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Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next! Texas town holds Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. You'll never believe what happened next!

05-31-2015 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
It's about that time in the thread where wil tells us a personal story followed by YOU DONT KNOW ME BRAJ and then peaces out to a hip-hop barbecue.
This is actually amusing.

What exactly is a "hip-hop barbecue"?
05-31-2015 , 03:25 PM
A hip hop bbq is something you'd be afraid to set foot in, but would end up telling us you have friends who told you all about it.
05-31-2015 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
A hip hop bbq is something you'd be afraid to set foot in, but would end up telling us you have friends who told you all about it.
Makes total sense.
05-31-2015 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
This is actually amusing.

What exactly is a "hip-hop barbecue"?
05-31-2015 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
"While Rome burns" in the URL is a nice fair and balanced touch.
05-31-2015 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Too easy's post about how Islam is a violent religion is the definition of Islamaphobia.
No, it isnt. Thats a terrible amount of question begging.
05-31-2015 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Lol the waterworks itt are hilarious.

Look, you want to be critical of Islam, right? Criticize what is in the Quran and Sharia Law. And I don't think many of us would care. But, nah, it's all too telling that a lot of anti-Muslins are just racists or bigots when practitioners of Islam become undifferentiated people who all are violent anti-Americans. You know, the stereotypical terrorist that has been floating around American society for the past 30-40 years.
This is 100% bull****. If posters started to seriously criticize what was in the Quran and what was in Sharia law, the very first thing that you would say would be "Who cares about that its not what ACTUAL Muslims believe/do."

I'm sure this is just me crying though, whatever makes you have to think less.
05-31-2015 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If we have a duty to offend the too-easily-offended, I will start by offending those who are offended by racists getting called racist on the internet
Start?!?!?! Thats basically the entire purpose of this forum isnt it? Its quite funny that you think this is a good argument.
05-31-2015 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
No, it isnt. Thats a terrible amount of question begging.
Yes it is and no it isn't.
05-31-2015 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
That response makes no sense. He was talking about a guy who was literally wearing an SS shirt.
Originally Posted by microbet
If too easy is shamed by the truth, that's his problem. He's not being called a neo-nazi in that quote.

It's easy enough for him to say he supports the right of nazis to protest, but hates the message, if that's the case.
Originally Posted by microbet
Too easy's post about how Islam is a violent religion is the definition of Islamaphobia.
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
The guy in the picture is getting called a Nazi because he is wearing a shirt with an SS logo, and the typeface, and the message. The SS was a Nazi military unit.

The only person called a Nazi itt is one who identifies as a Nazi. Ridiculous?
Originally Posted by Paul D
Aww. You sticking up for your fellow bigots is pretty cute.

It's better than you throwing a tantrum over a ban and invariably making up friends of all the groups you are bigoted against.
Good read, microbet and Chips Ahoy. Good read.
05-31-2015 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Yes it is and no it isn't.
The definition of Islamophobia is "the belief that Islam is a violent religion?" I cant find that anywhere. And if it turns out that the correct view is that Islam IS a violent religion (surely you wouldn't claim this is somehow logically impossible) then the correct position for everyone in the world is Islamophobia? We'd just...get rid of the negative connotations?

You are saying this because you think it is clear that Islam is NOT a violent religion, and that the only reason anyone would think it IS a violent religion is because they hate Muslims or something. Thats begging the question. Islamophobia is prejudice against Islam, or probably against Muslims, or more specifically an irrational fear of Islam or Muslims. It does not require prejudice or hatred or fear to hold a belief that Islam is a violent religion.

In fact, probably many or even most Islamic terrorists hold the belief that Islam is a violent religion! They must be Islamophobic...
05-31-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
In fact, probably many or even most Islamic terrorists hold the belief that Islam is a violent religion! They must be Islamophobic...
05-31-2015 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
This is 100% bull****. If posters started to seriously criticize what was in the Quran and what was in Sharia law, the very first thing that you would say would be "Who cares about that its not what ACTUAL Muslims believe/do."

I'm sure this is just me crying though, whatever makes you have to think less.
Lol. More whining.

There's a difference in targeting the Quran and targeting a billion+ people as if they're all violent savages. Ignorant people do the latter.

It isn't my fault if clown shows can't figure out the large majority of Muslims don't go around blowing stuff up, and still depicting them that way is bigoted beyond belief.
05-31-2015 , 05:42 PM
It's funny how all you Anti-Muslim bigots itt flail around trying to paint it any other way than bigotry lol
05-31-2015 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
The definition of Islamophobia is "the belief that Islam is a violent religion?" I cant find that anywhere. And if it turns out that the correct view is that Islam IS a violent religion (surely you wouldn't claim this is somehow logically impossible) then the correct position for everyone in the world is Islamophobia? We'd just...get rid of the negative connotations?

