Originally Posted by Our House
Keep in mind that the investigations have been looking into the Russian involvement of Breitbart and Infowars for quite some time now. PLEASE do Fox News too!
This just reminded me of Peter Smith's 81 year old suicide. Congress mentioned that they were investigating it a couple of months back. We haven't heard anything since. Obviously they either found nothing and dropped it off their list, or they found something(s) sensitive and dropped it off to Mueller. The suicide note makes it a coin flip IMO.
For anyone else who forgot, here are cliffs:
WSJ reporter meets with GOP operative Peter Smith and he tells them about his team working together with Mike Flynn to secure Hillary's lost emails from Russia. 10 days after the interview, Smith dies. Even though none of the details of his death were revealed by family, local law enforcement, investigators and the obituary, people didn't give it much thought because of his age.
Fast forward maybe a week or two and we find out the same reporter had spoken to Smith's staffers, one of whom confirmed that in addition to Flynn, Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway and Sam Clovis (sound familiar from WaPo yesterday?) were also working on the Clinton emails.
Shortly after that story broke in the WSJ, the details of Smith's death came out. The Rochester police released the following note:
In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER" was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a "RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017" and timing related "TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING."