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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

06-04-2015 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by joel2006
I wonder how the oblivious ostriches here who earlier were adamant that Islamic terrorism is hyperbolic Western propaganda feel about the person in Boston who had plans to kill Pam Geller or a random cop.


I'm pretty sure I can dig up plenty of Christians who have plans to do all sorts of horrible things.
06-04-2015 , 11:52 AM
What quite funny about the Americans posting here is you guys have never really encountered prosthelatising muslims the way we have in the UK.

Its all very well ignoring us when we tell you about X, Y and Z passages from the Qu'ran, but it would be very interesting to see how you'd react if you encountered Muslims actually proudly expressing the fact that they follow these passages themselves.
06-04-2015 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by braves2017
I see by the opening comments no one here had an issue with law breakers getting shot by the cops. No one even questioned if it was a legit shooting. Amazing. Why so much trust for the cops now? Not that I agree with the protesters but I guess if you can only protest with out getting shot if the cool kids like your message. /facetiousness
Uh, is there a coherent point you're trying to make with this word salad of facetiousness?
06-04-2015 , 12:14 PM
Didn't watch. What does the UK have to do with this? This happened in the USA.
06-04-2015 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Didn't watch. What does the UK have to do with this? This happened in the USA.
We're talking about Islam. One argument often used about Islam in the USA is that given your nation's high success rate when it comes to immigrants integrating into your Western society, you can be relatively comfortable that Muslims in your country will behave quite differently from those in Iran or Yemen.

This video, from a culturally similar country with a similarly successful history of immigration, is an interesting example of how you might find yourself incorrect.

For those of you that don't want to watch the actual video, its an English journalist walking around her home town of Luton with young women shouting at her to 'put some clothes on' as they wave banners saying 'British Police Go to Hell'. They march unopposed through the streets of Luton clad in black Burkhas spewing vitriolic hatred; death to apostates, homosexuals etc.

It has around 3,500,000 views.

The top comments, which have around 50-200 likes, revolve around why the feminists do absolutely nothing about this, and why Europe is so willing to surrender to this kind of colonisation.

This conflict will increase vastly over the next 35-40 years, especially given the Muslim birthrate in the UK, which has caused the population to double every five years.

Given that 27% of UK Muslims have some sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo murderers, I'd be surprised not to see the UK eventually descend into civil war, or become an Islamic state.
06-04-2015 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dids


I'm pretty sure I can dig up plenty of Christians who have plans to do all sorts of horrible things.
You probably think that the authorities have no right to arrest people for only "planning" to put bombs in the NYC subway and in Times Square, for only "planning" to blow up airliners via explosives in shoes and otherwise, and for only "planning" to abduct and behead police officers. How many attacks must you withstand before you find it acceptable to take prophylactic measures?
06-04-2015 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Given that 27% of UK Muslims have some sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo murderers, I'd be surprised not to see the UK eventually descend into civil war, or become an Islamic state.
This makes me feel a little bit sorry for racists. It must be exhausting to be so scared all the time.
06-04-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
We're talking about Islam. One argument often used about Islam in the USA is that given your nation's high success rate when it comes to immigrants integrating into your Western society, you can be relatively comfortable that Muslims in your country will behave quite differently from those in Iran or Yemen.

This video, from a culturally similar country with a similarly successful history of immigration, is an interesting example of how you might find yourself incorrect.

For those of you that don't want to watch the actual video, its an English journalist walking around her home town of Luton with young women shouting at her to 'put some clothes on' as they wave banners saying 'British Police Go to Hell'. They march unopposed through the streets of Luton clad in black Burkhas spewing vitriolic hatred; death to apostates, homosexuals etc.

It has around 3,500,000 views.

The top comments, which have around 50-200 likes, revolve around why the feminists do absolutely nothing about this, and why Europe is so willing to surrender to this kind of colonisation.

