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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

08-16-2017 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I'm not sure I believe this, but I think there's a real argument to be made that the Bush presidency was less bad from a fundamental democracy point of view. I don't think the overall future of the US as a stable democracy was jeopardized as much during his presidency.
Citizens United is a direct result of the justices appointed by Bush and has done more to subvert our democracy than anything Trump has done thus far.
08-16-2017 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
It is wrong and horrible to suggest that the crimes of the Soviet regime were as bad or worse than the crimes of the Nazis, because they weren't. It's also a bit misleading though to suggest that Stalin was the only Soviet mass murderer or that Russian nationalism was the ideology motivating those killings. A big theme of Stalin's atrocities was the drive to collectivize agriculture (a left policy) and exterminate groups that were likely to oppose that agenda. Also, recall that Lenin and Trotsky were prolific murderers themselves and they were certainly ideological communists and not nationalists.
On the level of the actual events and outcomes, yeah. Maybe I have fallen for an oversimplification of Stalin, but the lust for power and paranoia were big factors (like Kim Jung Un). His base was in the urban areas and he stole from the countyside.
08-16-2017 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Bush was a ****ing idiot who surrounded himself with war criminals. Let's not normalize that presidency just because the current one is orders of magnitude worse.
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Think this gets it backwards. Bush remains orders of magnitudes worse; as of now Trump is just a ****ing hapless idiot with the potential for great danger.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah, hol' up. Let's not pretend that Bush's presidency was somehow preferable to this just because the vast majority of the suffering Bush caused was overseas.
Heh you guys are predictable. Your making me choose between dog **** vs cat ****. Fine I'll wait till the nukes to land. For now TRUMP>Bush.
08-16-2017 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I'm not sure I believe this, but I think there's a real argument to be made that the Bush presidency was less bad from a fundamental democracy point of view. I don't think the overall future of the US as a stable democracy was jeopardized as much during his presidency.
Also our standing in the world has dropped a ton with Trump. Electing Bush was definitely "WTF America?", but Obama cleaned a lot of that up and gave the world the idea that we were at least on the right track. The fact that we elected Trump means all bets are off.

Even if we elect someone super-awesome in 2020, there will be the feeling that in 2024 we might go full ****** again.
08-16-2017 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
With P7 closed, maybe FoldN can come back here and update us on how the aging process is going with this Scott Alexander blog that right wingers feverishly shared amongst themselves in November
(h/t Max Read on twitter for reminding me)

Good? Did it age good?
Well, it was terrible when it was written and only looks worse now.

A lot of these self-styled "empirical" guys don't seem to understand the most basic thing about racism today: Most racists try to actively hide their racism. It's like this possibility never even occurred to them. As a white guy who spends some time in the rural south, it's not uncommon to get a racist joke whispered toward me by a total stranger. It certainly happens less than it used to, but it still happens.

And that's why when these racist things seep out--for example, not disavowing David Duke and then lying about his earpiece, or tweeting out fake statistics about black crime and never apologizing for it--they are remarkable. People who don't hold racial animus don't do those things. Showing me that Trump's platform isn't overtly racist isn't evidence that he isn't racist anymore than an accused killer's denial is evidence of his innocence.
08-16-2017 , 12:16 PM
Bush has been fleshed out and had 8 years. Trump's full laundry list is still largely hidden.

ALL of the scandals we've seen in 7 months and barely much info on any of them? Ugh.
08-16-2017 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Here's a secret: the Ivanka love fest is primarily fueled by men who find her attractive. People want to like a good-looking, well-spoken person.
Soooooooo true. She is the pretty nazi.
08-16-2017 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Kafja

The belief among liberals that Ivanka Trump has some kind of soul or conscience despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary is mystifying.
Don't get me wrong I know nothing will change I just want her to look like the c**t I believe she is.
08-16-2017 , 12:29 PM
So do we know anything about Hope Hicks?
08-16-2017 , 12:31 PM
ATTENTION 2 plus 2 and ALL Hateful Liberals & Left Biased Main Stream Media;CNN.NY/TIMES.MSNBC.NBC.ABC.CBS.NPR.BBC.WashPost et al

