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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-31-2017 , 09:36 PM
CNN reporting Scaramucci got the heave-ho from Kelly. Scaramucci was at Kelly's swearing-in ceremony.

Also Toobin speculating Priebus was a source on the Trump dictates Jr's fictitious adoption story.
07-31-2017 , 09:43 PM
If Priebus was the source then we get at least another week of daily big stories.
07-31-2017 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
I'm interested in the Russia stuff because I think Trump was involved in plenty of criminal money laundering and FCPA violations, which Muller will find. I think Russia had a negligible effect on the elections--Fox News and the whole BS GOP apparatus are to blame for that.

What irritates me about Our Houses' posts--and I'm fully on board with the Browder/Magnisky stuff--is that this is not a team of above average intellects implementing some devious plan. They are morons and this is stupid Watergate and Trump is going down in flames on the daily. I don't know how it ends, but I'm not that concerned because I know it doesn't end well for either Trump or the GOP.

Hell, half to 2/3 of the Republicans in Congress are already dreaming about President Pence, though they are rightfully concerned what happens to the party when Trump crashes and burns.
I won't be as offensive to you as you were to me in your other post, but I can tell from your history that you don't understand enough about TrumpRussia to rightfully form criticisms of what you don't know. Not everyone on Team Trump is smart. And not everyone is stupid. I didn't claim otherwise. But you just did. So accuse yourself and lay off me. So far, it's really just big Trump and little Trump who are ****ing the whole thing up.

Did you watch the Browder/Magnisky hearing? Or are you just saying you're on board because you can't refute my claims about it the last 3 days?

After all the assumptions and accusations thrown around today, I'm honestly no longer interested in discussing the Browder hearing with people who didn't see it all.
07-31-2017 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
CNN reporting Scaramucci got the heave-ho from Kelly. Scaramucci was at Kelly's swearing-in ceremony.
I thought that's what Donald's tweet was saying or at least implying.

What an entertaining week it has been.
07-31-2017 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I thought that's what Donald's tweet was saying or at least implying.

What an entertaining week it has been.
The great day at the WH tweet? You're more perceptive than me. I just figured he's insane.
07-31-2017 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Am I the only person in the forum seeing this as inflammatory nonsense claiming that I'm the one who doesn't ever make a point?

Wait, lemme reread it. Yep. Not based on reality.
This thing where you guys think you can just gasp and sputter at the effrontery and just smoothly glide over the part where you still haven't made a ****ing point has a lifetime success rate of zero point zero percent.

Satanism, ebola, black panthers...I want whatever your doctor is force feeding you.
Do you know what I'm referencing with that list? Like off the top of your head, do you know what I'm talking about?

Meanwhile, I called you a liar before and I'm saying it again now because you decided to skip that "point." You chastised me like a ****ing 5 year old for not knowing who John Kelly is. Did I even say that? Because it's not remotely true. Maybe it's a good idea not to talk out of your ass when you're trying to accuse people of talking out of their ass.
Taking you AT YOUR WORD, maximal charity version, your "does the media not publish stories" thread strongly implies that you are a 5 year old who literally learned about the concept of "a newspaper" last ****ing month.

You can't play dumb and then get angry at being patronized.
07-31-2017 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
The great day at the WH tweet? You're more perceptive than me. I just figured he's insane.
No need to be perceptive if you listen to Huckabeast. Trump's tweets are clear and speak for themselves.
07-31-2017 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
CNN reporting Scaramucci got the heave-ho from Kelly. Scaramucci was at Kelly's swearing-in ceremony.

Also Toobin speculating Priebus was a source on the Trump dictates Jr's fictitious adoption story.
teh tweeters report that Mooch was spotted having dinner tonight at Trump DC
07-31-2017 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Fly is a pure scumbag, no better than your average trumpkin. He just accidentally landed on the left. Block him. The thread is infinitely better once you do so.
Notice that "calling Young Cons racist" got Clovis into his ****ing feelings for like, a week, but Our House's vague insinuations and oblique references to treasure troves of TrumpRussia youtubes and theory that MSNBC is sitting on a massive money laundering story for reasons are just A+ OK.

