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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-21-2018 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Lol Clovis getting clowned is what I live for. So great.
nah i mean he's right this time, secretary of defense is an official military position despite being a government appointee

edit: actually idk, at its core it seems like a semantical issue

like he's bound by chain of command, but it seems like he's still technically a civilian retired from the military (so he didn't actually "come out of retirement")? idk, ****ing mess.

Last edited by +rep_lol; 12-21-2018 at 01:07 PM.
12-21-2018 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Chippa58
I think the concern now is that nobody knows who will be pulling the strings on President Puppet other than Putin and Stephen Miller. And that's a legitimate concern.
Does anyone really buy this line that Mattis was some kind of stabilizing influence on Trump? By every account Trump just blows off these Serious Republican guys and does whatever he wants. Like Mattis sure didn't stop Trump from building kiddie internment camps or starting trade wars or etc. etc.

This just seems like an updated version of the fairy tale that Jared and Ivanka are whispering moderation into Trump's ear.
12-21-2018 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Lol Clovis getting clowned is what I live for. So great.
LOL. Siding with one of the dumbest posters on the forum to own the libs Clovis. Solid play.
12-21-2018 , 01:06 PM
lol any time i'm on the opposite side of an issue as max the coffee wizard, or whenever he feels compelled to say i'm dumb, i feel like i'm more likely to be on the right track.
12-21-2018 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Not joking when I say it seems like Ann Coulter and co made him dig in, the house passed it and gave him his narrative, and he will probably stick with that over what anyone says now no matter what. This is worse than it seems.

As far as Mattis, here is what I just don't get about these military hero types...if he truly believes what is in that letter even in part, that the country and world are better off honoring allies etc, etc, why is he leaving and saying he thinks Trump needs someone who will help him do the opposite? Like WTF? That **** is so far from heroic. This guy is sending his beloved fighting force into literal battle but he can't handle pushing back against policies that are entirely counter to what he believes is right and that put the country and world at grave risk in his opinion? I am seriously not sure how to take that. Is he exaggerating the threat or is he a selfish POS who has basically given up and thinks we are doomed?
It's not just Mattis. I feel that way about every single one of these types of resignations. If you work for Trump and then at some point become convinced that he is an idiot that is going to destroy the country, then resignation is the opposite of what you should do. If you're a true patriot, you stay and you do what to can to limit the damage. Steal papers off his desk, encourage him to do a rally in ND, or whatever else you can do.

So it's very clear that those who do leave for this reason are lying or so stupid that they don't realize the consequences of their resignations. Or both.
12-21-2018 , 01:09 PM
different rules and standards of conduct for military servicemembers tho
12-21-2018 , 01:11 PM
one thing that has surprised me during this national crisis is that elements of the U.S. (not sure what element this would be but i think there are covert pieces operating that even we aren't fully aware of) haven't moved to neutralize potus.

there is an existential threat that just so happens to be the potus. this fact shouldn't stop these elements from taking action. not when the danger is so clear and present.

something to keep in mind as everything comes to a head in 2019.
12-21-2018 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
so i'm reading that mattis is retired now, i guess he has more freedom to speak out and dissent? not sure how realistic that expectation is tho for a general with like half a century of military service under his belt
Depends how bad he wants to keep his security clearance.

Originally Posted by Melkerson
It's not just Mattis. I feel that way about every single one of these types of resignations. If you work for Trump and then at some point become convinced that he is an idiot that is going to destroy the country, then resignation is the opposite of what you should do. If you're a true patriot, you stay and you do what to can to limit the damage. Steal papers off his desk, encourage him to do a rally in ND, or whatever else you can do.

So it's very clear that those who do leave for this reason are lying or so stupid that they don't realize the consequences of their resignations. Or both.
Big John Kelly fan?
12-21-2018 , 01:27 PM
^^Jesus. My heart skipped a beat at CNN breaking in with lung cancer surgery. RBG HOLD!!!
12-21-2018 , 01:28 PM
Fk fk fk fk

Awaiting Trump tweet celebrating her having cancer.

12-21-2018 , 01:29 PM

umm almost everyone? Do these people even know how normal people live?
12-21-2018 , 01:30 PM
12-21-2018 , 01:31 PM
Should have retired in 2014. Gonna haunt us for decades that she didn't.