- Don't Be the Globalists's Vehicle to their One World Government -

1. You said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump
was inaugurated.
2. You said nothing about Hillary's campaign manager's
brother being paid $175,000 to lift U.S. sanctions on Russia.
3. You said nothing when Obama engaged in military
interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval!
4. You said nothing when Bill Clinton gave Communist China
our ICBM missile guidance technology in return for $$$$ to
his 2nd term campaign.China gave the technology to NoKorea.
5. You said nothing when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama
Squandered Victory in Iraq pulling out All U.S.troops in
2011 leaving Iraq wide open for anarchy & ISIS formation.
6. You said nothing when muslim officer Nidal Hasan Shot 43
soldiers(13 Died) Fort Hood,TX ...Obama called it Workplace
Violence Not terrorism. Joint Terrorism Task Force had been
aware of series of e-mails between Hasan and the Yemen-based Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, who had been monitored by the NSA as a security threat.
7. You said nothing when Obama killed four Americans overseas in counter-terrorism operations without a judicial process.
8. You said nothing of the murders, rapes, robberies at
the hands of illegal aliens flooded across border 2009-17
under Obama.
9. You said nothing when Hillary's worth rose >$100 million as
Sec of State while 8 BILLION dollars went missing frm State Dept.
10. You said nothing after Obama's net worth rose > $10 million
as President.
11. You said nothing when Obama's Justice Dept. wiretapped/
surveilled reporters such as James Rosen and the AP.
12. You said nothing when 9 times the Supreme Court unanimously overturned Obama's expansive use of Executive Power/Orders.Abuse of power when Executive Branch writes new laws.
13. You said nothing when Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch on
the airport tarmac during the Clinton investigation.
14. You said nothing when Obama fired an inspector general after investigating $850,000 AmeriCorps grant received by nonprofit run by former NBA star and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson.
15. You said nothing when Hillary was fed debate questions.
16. You said nothing when Obama, Hillary, & Susan Rice lied
about a video & Benghazi & sent No help during 13 hour assault.
17. You said nothing when Investigations proved Obama's Abuse oftaxpayers rights by having IRS Target conservative small businessowners.
18. You said nothing when Obama's White House held meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near the White House to avoid disclosure requirements!
19. You said nothing when Eric Holder sold the guns you hate to Mexican criminals & some were used to killAmericans/Border Grds.
20. You said nothing about 36 Obama executive office staffers
who owe $833,970 in back taxes & Al Sharptons 4 million overdue.
21. You said nothing as Hillary enabled Bill, serial rapist/pedophile.
22. You said nothing when Hillary lied about her private use of
multiple private email servers as Sec of State, & ordered phones destroyed when subpoenaed for investigation.
23. You said nothing when Janet Reno, under Bill Clinton, used a tank to kill the Branch Davidians.
24. You said nothing when George Soros paid protesters to burn parts of Ferguson; and funded Black Lives Matter et al.
25. You said nothing when Supreme Court slapping Obama down Ninetimes for writing laws from the Executive Branch - Oval Office.
26. You said nothing about states' rights until Trump's Executive
orders on immigration.
27. You said nothing about Obama's secret closed door meetings in Iran (Death to America), OK'd Iran Nuke Program, gave Billions.
28. You said nothing when Obama gave notice to Border Guardsto keep quiet about true number of illegals crossing borders.
29. You said nothing about the record numbers of people on Welfare government assistance, doubled U.S. Debt under Obama.
30. You said nothing about the number of part time and low paying jobs under the Obama recovery.
31. You said nothing when Obama had SWAT teams raid a Gibson guitar factory and seize property, on the purported basis that Gibson had broken India's environmental laws-but no charges were filed.
32. You said nothing when Obama dismissed charges filed by the Bush Administration against New Black Panther Party members who were videotaped intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling station during the 2008 election.
33. You said nothing when Obama released Guantanamo detainees who then went back to kill Americans.
34. You said nothing when MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council) in 2014, recruited Muslim screen writers in a partnership agreement with Disney/ABC Television Group, owned by Disney Company.

So NOW, you voice your objections about President Trump, voted in by 63 Million Americans who don't want Marxists or Globalism.

Sorry... we can't hear you because you said NOTHING before!!
08-16-2017 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So do we know anything about Hope Hicks?
She takes TRUMPS d in her v?
08-16-2017 , 12:32 PM
6. You said nothing when muslim officer Nidal Hasan Shot 43
soldiers(13 Died) Fort Hood,TX ...Obama called it Workplace
Violence Not terrorism. Joint Terrorism Task Force had been
aware of series of e-mails between Hasan and the Yemen-based Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, who had been monitored by the NSA as a security threat.
7. You said nothing when Obama killed four Americans overseas in counter-terrorism operations without a judicial process.
Putting these back to back is too good
08-16-2017 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Nah, a lot of them are coming to terms that they may have help elect a racist Nazi sympathizer. I know numerous Trumpkin voters that had no idea sites like Stormfront existed. When you tell them, they have the same look on their face as Cmndt. Lassard when he slowly realizes that Mahoney gave him a blowjob under the podium. Except in this case, the blowjob is real and Putin is the hooker.
Sick Police Academy reference.
08-16-2017 , 12:47 PM
The 3M CEO just stepped down from Trump too.
08-16-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
50% of the country had their racism normalized yesterday. And it's only the first time. Next time it will be more expected of Trump, and have less shock value. The time after that, less. Within a short period, even the slightly racist people will be comfortable with it. They eat up liberal tears.

