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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-22-2018 , 05:20 AM
Me in cuse's spot

Originally Posted by markksman
You should have called ICE on her right then and there.
and this
12-22-2018 , 06:20 AM
I was just reminded by an article that Sen. Amy Klobuchar said in her speech at the DNC in 2016 that Clinton wanted a world where "girls are not captured and sold, but are fearless and bold!". The memory of that line is now making me want to chew my own face off.
12-22-2018 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I was just reminded by an article that Sen. Amy Klobuchar said in her speech at the DNC in 2016 that Clinton wanted a world where "girls are not captured and sold, but are fearless and bold!". The memory of that line is now making me want to chew my own face off.
Not raped and mutilated, but honoured and celebrated!
12-22-2018 , 06:53 AM
govt shutdown is an interesting one for the nuttiest of the derpers as they've been championing govt shutdowns as good things. but now drumpf is trying to label it the 'democrat shutdown'

these are the same ppl that lost their minds about the devastating impact of quantitative easing (increasing money supply) and are now losing their minds about the devastating impact of quantitative tightening (decreasing it), so i'm guessing they now all agree that govt shutdowns are bad
12-22-2018 , 06:59 AM
not hurt and admonished, but applying to college
12-22-2018 , 07:25 AM
Not bound,tortured and killed,but renowned as strong willed.
12-22-2018 , 07:33 AM
Not female genital mutilation, but increased leadership participation!

Ok I think the wheels are falling off this riff.
12-22-2018 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
govt shutdown is an interesting one for the nuttiest of the derpers as they've been championing govt shutdowns as good things. but now drumpf is trying to label it the 'democrat shutdown'

these are the same ppl that lost their minds about the devastating impact of quantitative easing (increasing money supply) and are now losing their minds about the devastating impact of quantitative tightening (decreasing it), so i'm guessing they now all agree that govt shutdowns are bad
I shall wait with bated breath as we find out for the very first time whether it is possible for deplorables to instantly reverse their claimed beliefs without apparent discomfort.
12-22-2018 , 08:48 AM
I looked at those nice pics of the wall someone linked here.
I had no idea there was a wall already in so many places,like what the hell is this ****?
Wall in the desert and wild?
American are worse than I thought and it was already pretty bad
Do you have wall on canada border too or is it just a brown stuff?
12-22-2018 , 08:54 AM
Canada needs the wall more than the US. We can't handle the influx of asylum seekers crossing into Canada fleeing the US. Last year we had to convert the Olympic stadium into a shelter because there was no place left to house them.
12-22-2018 , 09:33 AM

This morning I phoned my friend, the former Republican member of Congress.

ME: So, what are you hearing?

HE: Trump is in deep sh*t.

ME: Tell me more.

HE: When it looked like he was backing down on the wall, Rush and the crazies on Fox went ballistic. So he has to do the shutdown to keep the base happy. They’re his insurance policy. They stand between him and impeachment.

ME: Impeachment? No chance. Senate Republicans would never go along.

HE (laughing): Don’t be so sure. Corporate and Wall Street are up in arms. Trade war was bad enough. Now, you’ve got Mattis resigning in protest. Trump pulling out of Syria, giving Putin a huge win. This dumbass shutdown. The stock market in free-fall. The economy heading for recession.

ME: But the base loves him.

HE: Yeah, but the base doesn’t pay the bills.

ME: You mean …

HE: Follow the money, friend.

ME: The GOP’s backers have had enough?

HE: They wanted Pence all along.

ME: So …

HE: So they’ll wait until Mueller’s report, which will skewer Trump. Pelosi will wait, too. Then after the Mueller bombshell, she’ll get 20, 30, maybe even 40 Republicans to join in an impeachment resolution.

ME: And then?

HE: Senate Republicans hope that’ll be enough – that Trump will pull a Nixon.

ME: So you think he’ll resign?

HE (laughing): No chance. He’s fu*king out of his mind. He’ll rile up his base into a fever. Rallies around the country. Tweet storms. Hannity. Oh, it’s gonna be ugly. He’ll convince himself he’ll survive.

ME: And then?

HE: That’s when Senate Republicans pull the trigger.

ME: Really? Two-thirds of the Senate?

HE: Do the math. 47 Dems will be on board, so you need 19 Republicans. I can name almost that many who are already there. Won’t be hard to find the votes.

ME: But it will take months. And the country will be put through a ringer.

HE: I know. That’s the worst part.

ME: I mean, we could have civil war.

HE: Hell, no. That’s what he wants, but no chance. His approvals will be in the cellar. America will be glad to get rid of him.

ME: I hope you’re right.

HE: He’s a dangerous menace. He’ll be gone. And then he’ll be indicted, and Pence will pardon him. But the state investigations may put him in the clinker. Good riddance.
12-22-2018 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Canada needs the wall more than the US. We can't handle the influx of asylum seekers crossing into Canada fleeing the US. Last year we had to convert the Olympic stadium into a shelter because there was no place left to house them.
It's not really news in Canada, because 90% of Canadians are like cool, I'd run away from the US too, especially if I was a minority. There's a small chunk of Canadians creating a stink about it, but they are largely ignored for being ignorant, intolerant a**holes

It's not news in the US, because nothing that happens outside the US is news unless it is a terrorist attack.
12-22-2018 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe
This is pure fantasy. 19 senate republicans and mike pence are not going to throw away their careers.
12-22-2018 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Grue
This is pure fantasy. 19 senate republicans and mike pence are not going to throw away their careers.

Anyone proposing this should have to put forth a list of even 10 GOP senators that might do this. I will then laugh at said list.
12-22-2018 , 10:35 AM
Robert Reich called somebody guys it’s all gonna be fine.
12-22-2018 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Grue
This is pure fantasy. 19 senate republicans and mike pence are not going to throw away their careers.
I almost wouldn't put it past the DNC to agree to endorse them and run no opposing candidate in exchange.
12-22-2018 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe
Lol, no one wanted Mike Pence, ever.
12-22-2018 , 10:54 AM
Yeah, that's really bad fan-fiction, Mr. Reich.
12-22-2018 , 10:56 AM
Meh, just try to **** them next time instead, TrainingDayBreakfast.gif
12-22-2018 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe

Last edited by Money2Burn; 12-22-2018 at 10:57 AM. Reason: Double post
12-22-2018 , 11:04 AM
thanks trump lost 12% of everything since july
12-22-2018 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Lol, no one wanted Mike Pence, ever.
Koch Bros though
12-22-2018 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Canada needs the wall more than the US. We can't handle the influx of asylum seekers crossing into Canada fleeing the US. Last year we had to convert the Olympic stadium into a shelter because there was no place left to house them.
and yet, crime hasnt gone up...
12-22-2018 , 11:11 AM
Come on Mr. President. Where are the victory tweets ripping the Democrats for owning the shutdown?
12-22-2018 , 11:23 AM
Robert Reich is a left wing grifter. Once you realize that, idiotic stories like that make sense.
