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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-21-2018 , 02:27 PM
Lol we be gamblin’ prob pretty good odds. Sick maths.

12-21-2018 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Correct, we would have 5 SCOTUS judges right now if Hillary had won and zero confirmation hearings to date.
Also we are getting zero SCOTUS judges in the near to medium future unless the Democrats can pull a rabbit out of their hat for the senate in 2020.
12-21-2018 , 02:31 PM
The current vote is the vote to proceed to the final vote. If this doesn't pass, do they just say **** it or do they keep working?
12-21-2018 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Pretend you're not American and ask yourself if the US is the country you'd pick to sort things out. Is the US or it's closest regional allies (SA, Israel, and Turkey) interested in a good outcome? What fuels radical fundamentalist nutjobbery in the region? (War and Saudi Arabia (with our help))

It would literally be better to send Chinese troops.
British have the experience and are best suited to interfere, obviously they are terrible at it, but they have been far better than anyone else
12-21-2018 , 02:45 PM
GOP House Rep to furloughed federal employees: "sorry, this is what you signed up for"

“It’s actually part of what you do when you sign up for any public service position," Meadows said. "And it’s not lost on me in terms of, you know, the potential hardship. At the same time, they know they would be required to work and even in preparation for a potential shutdown those groups within the agencies have been instructed to show up.”

This is probably news to the 6,200 or so federal employees who live in Meadows’s North Carolina district.

Rep. Ryan Costello (R-Pa.), who decided not to seek re-election this year and has been increasingly critical of Trump, blasted Meadow’s comments in a tweet:
A great example of why people who claim (non-wealthy) Republicans vote against their self-interest is wrong:

Meadows also justified the shutdown by saying Border Patrol agents support Trump holding out for border wall money.

It is difficult to say whether all border agents feel that way, but it is true that Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, told The Washington Post on Monday that his group would “support the president 100 percent if he were to force the government to shut down over wall funding.”
The racism is their self-interest. It's not against their self-interest if they would genuinely rather see the wall get built than receive their own paychecks, it just means their interests aren't ranked the way a rational person's would be!
12-21-2018 , 02:53 PM
As stocks drop, Trump fears he’s losing his best argument for reelection

The president has complained to aides about how unfair it is that he is blamed for the market’s slide and for growing unease about an economic slowdown in the months to come, say current and former officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
The lower the market drops, the more the president worries that he is losing his most potent argument for reelection, several of the officials said.
Unless a miracle “Santa Claus rally” emerges, this is going to be the worst year for U.S. stocks since 2008.

Since the 2016 election, Trump has pointed to market gains as proof that his economic policies are working and that the country is thriving under his leadership. Now a favored talking point is crumbling.

Before the market downturn, Trump would take prepared remarks and add comments about the economy, officials say. But lately he has tweeted less about the economy.

The Dow’s performance since Trump took office is now significantly less than what was achieved at the same point in Barack Obama’s presidency. The Dow is up 18 percent under Trump, compared with 45 percent at this point under Obama, according to Bespoke Investments.
And just as the market seemed to stabilize, Trump and top Democratic leaders engaged in an Oval Office dust-up over border security that was broadcast live, raising fears of a government shutdown and of stalemate in Washington over the next two years.

“I am proud to shut down the government for border security,” Trump said as the Dow gave up a gain of more than 350 points and fell into the red.
12-21-2018 , 02:59 PM
Dow down another 200 points.

12-21-2018 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by UsedToBeGood
Any link? I can't find any negative info on him

Sample headline from his "news" pages:

"Obnoxious black people lose their minds when Victoria secret models say this 1 word on live video."
12-21-2018 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by superleeds
We don't agree.
I meant we agree on the **** Mattis part. The difference is why.

You appear to think that letter leaves no questions as to why Mattis resigned. I know the letter was written the way it was so it could be spun a few different ways depending on the audience. That not taking responsibility that's being a sniveling c***.
I think it would take some incredible spin to turn that into something not critical of Trump and actually positive. You have any examples of this? I'll even accept stuff from the derposphere. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I'd love to see it as I'm sure I'd get a least a chuckle out of it.
12-21-2018 , 03:05 PM
The DJIA has lost almost 3000 points just this month.
12-21-2018 , 03:10 PM
I really hate myself for how much i like Ryan Costello since he went into **** it mode after his district got un-gerryamanded and he quit.
12-21-2018 , 03:13 PM
Not to worry, everyone. Trump has found someone to blame: Jerome Powell.
12-21-2018 , 03:23 PM
I don't really see a way out on this shutdown issue. Trump would look like a major pussy if he backs out yet again on his demands for money now. The Senate will never reach 60 votes.
12-21-2018 , 03:25 PM
Trump is so ****ing stupid he will shut it down until Dems have the House.
12-21-2018 , 03:28 PM
Did the House ever vote on the clean CR (no wall funding) that the Senate passed Wednesday night? My brief search says no but I wanted to make sure.
12-21-2018 , 03:28 PM

( twitter | raw text )
12-21-2018 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I meant we agree on the **** Mattis part. The difference is why.

I think it would take some incredible spin to turn that into something not critical of Trump and actually positive. You have any examples of this? I'll even accept stuff from the derposphere. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I'd love to see it as I'm sure I'd get a least a chuckle out of it.
No I haven't. And other than saying watch Fox I can't be arsed to find any so you win.
12-21-2018 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
I really hate myself for how much i like Ryan Costello since he went into **** it mode after his district got un-gerryamanded and he quit.
I'm sure lots of those guys are perfectly OK dudes to have a beer with if you just pretend their voting records don't exist.
12-21-2018 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by realDonaldTrump

( twitter | raw text )

LOL, he‘s even bad at what he‘s good at: praising bipartisanship in Congress while trying to blame Democrats for the shutdown
12-21-2018 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
I really hate myself for how much i like Ryan Costello since he went into **** it mode after his district got un-gerryamanded and he quit.
No. These people are not to be praised. **** him with a cactus.
12-21-2018 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Did the House ever vote on the clean CR (no wall funding) that the Senate passed Wednesday night? My brief search says no but I wanted to make sure.
Nope, Paul Ryan didn't bother bringing it to a vote because Trump told him he wasn't going to sign it.
12-21-2018 , 03:56 PM

( twitter | raw text )
12-21-2018 , 04:01 PM
LOL look at that picture. The dude on the left has his arm clearly over the top of Trump's chair. Trump is leaning forward on the edge of his seat and making them stand behind him so he appears bigger and more powerful.
12-21-2018 , 04:02 PM
"Please ignore the chaos around you and celebrate your government doing very important work, like, um, renaming this office, very big stuff, everything is fine, do not look at the stock market please"
12-21-2018 , 04:10 PM
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday refused to revive a Trump administration initiative barring migrants who enter the country illegally from seeking asylum.

The court was closely divided, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joining the four-member liberal wing in turning down the administration’s request for a stay of a trial judge’s order blocking the program.

The court’s brief order gave no reasons for its action. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh said they would have granted the stay.