This conflict will increase vastly over the next 35-40 years, especially given the Muslim birthrate in the UK, which has caused the population to double every five years.

Given that 27% of UK Muslims have some sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo murderers, I'd be surprised not to see the UK eventually descend into civil war, or become an Islamic state.
The USA and Britain have had very different Muslim immigration experiences. And the Eurabia Muslim immigrant birth rates is nonsense.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 06-04-2015 at 01:05 PM.
06-04-2015 , 07:20 PM
Maybe it's impossible for Muslims to really become English, but despite our conflicts, immigrants can genuinely become Americans.
06-04-2015 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
I can honestly say I have no fear of Islamic terrorism. It's a joke.
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Exactly. If you live in America your chance of being killed by an Islamic terrorist is as close to zero as makes no difference. Even if you are a troll like Geller your chance is miniscule though will be higher. If you spend more than 5 seconds a year thinking/worrying about it you are worrying disproportionately and should spend more time worrying about asteroid strikes or lightning bolts.
Tomdemaine, you're right as far as America goes. But what about Islamic countries? What if you are a minority sect of Islam in a country where suicide bombings and car bombings and the like regularly happen and are targeted at your community because you are a "heretic" and the like?

Does Allthecookies statement make sense when applied to the rest of the world (specifically the "Muslim world" ) ?

What if you are a catholic living on some of the southern islands of the Philippines? Would it be insane or racist to spend more than 5 seconds a year thinking about being murdered by members of the group Abu Sayyef?

What if you were a druze living in Syria, or a Coptic in Eygpt, or a Christian schoolgirl in Nigeria?

As I hope we all know, the most common victim of Islamist terrorism are Muslims, everyday, peaceful, regular people- murdered for being the "wrong" sect of Islam, or not being Islamic enough to someone else's standards, and of course the charges of things like blasphemy / homosexuality and other non-crimes in wonderful places like Pakistan.

Islamist terrorism in America is few and far between- and hopefully it will stay that way, it will not increase if we keep an eye on it, it will increase if we decide it doesn't exist. I remember some Islamists and members of the mosque they belong to in my area of America tried to buy stinger missiles (they got caught by the FBI), these people exist and they want to do extreme harm to innocent people...

can we factor in all the would-be and "almost happened" scenarios into the calculation that 5 seconds a year dedicated to this topic is too much?
06-04-2015 , 07:22 PM
I for one am glad to learn that despite the existence of the Nation of Islam the USA narrowly dodged a second civil war.
06-04-2015 , 07:24 PM
This thread is about events in the USA. If Geller doesn't like Pakistani mosques, she should have an art show in Pakistan.
06-04-2015 , 07:43 PM
Yeah, if you live in a fundamentalist theocracy life is probably gonna suck a large amount of the time. If muslims living under isis drew mohammad in protest I would stand and applaud. There were people in Afghanistan who risked their lives every day to teach young girls to read. That is braver and more meaningful than anything i will ever do. Some dumb American bigot wants to draw a ****ty picture in order to piss off the mooslims then **** her and the horse she rode in on.

Last edited by tomdemaine; 06-04-2015 at 07:59 PM.
06-05-2015 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
Yeah, if you live in a fundamentalist theocracy life is probably gonna suck a large amount of the time. If muslims living under isis drew mohammad in protest I would stand and applaud. There were people in Afghanistan who risked their lives every day to teach young girls to read. That is braver and more meaningful than anything i will ever do. Some dumb American bigot wants to draw a ****ty picture in order to piss off the mooslims then **** her and the horse she rode in on.

Do you think Allthecookies and [Phil] would agree with you, I mean- would they stand and applaud with you?

Under what circumstances would they approve of such drawings being drawn, at a public gathering where people meet to mock a religious character who, by his actions, deserves much worse than mockery?

Or from home, anonymously, afraid for their lives, as they currently do, with the support they currently receive from the usual humanitarians- which is little to none.
06-05-2015 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by NC Flounce
Do you think Allthecookies and [Phil] would agree with you, I mean- would they stand and applaud with you?

