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Rush Limbaugh Demands Sex Videos If Women Use Contraception Covered by Health Insurance Rush Limbaugh Demands Sex Videos If Women Use Contraception Covered by Health Insurance

03-09-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69

Rush is king and there is nothing Clear Channel can do about it. His show has been number 1 for 20 years straight. He is not saying sorry to nobody.
Yeah somehow I got Inso mixed up with peetar. Can't imagine how I could have done that.
03-09-2012 , 04:52 PM
you and your slow ass pony
03-09-2012 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by cres
anyone can have a radio show. It has probably the least barrier to entry of all broadcast formats. What it does need, before an audience, is a sponsor. So while it may be a nice argument to construct that the advertisers aren't in control, they actually are. They not only pay the talent to speak, they cover the costs associated with transmitting that signal to receivers.

National shows like Rush are no different than the Sat morning home handyman show, or the financial guru guy on Sunday afternoons, or the computer tech show right after.

Rush's lunacy stems from his rhetoric about the loss of 28 from thousands. Those 28 were national sponsors, not the local furnace cleaner who buys 40 spots a week from the local WABC station. Of course Rush can self finance his show, he has the money, and has claimed to not have a life. Remember his whine about Obama having all that time to play golf, while he had to work. lol. I'd wager if he lost his show though, he'd eat a bullet within 6 months. He's that self obsessed.
few thoughts...

Your analysis about the need for sponsers is spot on and Inso is looking misinformed again. The stations that carry Rush are no doubt furious because they are losing real money now because of this.

I also second that Rush was throwing fuel on his own fire. Insulting the sponsors was just moronic. Advertisers will undoubtedly return if Rush is out of the news for awhile... though many may feel differently since he trashed the sponsors themselves.

That being said, I do think it doubtful that this will be the end. There are certainly sponsors who will be willing to advertise (Like internet sites that solicit marriage affairs!) Though the quality of the advertisers may drop for awhile.

Even if his radio show ended the guy could keep writing books about how the indians are better off now in their reservations and should be greatful for largely being wiped out by the white man.... he'll have millions of people willing to buy that stuff and accept it as true.
03-09-2012 , 05:01 PM
folks it's just that simple
03-09-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
few thoughts...

Your analysis about the need for sponsers is spot on and Inso is looking misinformed again. The stations that carry Rush are no doubt furious because they are losing real money now because of this.
You people keep saying this, but apparently have NO idea how radio syndication works.

There aren't any local stations who are "furious" because this doesn't affect them. If anything, they are ecstatic because they can now bill MORE ad time due to not being forced to carry the national advertisers as part of the syndication deal. All of the dead air is strictly on the flagship station and Rush's direct web feed.

Joe's Drywall in Anytown, PA now gets the spot previously held by Carbonite. Since Rush hasn't lost any popularity with the listener base, the local guys are getting way more exposure than they are used to.

Once Rush signs more sponsors, those time slots will once again be forced by the Rush people on to the local affiliates. I've been listening to Rush today and there haven't been ANY PSAs or dead air on my local station (

How is this so difficult to understand?
03-09-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah somehow I got Inso mixed up with peetar. Can't imagine how I could have done that.
yeah but peetar was right. Rush did not say sorry to nobody.
03-09-2012 , 05:15 PM
Can't believe that Fluke got an apology but Nobody didn't!
03-09-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You people keep saying this, but apparently have NO idea how radio syndication works.

There aren't any local stations who are "furious" because this doesn't affect them. If anything, they are ecstatic because they can now bill MORE ad time due to not being forced to carry the national advertisers as part of the syndication deal. All of the dead air is strictly on the flagship station and Rush's direct web feed.

Joe's Drywall in Anytown, PA now gets the spot previously held by Carbonite. Since Rush hasn't lost any popularity with the listener base, the local guys are getting way more exposure than they are used to.

Once Rush signs more sponsors, those time slots will once again be forced by the Rush people on to the local affiliates. I've been listening to Rush today and there haven't been ANY PSAs or dead air on my local station (

How is this so difficult to understand?
the national spots aren't just given as freebies to local stations. Also- the local spots are sold to national sponsors as well. Ad agencies buy national spots as well as spot local buys.

