movie? I could (I wouldn't want to go see it though).
Last edited by SteveMcQueen; 09-24-2014 at 03:16 PM.