Originally Posted by bigt2k4
wall must be see through so the bags of drugs thrown over the wall won't injure Americans on the other side guarding the wall by hitting them in the head. GENIUS!!!
Also, constructing the wall out of solar panels thus inflating the cost 100X+fold, BRILLIANT!
Faced with the impracticality of their dumbass promises, we're about 6 months to 1 year away from the deplorable wing of the GOP (so most of them) trying to justify their reelection campaign on the wall issue during the midterms and later to the Trump reelection campaign.
They are going to argue two preposterous things that are self evidently contradictory but that hits home with their base perfectly. Prepare yourselves:
1) the Democrats are huge, historic obstructionists despite the fact the GOP will probably never bother with even cursory details for how to pay for the wall or how they would get the votes for it; there may never even be a bill. But they will scream and shout the dishonest media, Democrats, Soros and Hillary Clinton obstructed them and halted progress despite never even trying.
2) they will also, at the same time try to credibly argue the wall is simply metaphysical and was inside of us all along. By electing alpha strongman American Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again priorities, and by continuing to elect Republicans, we have fulfilled the eternal promise and actually we have built the wall, it's deep down inside of all of us. And its unbreakable steel concrete solar panels of brotherhood work best when we reelect Republicans. See, the DrudgeReport is reporting bad hombre crossings are down 99.8% since Trump took office, and 14WordsPatriot.news is also reporting Mexican rapists are cowering with fear right now. The bonds we have formed with the GOP Congress and Trump together as Americans have created the wall in our hearts, and inspired a wall of terror in the hearts of criminal bad guy illegals who stopped coming on January 20th 2017, so now reelect us to make sure the Mexicans don't get any ideas over there and stop Democrat treachery.