I work in the media. I can say with complete confidence that you are spinning like a top when you try to pretend there's no one losing money when he's losing the majority of his national sponsors.
03-09-2012 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You people keep saying this, but apparently have NO idea how radio syndication works.

There aren't any local stations who are "furious" because this doesn't affect them.

How is this so difficult to understand?
Radio stations have dropped him over this already.
03-09-2012 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
the national spots aren't just given as freebies to local stations. Also- the local spots are sold to national sponsors as well. Ad agencies buy national spots as well as spot local buys.

I work in the media. I can say with complete confidence that you are spinning like a top when you try to pretend there's no one losing money when he's losing the majority of his national sponsors.
is this your first interaction with Inso0 ? He's like George Costanza, It's not a lie, if you truly believe it.
03-10-2012 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Even if you suppose for the moment all the "WE'RE PAYING FOR HER TO HAVE SEX" people are right (lol, I know, let's just pretend), what happens if we hypothetically (I know, still, lol) stop paying? Is it more likely that Fluke stops having her gross ugly liberal sex that Rush is totally not fantasizing about now that she can't pay for it, or that she keeps on doing it, gets pregnant, and has a baby that's wayyy more expensive to society than a bunch of BC pills?

I, for one, am definitely confident in people's ability to be responsible and stop having sex when they can't pay for contraception.
Nice straw man. CLEARLY the only solution to your hypothetical is that she'll get pregnant and keep it. No way in hell this woman goes down to the local Planned Parenthood and gets free BC. OR, she might have to spend $9/mo to get it at CVS!! Although I'm, like, 100% positively sure that this MUST be some kind of violation of human rights.
03-10-2012 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
One issue is that some of his listeners may begin to understand how unacceptable polite society finds Rush's brand of nonstop dishonesty, misogyny, and race baiting. It's not like the advertisers are leaving the show because the exec who buys ad time is personally liberal, it's customer pressure.

Rush listeners live in a bubble, this boycott is a brief stab at popping the bubble.
It's not customer pressure when the only people harassing his advertisers are redditors and other people that never listened to his show in the first place.
03-10-2012 , 02:44 AM
i participated in this thread to argue about the ESI tax benefit, but i have to say i don't really get why this is such a big issue. a radio host slandered some no-name woman. who cares? i mean it's not like rush is running for pres.

edit: i'm sure you guys have already been over this
edit2: i guess paula dean is getting a lot of heat too. i get that people like to unite and rip on villains. i probably should have asked- why is this thread in politics?

Last edited by willie24; 03-10-2012 at 02:52 AM.
03-10-2012 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by DCsmalls
It's not customer pressure when the only people harassing his advertisers are redditors and other people that never listened to his show in the first place.
Well if dirty hippies can convince Fortune 500 companies to stop advertising on such a wildly popular show simply by posting on Reddit, I think that our confidence in the entire free market system should be shaken. Time for a "Capitalism Refuted?" thread?
03-10-2012 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by DCsmalls
It's not customer pressure when the only people harassing his advertisers are redditors and other people that never listened to his show in the first place.
Listening to the show has nothing to do with it. The companies who withdrew advertising are trying to please their customers (via their brand image), not Limbaugh (or his listeners).
03-10-2012 , 11:33 AM
I tuned in to Rush the other day just to see what his advertisements are like now. There was a Gingrich ad. My state's primary was over last week.
03-10-2012 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by willie24
i participated in this thread to argue about the ESI tax benefit, but i have to say i don't really get why this is such a big issue. a radio host slandered some no-name woman. who cares? i mean it's not like rush is running for pres.

edit: i'm sure you guys have already been over this
edit2: i guess paula dean is getting a lot of heat too. i get that people like to unite and rip on villains. i probably should have asked- why is this thread in politics?
I care because Rush deserves to take some of what he dishes out. He's been a non stop lie machine ever since he's had his own political show. He slanders people non stop and nothing ever happens. Now it seems like there is enough people to convince his advertisers that they should not advertise on his show.
03-10-2012 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by DCsmalls
It's not customer pressure when the only people harassing his advertisers are redditors and other people that never listened to his show in the first place.
I agree that Rush's listeners are sexists and don't really care about this.
03-10-2012 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Limbaugh has yet to go full ******
We're setting the bar for "full ******" might high here.

