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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

05-03-2015 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
No, but haven't you noticed that Muslims have made it perfectly clear that they consider anti Mohammed cartoons to be very provocative?

Look, these organizers aren't principled free speechers in my view. I think they wanted to spit on Islam, they did, this is going to play out like some alternate Universe 'evil Onion' type story.
Yeah I get drawing Muhammad will make some humans lose their ****.

But I would hate to live in a country where some random male 1500 years ago that invented one hell of a multi level marketing scam is treated like a God that can't even be drawn, and the reason why is just because another book told me it's forbidden.
05-03-2015 , 11:11 PM
We can't wish away problems. In this case it's up to those that haven't lost their humanity to work towards a solution and there's no reason to expect that it will come any time soon.
05-03-2015 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Yeah I get drawing Muhammad will make some humans lose their ****.

But I would hate to live in a country where some random male 1500 years ago that invented one hell of a multi level marketing scam is treated like a God that can't even be drawn, and the reason why is just because another book told me it's forbidden.
Did you look at some of the drawings? They're not just about Mohammad, they're intended to tell all Muslims that we don't like you and we don't respect you.

I mean, think about something sacred in your own life. Would you take offense to someone paying 10k for the most insulting thing they can draw/say about it?
05-03-2015 , 11:17 PM
Btw gotta thank Murica's number one ally Saudi Arabia for financing Wahabism around the world.
05-03-2015 , 11:22 PM
Anybody think the organizers aren't ecstatic this happened?
05-03-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Did you look at some of the drawings? They're not just about Mohammad, they're intended to tell all Muslims that we don't like you and we don't respect you.

I mean, think about something sacred in your own life. Would you take offense to someone paying 10k for the most insulting thing they can draw/say about it?
I haven't been offended by anything in years so probably not.

The last time I took offence was when a kid called me a queer constantly in grade school so we fought. That was grade school.

By the way, some of those drawings are awful, and some of them are actually accurate.
05-03-2015 , 11:25 PM
Southern whites were using violence to repress black people's rights to assemble and vote until late in the 20th Century, and this fight for 'free speech' was nothing more than a provocation. Sorry if I'm not willing to put them on higher moral ground than the Muslim fanatics they faced today.
05-03-2015 , 11:28 PM
I'm gonna start a $10k contest for the drawing of a 2p2er's Mom taking it from all forms of human, barn animal and space alien life. Who wants to volunteer for this important exercise in free speech that definitely needs to happen to prove a very very valuable point about my right to insult people?
05-03-2015 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Did you look at some of the drawings? They're not just about Mohammad, they're intended to tell all Muslims that we don't like you and we don't respect you.

I mean, think about something sacred in your own life. Would you take offense to someone paying 10k for the most insulting thing they can draw/say about it?
Those who are offended could be forgiven for retaliating if they did stuff other than kill. Hack computers. Throw paint on people. That sort of thing. But once they kill or try to kill it is ridiculous to show them any sympathy.
05-03-2015 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Southern whites were using violence to repress black people's rights to assemble and vote until late in the 20th Century, and this fight for 'free speech' was nothing more than a provocation. Sorry if I'm not willing to put them on higher moral ground than the Muslim fanatics they faced today.
It's possible IMO to believe the attackers are reprehensible human beings, that Islam DOES have a violence problem and STILL condemn this stupid contest that serves no purpose whatsoever except to insult a group of people, incite violence and create a gold star ISIS recruiting pitch.

Again - should I go down on the corner and argue with a crazy person to prove my right to free speech? What purpose does it serve? What good can possibly come out of it?
05-03-2015 , 11:31 PM
Or we could open a thread ridiculing a poster that we think is the most ******ed, and we're allowed in that thread to say awful crap about said poster, insult them as much as we want and when they go complain to authorities the authorities laugh them down.

Oh wait, don't we already have one.
05-03-2015 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Those who are offended could be forgiven for retaliating if they did stuff other than kill. Hack computers. Throw paint on people. That sort of thing. But once they kill or try to kill it is ridiculous to show them any sympathy.
I don't see one single poster itt showing sympathy for the people who attacked the drawing contest. Did I miss something? Is it possible for one side to be wrong and the other side to be *******s that could potentially do real damage provoking something for the sake of provoking? Because that's what I see here.
05-03-2015 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
The security guard got what he was asking for?

What if there was a bomb and someone was driving by?

The non-cartoonists who were held hostage in Paris, they got what they deserve?