It's being overlooked all across TV and Twitter that who Trump is as a person is covering up the fact that he gets to cherrypick when to use it. Every one of his actions benefits him and his boss more than it hurts. He doesn't have morals, and therefore doesn't care what it takes to get from A to B. All he knows is controversy.

It's terrifying how he's giving birth to a vigilante movement. A force to be reckoned with. Because when the imminent Constitutional crisis hits, these Bannonites in power will be damned if they lose the war being waged against them. They'll be damned if McMaster digs through the administration pulling out the crooked weeds. And they'll be mother****ing damned if 10% of the country ever decides to revolt (as Trump knows we've been talking about for months) without a heavily weaponized militia there to re-resist the brown liberal resistance.

Yep, mass violence has just been introduced on US soil because they had a Presidential Permit and the others didn't. The us/them divide of hatred has been widened greatly. Might as well let "both sides" duke it out while the President claims innocence.
Great post.
08-16-2017 , 12:51 PM
Trump's US International Trade Commission getting set to decide whether or not to "protect" American solar by doubling the price of panels and crushing the industry.
08-16-2017 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So do we know anything about Hope Hicks?
08-16-2017 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I'm not sure I believe this, but I think there's a real argument to be made that the Bush presidency was less bad from a fundamental democracy point of view. I don't think the overall future of the US as a stable democracy was jeopardized as much during his presidency.
The Bush administration literally authorized torturing people. They tried to hector a half conscious attorney general laid up in a hospital to sign off on authorizing warrantless surveillance. They made up a pretend news organization, gave a stooge a press pass, and had him ask planted questions in the WH Briefing Room. Bush fired US attorneys for failing to rigorously pursue fantasy voter fraud crimes.

I dunno. The only argument I can really see that Trump is worse is when he fired Yates/Preet/some other attorneys/Comey. I suspect the real underlying argument here is that Trump has so thoroughly weaponized stupidity that seemingly any sort of brazen graft and injustices seem possible from here, which, cosign. Related the Republican base is so unhinged that whatever political constraints may have existed under Bush appear long behind us.

But I don't think the scoreboards are even close yet. Trump's obviously like a blue chip prospect, a 5 tool player, he's got the scouting report of a guy who might be a HOFer in the Terrible Presidents HOF. But he's not Bush yet.
08-16-2017 , 12:55 PM
Idiot Bush and Racist Trump will be followed by future weak GOP winners who will win the Electoral College but lose the popular vote. It is the new GOP path to the White House.

Hopefully Democrats now understand better that you can't just enthusiastically vote for Obama, you have to enthusiastically vote against a Trump (even if you don't much like Hillary.)
08-16-2017 , 12:58 PM
Yeah, that's a weird take. I remember the early Bush years as some straight-up 1984 ****. John ****ing Ashcroft, WTF.
08-16-2017 , 12:59 PM
Also the 5 tool player quip is a bit too far. A truly 5 tool dangerous politician would be cunning and popular. Trump's a moron and deeply unpopular. There's a very real case to be made Trump is so inept and his party equally hapless and so focused on small-time grifts that they don't really accomplish anything good or bad. He's more like a power hitting prospect you've seen jack a few out of the stadium but swings and misses on almost everything he sees in batting practice. A lot of potential but he may never make it in the big leagues because off the field issues and poor management and an inherent inability to be coached.

Last edited by DVaut1; 08-16-2017 at 01:07 PM.
08-16-2017 , 01:06 PM
Trumps a corrupt and vile Jimmy Carter
08-16-2017 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So do we know anything about Hope Hicks?
Seriously? She's the longest serving member of the Trump campaign/administration. She was the chief spokesperson during the campaign.

Who is the person who was a close confidant of Hitler beginning ~1930 and worked at high levels of the Reich, but wasn't involved with policy and thus dodged Nuremberg? That's Hope Hicks.
08-16-2017 , 01:10 PM
Trump's at best a 2-tool player. He can either start WW3 abroad or he can start a new civil war here with the intensification of the long-existing yet newly reinvigorated regressive cultural politics and the alt-right. But I agree his incompetence is a limiting factor.

So lots of potential to beat Bush, but still a long way to go.
08-16-2017 , 01:17 PM

But he had dozens of people waiting to fill in those councils. Dozens!!