Breyer should have too.
12-21-2018 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Do these people even know how normal people live?
You may have identified one of the flaws of having (almost) everyone in congress be a millionaire :P
12-21-2018 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish

Big John Kelly fan?
How do you figure? He's leaving isn't he?

Also just because someone stays and does damage control doesn't necessarily make me a fan. There is the entire body of work to consider. What it does do is make them a less ****ty person than someone who says, "Trump is going to destroy us, so I need to GTFO instead of trying to do something about it"
12-21-2018 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

umm almost everyone? Do these people even know how normal people live?
Of course they don’t. All they know is how to push the right buttons to get those people to vote against their own well-being.
12-21-2018 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
It's not just Mattis. I feel that way about every single one of these types of resignations. If you work for Trump and then at some point become convinced that he is an idiot that is going to destroy the country, then resignation is the opposite of what you should do. If you're a true patriot, you stay and you do what to can to limit the damage. Steal papers off his desk, encourage him to do a rally in ND, or whatever else you can do.

So it's very clear that those who do leave for this reason are lying or so stupid that they don't realize the consequences of their resignations. Or both.
No the responsible thing to do is resign and then publicly explain why you resigned. This we are keeping the worst from happening is complete and utter bull**** and does no service to the country what so ever. **** Mattis and **** them all.
12-21-2018 , 01:35 PM
Everyone can stop talking about anything else, bc if RBG doesn't make it to 2021 the rest is completely irrelevant.

and we still have to fade Trump winning again too
12-21-2018 , 01:37 PM
Roberts will be the 4th most liberal.

This is a literal WAAF
12-21-2018 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Should have retired in 2014. Gonna haunt us for decades that she didn't.

Breyer should have too.
2nd term rule. Obama was a lame duck. No GOP votes. Dems never go nuclear.
12-21-2018 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
It's not just Mattis. I feel that way about every single one of these types of resignations. If you work for Trump and then at some point become convinced that he is an idiot that is going to destroy the country, then resignation is the opposite of what you should do. If you're a true patriot, you stay and you do what to can to limit the damage. Steal papers off his desk, encourage him to do a rally in ND, or whatever else you can do.

So it's very clear that those who do leave for this reason are lying or so stupid that they don't realize the consequences of their resignations. Or both.
This is ridiculous. Encouraging this kind of behavior works both ways, there were people who thought Obama was ruining the country too. If you are actively working to sabotage the government you should be arrested and put on trial and put in jail for a long time.
12-21-2018 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
lol any time i'm on the opposite side of an issue as max the coffee wizard, or whenever he feels compelled to say i'm dumb, i feel like i'm more likely to be on the right track.
Maybe the best strategy short of learning how to understand 2 lines from a wiki . But in all seriousness I didn’t mean to make fun of you... just fatkids totally random potshot gone wrong. I shouldn’t have called you dumb. You probably have a legitimate excuse and making light of it isn’t fair or funny.

Last edited by ecriture d'adulte; 12-21-2018 at 01:46 PM.
12-21-2018 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Not joking when I say it seems like Ann Coulter and co made him dig in, the house passed it and gave him his narrative, and he will probably stick with that over what anyone says now no matter what. This is worse than it seems.

As far as Mattis, here is what I just don't get about these military hero types...if he truly believes what is in that letter even in part, that the country and world are better off honoring allies etc, etc, why is he leaving and saying he thinks Trump needs someone who will help him do the opposite? Like WTF? That **** is so far from heroic. This guy is sending his beloved fighting force into literal battle but he can't handle pushing back against policies that are entirely counter to what he believes is right and that put the country and world at grave risk in his opinion? I am seriously not sure how to take that. Is he exaggerating the threat or is he a selfish POS who has basically given up and thinks we are doomed?
I don't thinks it's that hard to figure out. Mattis has policy objectives and objectives with respect to orderly decision making. He has reached a point where he feels like he can't pursue those objectives without being grossly insubordinate. He's a military guy, so he views gross insubordination as the worst possible sin. So he's out.
12-21-2018 , 01:41 PM
You know that fat orange human disease is rooting hard for her death. It’s all the proof you need there is no god that trump can sit on the can all day stuffing his face with kfc and will probably outlive RBG.
12-21-2018 , 01:41 PM
Obstructing the Trump admin from the inside like that should be a crime and anyone willing to do it should know they are taking a chance, and then the jury should nullify.

Like anyone illegally letting children out of the child prisons is OBVIOUSLY a hero.