This argument does not make sense. Please re-read your posts and ask yourself if what you are typing is idiotic or not. I think you'll find yourself making a lot fewer posts.

Originally Posted by domer2
why is the default reaction to criticize the people exercising free speech
Maybe because that free speech hurt a security guard, may have ended in a bombing, had a mass shooting in Paris and a beheading in Holland as you mentioned elsewhere.

Free speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism. The only reason no one is condemning the killing of innocent people here is it goes without saying.
05-03-2015 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
It's possible IMO to believe the attackers are reprehensible human beings, that Islam DOES have a violence problem and STILL condemn this stupid contest that serves no purpose whatsoever except to insult a group of people, incite violence and create a gold star ISIS recruiting pitch.

Again - should I go down on the corner and argue with a crazy person to prove my right to free speech? What purpose does it serve? What good can possibly come out of it?
First paragraph yes I agree, breitbart has an agenda that is quite awful and I'd criticize them.

But I'm leaving cartoonists out of this.
05-03-2015 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Those who are offended could be forgiven for retaliating if they did stuff other than kill. Hack computers. Throw paint on people. That sort of thing. But once they kill or try to kill it is ridiculous to show them any sympathy.
Umm, about the only sympathy you will find for these two shooters is feeling sorry that they are so crazy they will kill over a drawing. That's a hell of a mental disorder imo. But back to the main point, let's not call this little drawing contest free speech. It might technically fall under that huge umbrella, but there are more accurate names for it. Lets call it a bunch of bigoted *******s getting together to **** all over a tiny minority population.
05-04-2015 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Those who are offended could be forgiven for retaliating if they did stuff other than kill. Hack computers. Throw paint on people. That sort of thing. But once they kill or try to kill it is ridiculous to show them any sympathy.
Uh, no they can't be forgiven for responding with illegal activities because they are upset at other people who are expressing themselves legally. They can protest and respond with legal means, but the things you suggest are wholly illegal.

The people who are defending horrific crimes by such scumbags (the shooters, before my words are twisted out of context) are just like the nutcases who defended the poker dealer who hit me in the face unprovoked in a public venue outside the casino. The same people who blame rape victims for wearing mini skirts.
05-04-2015 , 12:41 AM
I'll take a double Geert with cheese.
05-04-2015 , 12:41 AM

Condemning the drawing contest is not the same thing as defending the shooter. Two independent thoughts at once! BRAIN HURT
05-04-2015 , 01:08 AM
Why condemn the drawing contest though? I mean I understand finding it in poor taste but it seems like nobody is hurting anyone. Do you condemn south park for making episodes that make fun of scientology? Is there a big difference between that and this?
05-04-2015 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
No, but haven't you noticed that Muslims have made it perfectly clear that they consider anti Mohammed cartoons to be very provocative?

Look, these organizers aren't principled free speechers in my view. I think they wanted to spit on Islam, they did, this is going to play out like some alternate Universe 'evil Onion' type story.
People considered an exposed woman's ankle to be very provocative in the 20s, but I'm glad there was a sexual liberation movement that moved society away from puritanical **** like that.

Who cares how pure their motives were? I don't doubt that the type of person who would go to this assembly is a bigot (especially considering its Texas), but I am all for continued ridicule of Islam's absurd taboos.
05-04-2015 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Kvitlekh
Uh, no they can't be forgiven for responding with illegal activities because they are upset at other people who are expressing themselves legally. They can protest and respond with legal means, but the things you suggest are wholly illegal.

The people who are defending horrific crimes by such scumbags (the shooters, before my words are twisted out of context) are just like the nutcases who defended the poker dealer who hit me in the face unprovoked in a public venue outside the casino. The same people who blame rape victims for wearing mini skirts.
What's the story with the dealer? Bad history at the tables dealing to you?
05-04-2015 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
What's the story with the dealer? Bad history at the tables dealing to you?
05-04-2015 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Again - should I go down on the corner and argue with a crazy person to prove my right to free speech?
You're already here.
05-04-2015 , 07:15 AM
If I went to Baltimore and went around saying the ugliest things I could think of to black people about race, would we learn anything about the true nature of blacks if I eventually caught a beating or worse?

Would that make me a "human rights activist" like Pam Geller?
05-04-2015 , 07:33 AM
lol at this "they had it coming" attitude.

It's much easier when you don't agree with the ones getting shot.

You better be careful what you say or you're going to get shot mentality is sad.