Under what circumstances would they approve of such drawings being drawn, at a public gathering where people meet to mock a religious character who, by his actions, deserves much worse than mockery?

Or from home, anonymously, afraid for their lives, as they currently do, with the support they currently receive from the usual humanitarians- which is little to none.
It doesn't really matter if they agree with me or not. If they do ill evaluate their arguments on their merits and decide if I need to change my opinion. I'm not afraid of disagreement, I welcome it. Even if they call me mean names. I want people to point out any racist or offensive things I say and think so that I can modify my behavior appropriately.

Last edited by tomdemaine; 06-05-2015 at 08:35 AM.
06-05-2015 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
This thread is about events in the USA. If Geller doesn't like Pakistani mosques, she should have an art show in Pakistan.
One of the most exciting things about symbolic language is that it can refer to things that aren't physically present where the speaker is. Pretty neat, huh?
06-05-2015 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
One of the most exciting things about symbolic language is that it can refer to things that aren't physically present where the speaker is. Pretty neat, huh?
Lol. Then she can do it from home. What's the point of doing it in front of an American mosque?
06-05-2015 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Lol. Then she can do it from home. What's the point of doing it in front of an American mosque?
I'm confused. Geller's event wasn't held at a mosque, was it?
06-05-2015 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
I'm confused. Geller's event wasn't held at a mosque, was it?
Pretty sure she became well known due to leading the protests against the proposed mosque at ground zero. Not sure if that's what micro was referencing though.
06-05-2015 , 10:18 AM
There's that and Phoenix was at a mosque, right?

But there's also me being wrong. I thought Texas was at a mosque too.
06-05-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
There's that and Phoenix was at a mosque, right?

But there's also me being wrong. I thought Texas was at a mosque too.
I think the Phoenix thing is run by the neo-Nazi bikers, not Geller. The Texas event that got attacked was definitely not at a mosque.
06-05-2015 , 10:27 AM
It wasn't a mosque in Texas. The locals were pissed that the Moslims held a peace conference in the city rec room and wanted to punish them by holding a draw Mohammad contest.

I believe the bikers got Gellers blessing before doing their thing.
06-05-2015 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
It wasn't a mosque in Texas. The locals were pissed that the Moslims held a peace conference in the city rec room and wanted to punish them by holding a draw Mohammad contest.
lol I didn't know that.

Why don't these damn "peaceful" moooslims ever speak out?

Oh how dare they have a peace conference in our city, we'll teach 'em.
06-05-2015 , 11:18 AM
The whole thing is insulting all Muslims to protest some. Geller should understand that. Israel is the Jewish state, but it's anti-Semitic to conflate Jews with Israel or the Israeli government in I/P protests.

She can claim to love peaceful Muslims until she's blue in the face. If she really did, she'd find a way to criticize Islamic terrorists without offending American Muslims who are as far from that as your average American Christian is from the Westboro Baptists.
06-06-2015 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
It wasn't a mosque in Texas. The locals were pissed that the Moslims held a peace conference in the city rec room and wanted to punish them by holding a draw Mohammad contest.

I believe the bikers got Gellers blessing before doing their thing.
So bigots "punish" with cartoons.

And those bigots, how were they about to be punished?

Extend your imagination past those two cops for a second, they get shot and killed, now the terrorists are inside the building,

who gets punished for drawing cartoons? how do they get punished?

Do your sympathies and maybe your reaction to this event change a little bit when you realize that massive amounts of blood was about to be spilled, including that of children,

and you think the group doing the "punishing" are the people drawing cartoons?

Originally Posted by microbet
Israel is the Jewish state, but it's anti-Semitic to conflate Jews with Israel or the Israeli government in I/P protests.
Microbet, this is not a position Allthecookies agrees with. He's made that clear in the I/P thread.
