Leaving someone in jail for life lets them reflect on just how badly they ****ed up, killing them frees them of that.
Trump's probably too narcissistic for him to reflect on much but at least he'd be guaranteed to spend the rest of his days in a derelict ****hole of a cell and not a gilded mansion.
trump seems pretty upset and think it's unfair about being held to what he's done in the first 100 days, who's the jerk that made that a deadline anyway
Ah, but you see he's very clever. He didn't promise to achieve those things, merely introduce the broad measures and fight for their passage, so he fully delivered.
The real meat's on the first page of that "contract".
2. The criteria for certainty of guilt was moved to "beyond a shadow of a doubt" and
3. The murderer was a non poor person who meticulously planned the act purely to make money OR the murderer was someone who was already going to get life in prison who would otherwise consider his next murder a free roll. The "cruelty" of the murder should not be a factor.
I would also add a number four to prevent shenanigans.
4. To be eligible for capital punishment you must be white.
2. The criteria for certainty of guilt was moved to "beyond a shadow of a doubt" and
3. The murderer was a non poor person who meticulously planned the act purely to make money OR the murderer was someone who was already going to get life in prison who would otherwise consider his next murder a free roll. The "cruelty" of the murder should not be a factor.
I would also add a number four to prevent shenanigans.
4. To be eligible for capital punishment you must be white.
2. The criteria for certainty of guilt was moved to "beyond a shadow of a doubt" and
3. The murderer was a non poor person who meticulously planned the act purely to make money OR the murderer was someone who was already going to get life in prison who would otherwise consider his next murder a free roll. The "cruelty" of the murder should not be a factor.
I would also add a number four to prevent shenanigans.
4. To be eligible for capital punishment you must be white.
Number 3 is my favorite, but the "Shenanigans rider" is pretty solid, also.
2. The criteria for certainty of guilt was moved to "beyond a shadow of a doubt" and
3. The murderer was a non poor person who meticulously planned the act purely to make money OR the murderer was someone who was already going to get life in prison who would otherwise consider his next murder a free roll. The "cruelty" of the murder should not be a factor.
I would also add a number four to prevent shenanigans.
4. To be eligible for capital punishment you must be white.
I wonder if the four dissenting justices missed this part in their briefs?
And of the two written dissents produced by those four, zero had anything to do with innocence but instead on the general problems they have with execution procedures. I don't know how my post could have been much clearer wrt that.
Originally Posted by einbert
Please cite where I argued that the guy is innocent. I never did any such thing, it's just that you can't deal with the actual arguments so you have to create a weak straw man that you can blow down. Be more intellectually honest...
Seriously? That's exactly what you were doing by posting those three tweets and you know it. You just saw them in a feed somewhere and gobbled it up immediately, and spewed it back out as with your normal spam. It's like Breitbart-left with your posts sometimes
Apparently the simple act of working for Jason Chaffetz is a grave enough crime for these women's looks and sexual appetites to be critiqued and speculated on.