Originally Posted by jjshabado
I'm not sure I believe this, but I think there's a real argument to be made that the Bush presidency was less bad from a fundamental democracy point of view. I don't think the overall future of the US as a stable democracy was jeopardized as much during his presidency.
The Bush administration literally authorized torturing people. They tried to hector a half conscious attorney general laid up in a hospital to sign off on authorizing warrantless surveillance. They made up a pretend news organization,
gave a stooge a press pass, and had him ask planted questions in the WH Briefing Room.
Bush fired US attorneys for failing to rigorously pursue fantasy voter fraud crimes.
I dunno. The only argument I can really see that Trump is worse is when he fired Yates/Preet/some other attorneys/Comey. I suspect the real underlying argument here is that Trump has so thoroughly weaponized stupidity that seemingly any sort of brazen graft and injustices seem possible from here, which, cosign. Related the Republican base is so unhinged that whatever political constraints may have existed under Bush appear long behind us.
But I don't think the scoreboards are even close yet. Trump's obviously like a blue chip prospect, a 5 tool player, he's got the scouting report of a guy who might be a HOFer in the Terrible Presidents HOF. But he's not Bush yet.