**** is a tell.
07-31-2017 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Taking you AT YOUR WORD, maximal charity version, your "does the media not publish stories" thread strongly implies that you are a 5 year old who literally learned about the concept of "a newspaper" last ****ing month.
OK great. We already know you can fling insults. But that doesn't answer for why you lied and smeared me with **** I never said.


Until you can answer for your bull****, just STFU.
07-31-2017 , 10:05 PM
"David Sklansky" Quoted in this trump related artice:

Didn't know he taught criminal law.
07-31-2017 , 10:08 PM
not him for the small % chance you think that
07-31-2017 , 10:15 PM
A self-described "email prankster" in the UK fooled a number of White House officials into thinking he was other officials, including an episode where he convinced the White House official tasked with cyber security that he was Jared Kushner and received that official's private email address unsolicited.
Email prankster tricks White House officials
07-31-2017 , 10:15 PM
Hannity, 10 seconds on the mooch then it's on to leakers and unmasking... Clinton, comey, lynch!
07-31-2017 , 10:16 PM
The irony of Trump claiming Scaramucci's comments were inappropriate given his position is as rich as that chocolate cake at Mar a lago.
07-31-2017 , 10:20 PM
normally, trump would 100% tweet about this washington post story tomorrow morning. can general john kelly control his early morning impulses?

if i was john kelly i'd wake up at 4am and get in trump's face all morning so he doesn't have an opportunity to tweet. and hopefully i could keep that up for 3.5 years with no interruptions
07-31-2017 , 10:37 PM
Our house, i listened to browder's cspan interview discussing his testimony and linked his recent Trumpcast interview, saw his 60 minutes segment, wached booktv interview him when his book came out, and watched an academic go through Putin's wealth and how he got it, read every julia iofee article and most masha gessen interviews and articles, and much more. I am not concerned that the media is hiding anything, except that which they cannot verify in accord with their own policies and procedures (see, eg, recent CNN firings).

Is there something that I'm missing in all this that you know?
07-31-2017 , 10:43 PM
Deplorables over in /thedonald ecstatic that the leaks are over because the news of the mooches firing didn't leak for like 4 hours.

07-31-2017 , 10:47 PM
Lol at Kelly ever keeping Trump in check. It will last a few days, maybe a week or 2 at best. It will be funny when trump behaves for a week, Kelly gets a bunch of credit, and then Trump torpedoes it all at 6am on a random Tuesday.
07-31-2017 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
The great day at the WH tweet? You're more perceptive than me. I just figured he's insane.
My apologies. It was a tweet that was posted here that mentioned Gen. Kelly from The Donald. It was probably one of those prophetic ones. I went back through today's posts itt and didn't see it so ignore me
07-31-2017 , 10:53 PM
The second the lol media narrative is that Kelly is running the show our narcissist in chief will be unable to handle it and nuke him. I give it about two weeks.
07-31-2017 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Lol at Kelly ever keeping Trump in check. It will last a few days, maybe a week or 2 at best. It will be funny when trump behaves for a week, Kelly gets a bunch of credit, and then Trump torpedoes it all at 6am on a random Tuesday.
Today is the day John Kelly became president?
07-31-2017 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
teh tweeters report that Mooch was spotted having dinner tonight at Trump DC
Lol, the Mooch had dinner with Katrina Pierson. No doubt she was delivering Trump's "Stay strong, buddy!" message.
07-31-2017 , 11:16 PM
Richard Painter has had it. Going ham on B Williams show. I think if this keeps up he might actually move his neck
07-31-2017 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Isn't the de facto, standard issue Republican Presidential candidate a bunch of bigoted policy positions with a slightly more polite veneer though? In the Venn diagram of Republicans, what you describe is basically every other Republican besides Trump and the alt right bozos.
Yeah basically I think guys like Jeff Flake want nothing more than a return to normalcy and to put polite, civil, buttoned-down racist *******s into the White House like old times (Jeff Sessions 2020?). As I and many others here have pointed out, there's really not that much difference in policy objectives between Trump and the GOP establishment.

I do think the appeals to populism are here to stay. That's def a winning angle. Expect unemployed coal miners and steel workers to continue be lionized.
