Originally Posted by streityboy
He'd play 10,000 games averagely rather than 4000 well. Volume whores don't do it for me.
A challenge like this is not a measure of volume but of skill. Billy is more skilful. RB would not be included.
Those that can combine both skill and volume IMO are very few and far between.
I've got way more respect for players like wadzon than for billy who is complaining all the time about how bad he runs even when he just hit a 18k score.
Streity you and everyone else should be happy about "volume whores", even better when they seem to be only slightly +EV. Those guys keep the games alive. I also agree with wadzon that the only number that count for me is $/hour. If wadzon was able to improve his game he would earn way more but probably he's already happy with his current situation.
As I have a lot to do besides poker but only have 14k VPP's left to reach SN I have to play long sessions. This month I was only able to play on 2 days so far but still managed to get 750+ hypers in 9 hours. Nowadays I get bored playing less than 10 tables hypers only. It's a completely different situation when you mix formats imo.
Anyway who cares... Im drunk