03-10-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by DCsmalls
It's not customer pressure when the only people harassing his advertisers are redditors and other people that never listened to his show in the first place.
I don't think you understand who the customer is here. Doesn't really matter if I never listened to the show, if I'm now taking my money away from the BlahBlahBlah Corp because they advertise on Rush, I'm hurting their bottom line.
03-10-2012 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I don't think you understand who the customer is here. Doesn't really matter if I never listened to the show, if I'm now taking my money away from the BlahBlahBlah Corp because they advertise on Rush, I'm hurting their bottom line.

You've hit the nail on the head. A lot of the people who are expressing their displeasure to these advertisers are folks who (very likely) do not - or never have - listened to Rush. Their first meaningful exposure to this guy is hearing him literally rip in to a young woman with the fury and savagery of a deranged lunatic. When mothers and fathers hear this man calling a young woman a "slut" and a prostitute, (and following those slurs with a comment that he would like to see videos of the woman having sex on the internet), that kind of talk makes their skin crawl.

I have personal knowledge of a conversation involving a top executive with one of the advertisers who has withdrawn his company's support of Limbaugh. This man was attending a formal dinner in Washington D.C. Members of the press, including one very prominent columnist, were seated at his table. The topic of Limbaugh and this latest controversy came up during the dinner. This man slowly shook his head and quietly said, "I have a daughter too ..."

That's what Limbaugh and his "ditto heads" don't seem to get - that people are wondering just what kind of a man Rush Limbaugh really is.

Former DJ
03-13-2012 , 04:13 AM
Advertisers Deserting Rush Limbaugh (and Right-Wing Radio) In Droves

What's the old bromide about giving somebody enough rope and eventually they'll hang themselves?

The most interesting factoid from this is Eric Boehlert’s comment that WABC Radio (New York) is actually losing money airing Limbaugh’s program. If a major media market station like WABC is losing money on Limbaugh, they won’t be losing money for long – they’ll ditch him. Following in the footsteps of Glenn Beck, “El Rushbo” may have put his foot in his mouth one time too many.

Former DJ

Last edited by Former DJ; 03-13-2012 at 04:24 AM. Reason: Minor edit.
03-13-2012 , 09:08 AM
I certainly feel that it's well within my rights/responsibility as a consumer to not pay money to advertisers that turn around and use that money to help build a platform for the Rush Limbaughs of the world.

A lot of this "free speech" crusading for Rush's "right" to say whatever he wants on a national media platform and get paid to do it from Bill Maher and others seems to be just fraternal which is annoying because you rarely hear my justification all you hear about is "mob rule" and "intimidation."

If Limbaugh's listeners weren't a bunch of dummies they could probably put these advertisers in a position where they feel that they'd probably lose more customers by jumping ship. That being said I've always suspected that so many of these right wing radio guys thrive because they have a bunch of listeners who tune in because they hate them and can't believe what they just said.
03-13-2012 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Former DJ
Advertisers Deserting Rush Limbaugh (and Right-Wing Radio) In Droves

What's the old bromide about giving somebody enough rope and eventually they'll hang themselves?

The most interesting factoid from this is Eric Boehlert’s comment that WABC Radio (New York) is actually losing money airing Limbaugh’s program. If a major media market station like WABC is losing money on Limbaugh, they won’t be losing money for long – they’ll ditch him. Following in the footsteps of Glenn Beck, “El Rushbo” may have put his foot in his mouth one time too many.

Former DJ
Hmm yeah I don't think Rush is losing any sleep over any of this:
03-13-2012 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Lahey
Hmm yeah I don't think Rush is losing any sleep over any of this:
so according to Rush the "28 or 32 or whatever number they're using" advertisers that have claimed to pull out are not taking away revenue or having any adverse affect on the show and are just posturing? And nobody has the ability to "understand the business" and why this is the case but him?
