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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

06-02-2015 , 07:09 PM
Action has nothing to do with it.

All Abrhamic religions recommend various degrees of torture to the LGBQTIA community.

Only one of the Abrhamic religions officially sanctions the death penalty for "sodomy".

Why are you guys so eager to defend a belief system that officially declares homosexuality a death sentence?

Let me guess, The house of Saud and Iran aren't "real muslims" now?
06-02-2015 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Still waiting for our Chechen(sure) gay(definitely!) friend to explain what exactly those bikers were protesting.

too eazy, man, I haven't ****ing reviewed the science or anything, but I'm pretty sure "drawing offensive cartoons" is a choice. Like nobody is born drawing that way.
Keep defending my death sentence as dictated by the Prophet (swt). You're super open minded bro.
06-02-2015 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
I suspect you are making up stories...

Chechens are white. Maybe a minority are of other racial backgrounds. But I don't think anyone considers Chechens a separate race like people do with semitic people.

You come off as someone pulling smoke and mirror parlor tricks itt.
Yeah my bad bro! Pointing out that I was raised muslim and unfortunately fair skinned means that I deserve to be hung in the Caliphate!

Thank you for pointing out the absurdity of defending Islam, you bigot. Tell me how you really feel about ******s so we can cut through the B.S.?

You'd rather see me hanging in Tehran than have some redneck Bikers speak in my defense, such a class act you are!
06-02-2015 , 07:16 PM
I'm fine with not being down with the Abrahamic religions because they aren't queer friendly. Neo Nazi bikers drawing pictures though? Not a good way to get the message across
06-02-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
Keep defending my death sentence as dictated by the Prophet (swt). You're super open minded bro.
LOL. I honestly don't think this is a strawman, scrolling back up this dude has never even approached the actual conversation.

Hey, buddy, you want to hazard a guess at the views on homosexuals held by your new bestest buddies in the world, bikers who are literally Nazis?
06-02-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I'm fine with not being down with the Abrahamic religions because they aren't queer friendly. Neo Nazi bikers drawing pictures though? Not a good way to get the message across
I hold the belief that all mockery of hateful belief systems are good mockeries, including people who protest KKK rallies?

Do you support KKK rallies?

Explain to me precisely how Islam differs from the KKK on queer rights.
06-02-2015 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
I hold the belief that all mockery of hateful belief systems are good mockeries, including people who protest KKK rallies?

Do you support KKK rallies?

Explain to me precisely how Islam differs from the KKK on queer rights.
You seem to be supportive of this Nazi rally.
06-02-2015 , 07:28 PM
Explain to me precisely how Islam differs from the KKK on queer rights.

Here, I bolded it for you so you can enlighten me.
06-02-2015 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
Explain to me precisely how Islam differs from the KKK on queer rights.

Here, I bolded it for you so you can enlighten me.
You tell me, since only one set of homophobic jerks seems to deserve protest.
06-02-2015 , 07:31 PM
I hold the belief that all mockery of hateful belief systems are good mockeries
This thread is mockery of hateful belief systems and you're freaking the **** out over it
06-02-2015 , 07:33 PM
I think the US should do something, perhaps go as far as not recognizing countries that don't have universal suffrage or have laws against lgtb.

Still hateful to have a rally about that issue in front of a American mosque.

Go protest the Saudi or Qatari embassy.
06-02-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
This thread is mockery of hateful belief systems and you're freaking the **** out over it
Glad we agree that Islam is inherently homophobic.

I don't think I'm freaking out over it, I'm just attempting to show my confusion as to why a belief system that advocates the capital punishment of teh gaiz is being defended vehemently by people such as yourself under the guise of being "open minded".

Can you further explain why you hate gays so much that you defend Mosques with such fervor?

I've already stated my equal disdain for all Abrahamic religions so try to avoid the trademark whataboutism in your next bout of homophobic hate speech ty.
06-02-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D

I don't like bigots like you plain and simple
I'm not a bigot. I make no judgments prior to evidence.

Originally Posted by Paul D
and see the world more clearly.
Haha, yes. You see the world in race, gender and sexuality and afford your support according to a ranking system based on identity. I judge people on their actions.

Originally Posted by Paul D
If you expect people to rise up against Islam because LGBT related issues and violence,
I have several ex-Muslim friends who have been ****ing disowned by their ****ing families because they converted away from Islam and so much as made friends with gay people.

Again, you'll assure yourself that this couldn't be true as it challenges your worldview.

Originally Posted by Paul D
but do not expect people to rise up against Christianity for the same things, you are a hypocrite.
I don't particularly like Christianity either, but here's the thing:

Re. the bolded, they DO!

People DO rise up against Christianity when it is homophobic, they have no problem with doing so.

The point that I'm making is that we should do the same for Islam.

You are the one affording Islam special treatment. I'm the one in favour of consistency.

Originally Posted by Paul D
What religion does Anders Breivik follow? Did Muslims kill Matthew Shepard?
Is that seriously the best you can come up with? Are you seriously absolving Muslims of homophobia because some people who weren't Muslims have done bad things as well?

