Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
Of course we are all individuals and we all want different things. I clearly stated I would prefer to be playing 9 man turbos over 6 man hypers but If I regged 9 mans all day I would be the only one. Would that be any different if hypers did not exist? Probably not much. There certainly would not be any where near enough traffic to do it full time. Obviously from a Stars perspective the addition of O8 hypers was done partially with the intention of making the site more profit but if they had not added them I likely would not even be still playing on stars. hypers are far and away the most popular brand of sng stars has ever offered among recs because the majority of recs want to play fast games. I liked playing sngs so I switched to hypers along with a lot of other sng regs. I would imagine a lot of us in the sng community would still prefer 9 mans to be the most popular format but it is clearly not. Like it or not the majority of players want to play fast games so stars is giving them what they want. Its not just all about getting the most rake possible out of us. If anything Stars saved the O8 sng players by adding O8 hypers because with out it there probably would be no such thing as an O8 sng pro atm. Stars didnt kill O8 9 mans Black Friday did.
You would probably be the only person I have spoken to who would denied that the introductions of 08 hypers has had a seriously detrimental effect on the volume 9/18 mans 08 sngs.
It may be true that no one was getting rich of 08 9/18 mans but for many they were a vital part of their income and the ability to grind these in tough times has kept lots of MTT players rolls alive. In addition to this some people did actually make a living from them.
It is also still debatable whether someone can make a living from 08 hypers in the long term as they are still new. Many games are great when they are first introduced but either stop running or the economy supporting them is not sustainable.
My personal opinion which I have generally withheld from revealing due to having respect for everyone who makes a living from 08 is that 08 hypers will prove to have a negative impact on the o8 economy. I suspect they suck up too much money in rake for anyone but the top guys to do well in them and they allow weaker players to go broke way too quickly.
Originally Posted by UnnaturalDisaster
And on the Amaya thing...People need to stop worshiping the Sheinbergs like they were some kind of saints. They were trying to make as much money as they could while they were in control just like any other big business and no different than Amaya. Usually that will mean offering whatever is most popular among the general public and of course Amaya is going to bring in casino games because that is the world they come from and that is their expertise.
You do not have to think the Sheinbergs were saints to have respect for how they handled their operation and steered it to be by the clear market leader.
Their is an analogy often used used to describe how businesses can change as they grow based on the humble apple pie:
A company start making the best apple pies in the market. They cram in the most apple pies into a slice as possible and they use a great quality of butter in their pastry. After a while they become very successful because of these great quality pies that people love and have come to trust.
One day someone in an office runs a calculation as realises that if they take out one piece of apple from each slice of pie they can save xxx thousands of $. So they do and a little way down the line the same number guy says we can use margarine instead of butter in our pastry and make even more profit so of course they do. Soon enough this company's pies are distinctly average.
Poker Stars recent move to faster formats, swapping out rebuy MTTS for multiple entry MTT's, the upcoming introduction of casino style games and the cutting of MTT guarantees across the board are all moves designed to make Stars more profitable.
Last edited by Omahaha; 10-05-2014 at 08:48 AM.