You are saying this because you think it is clear that Islam is NOT a violent religion, and that the only reason anyone would think it IS a violent religion is because they hate Muslims or something. Thats begging the question. Islamophobia is prejudice against Islam, or probably against Muslims, or more specifically an irrational fear of Islam or Muslims. It does not require prejudice or hatred or fear to hold a belief that Islam is a violent religion.

In fact, probably many or even most Islamic terrorists hold the belief that Islam is a violent religion! They must be Islamophobic...
There are way too many things in here that aren't true.

The question "is Islam a violent religion?" is really such a ridiculous question that no one with half a brain would answer it yes or no or maybe even discuss it at all.

Too easy's post was a very clear manifestation of fear of Muslims ie Islamaphobia.
05-31-2015 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
Good read, microbet and Chips Ahoy. Good read.
What's your point here?

Who else was called a nazi?
05-31-2015 , 05:59 PM
Like, at face value, vhawk and Renton literally do not have a point. It's just whining, and really unfocused and incoherent whining. "Don't call people wearing SS shirts Nazis" and ****.

But it is not a coincidence that someone with vhawk's views on how date rape is a feminist hoax or Renton's view on how many black Baltimoreans are in gangs end up on the same side of this debate.

DVaut came up with this analogy and it fits really well to explain what's going on here. The issue here is "the talking stick". What vhawk and Renton want is to get their turn at the talking stick to tell us all Their Thoughts On The Moslem. And that's it. Any actual Muslims who want to say "hey drawing the Prophet is violating a sacred principle of my religion, please stop"... those people don't have the talking stick.

Liberals who want to say "hey you're actually socially awkward reactionaries on the internet, your racism is embarrassing, here's why you're wrong"...

No talking stick. They can't say anything either.

What they want to happen here is real simple: They state their piece, and nobody disagrees with them. Other people do not have the talking stick, so they say silent.
05-31-2015 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Lol. More whining.

There's a difference in targeting the Quran and targeting a billion+ people as if they're all violent savages. Ignorant people do the latter.

It isn't my fault if clown shows can't figure out the large majority of Muslims don't go around blowing stuff up, and still depicting them that way is bigoted beyond belief.
Part of a post I made earlier in this thread:

Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
(...) It's not even about the so-called radicals, the terrorists or suicide bombers. It's about the rights of women in Muslim countries, the acceptance of death penalty for apostates, the stonings of homosexuals, the punishments for extramarital sex, laws that make being raped a crime etc.
05-31-2015 , 06:05 PM

Are you only talking about posters or do you think it isn't hateful to set up Mohammed art contests outside of random Mosques? Or banning Sharia in American cities with virtually no Muslims and certainly no call for Sharia?

These are not the same things as political satire.
05-31-2015 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Part of a post I made earlier in this thread:
And we know all the stuff you list doesn't occur among all Muslim communities.
05-31-2015 , 07:17 PM
It's widespread enough to be a valid concern.
05-31-2015 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by microbet

Are you only talking about posters or do you think it isn't hateful to set up Mohammed art contests outside of random Mosques? Or banning Sharia in American cities with virtually no Muslims and certainly no call for Sharia?

These are not the same things as political satire.
I think the bikers and the "artists" are probably Islamophobic by basically any definition.
05-31-2015 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
What's your point here?

Who else was called a nazi?
Paul D implied that the previous posters were nazis. Those posters got offended. You and Chips Ahoy jumped in to defend him by pointing out that, strictly speaking, he didnt actually say they were nazis, he only was talking about the ACTUAL nazi, and he wasnt implying anything outside of that, and they were totally out of line, and being overly sensitive....

And then Paul D proved them right and both of you very wrong a few posts later. It was unwise of you to give Paul D so much of the benefit of the doubt that he couldnt POSSIBLY have been implying that posters in this thread were nazis.
05-31-2015 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
And we know all the stuff you list doesn't occur among all Muslim communities.

Why not? Those communities are just better at reading the Quran?

Last edited by vhawk01; 05-31-2015 at 08:49 PM.
05-31-2015 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like, at face value, vhawk and Renton literally do not have a point. It's just whining, and really unfocused and incoherent whining. "Don't call people wearing SS shirts Nazis" and ****.

But it is not a coincidence that someone with vhawk's views on how date rape is a feminist hoax or Renton's view on how many black Baltimoreans are in gangs end up on the same side of this debate.

DVaut came up with this analogy and it fits really well to explain what's going on here. The issue here is "the talking stick". What vhawk and Renton want is to get their turn at the talking stick to tell us all Their Thoughts On The Moslem. And that's it. Any actual Muslims who want to say "hey drawing the Prophet is violating a sacred principle of my religion, please stop"... those people don't have the talking stick.

Liberals who want to say "hey you're actually socially awkward reactionaries on the internet, your racism is embarrassing, here's why you're wrong"...

No talking stick. They can't say anything either.

What they want to happen here is real simple: They state their piece, and nobody disagrees with them. Other people do not have the talking stick, so they say silent.
lol, just like a little yapdog, thinking if he just barks loud enough and long enough....

Last edited by vhawk01; 05-31-2015 at 08:48 PM.