Originally Posted by Paul D
So sorry that some of us think issues out more thoroughly than you do, or even fathom that practitioners of Islam do not all act the same.
Yes, most Muslims are peace-loving and want a quiet life.

However, a problematic and large minority do not.

27 per cent is a minority. 27 per cent of 2.6 million is still a minority.

However, that minority still adds up to about 700,000 Muslims (in the western, tolerant, liberal UK) who openly admit to sympathising with murdering people who insult their prophet.

That is 27 per cent of people who are at the very least, comfortable with using violence to force non-believers to observe the taboos of their religion.
06-02-2015 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I think the US should do something, perhaps go as far as not recognizing countries that don't have universal suffrage or have laws against lgtb.

Still hateful to have a rally about that issue in front of a American mosque.

Go protest the Saudi or Qatari embassy.
LGBQTIA people protest the house of Saud and Iran regularly. Exactly how much do we need to protest before you hold muslims from other countries accountable for their hate speech?

If I told you the Catholic church was based off hate speech would you reject my opinion similar to calling X, Y, Z mosque in North America a bastion of hate speech equally?

It's excessively clear in this thread that Islam's hateful position toward LGBQTIA people is to be held in a higher regard than any other Abrahamic religion and I'm yet to hear any justification as to why they aren't deserving of mockery solely based on that alone.

Do you really think "redneck bikers protest them" should give them protection from the fact that even "liberal" Muslims predict a future of hell fire to all gays?
06-02-2015 , 07:41 PM
Who here is criticizing gay people who protest the house of Saud?
06-02-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
Glad we agree that Islam is inherently homophobic.
Still laboring under that delusion that you're clever, I see.

I don't think I'm freaking out over it, I'm just attempting to show my confusion as to why a belief system that advocates the capital punishment of teh gaiz is being defended vehemently by people such as yourself under the guise of being "open minded".
Uh, nobody is "defending" any belief system. Maybe it's a language barrier thing?

Can you further explain why you hate gays so much that you defend Mosques with such fervor?

I've already stated my equal disdain for all Abrahamic religions so try to avoid the trademark whataboutism in your next bout of homophobic hate speech ty.
LOL while he thinks he's clever, taken at face value all these questions make him look illiterate. Like he's asking for a basic reading comprehension tutor.

Will I be paid to explain all these exceedingly simple concepts to you, or is this just some **** I gotta do gratis?
06-02-2015 , 07:46 PM
Wow, you actually don't know what Mecca is or the Saudi family's importance to Islam.


Just nevermind. Read the Qu'ran and get back to me.


I'm willing to take a prop bet with a reasonable escrow that I've memorized far more verses of the Qu'ran than you. These are the wold of God to muslims. I suggest a 5k minimum. There are numerous people willing to vouch for me that I suspect you will find adequate. We can have a theology-off and see who has a better understanding of Islam.

Bear in mind that the Quran is the word of god to all Muslim people.

I eagerly await your likely dodge on this matter since it harms your world view.
06-02-2015 , 07:47 PM
It's excessively clear in this thread that Islam's hateful position toward LGBQTIA people is to be held in a higher regard than any other Abrahamic religion and I'm yet to hear any justification as to why they aren't deserving of mockery solely based on that alone.
Again, possible language problems here from our Chechen friend, but "excessively" and "clear" do not mean what you think they mean. Maybe try this one again.
06-02-2015 , 07:48 PM
too eazy does it make you feel good to have Rastamoose on your side, given that you're definitely for sure a homosexual?
06-02-2015 , 07:54 PM
1) We don't need to imagine the limitless possible reasons for this biker protest. They were pretty open about it. It was not about LGBT rights.

2) But beyond that, which specific anti-LGBT statement by which official connected to this mosque does too eazy think is worthy of protest?
06-02-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
too eazy does it make you feel good to have Rastamoose on your side, given that you're definitely for sure a homosexual?
Got plenty of gay friends. Nothing against gay people.

Again, this challenges your worldview, so you'll pretend it isn't true.

I know a lot of embittered people IRL as well, who can't stand the fact that my FB is dominated by pictures of my white ass with largely black and asian friends. I'm a troublesome little bugger for them to pigeonhole as there'd be a stream of dark-skinned faces ready to laugh at them if I were ever accused of racism.
06-02-2015 , 07:56 PM
The Quran is worthy of protest.

Seriously mate, read the book.

It's beyond excessively obvious you haven't read it, so just read it.

The Quran makes Mein Kampf look like the Lion King. If you add the Hadiths it's like the Lion King republished by Larry Flynt.
06-02-2015 , 08:02 PM
I absolutely have not memorized any of the Qu'ran(I'm not a Muslim). What is your point?
06-02-2015 , 08:03 PM
You guys are wrong in the UK or Chechnya, but you really don't understand America.

The people in those mosques were likely no more anti-lgbt than any church or synagogue and probably hardly any different than the average person in Texas or Arizona.
06-02-2015 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You guys are wrong in the UK or Chechnya, but you really don't understand America.

The people in those mosques were likely no more anti-lgbt than any church or synagogue and probably hardly any different than the average person in Texas or Arizona.
Slightly more supportive than evangelicals
