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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

05-17-2017 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0

However, I do find it amusing that your average democrat internet hero who was okay with HRC having an open door for 6 years to classified government data in the form of her private e-mail server is now going out of their minds over the unconfirmed possibility of POTUS sharing anti-terrorism details with an ally.
Ally says everything...sad.
05-17-2017 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I'm on record as pulling the lever against HRC, not for Trump. I am certainly not alone.

I have no love lost for Trump, but I realize the alternative was decades of liberal activism in the SCOTUS, and who the hell knows what else.

I'm from Milwaukee, and am very familiar with voting for democrats when necessary.
You would have voted for Trump 100% of the time if it was someone besides Clinton.
05-17-2017 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
As far as I understand, a pardon is unilateral; it is not a plea deal that requires an allocution.

Ford pardoned Nixon for "any and all possible crimes." Nixon was not required to admit to anything.
With the disclaimers that IANAL and this is just Wikipedia, Nixon didn't make a statement admitting guilt but (my bold)

It appears that a pardon can be rejected, and must be affirmatively accepted to be officially recognized by the courts. Acceptance also carries with it an admission of guilt.[26]

The citation refers to another wiki article

After Gerald Ford left the White House in 1977, intimates said that the former President privately justified his pardon of Richard Nixon by carrying in his wallet a portion of the text of the Burdick decision that suggested that a pardon carries an imputation of guilt and that acceptance carries a confession of guilt. Legal scholars have questioned whether that portion of Burdick is meaningful or merely dicta.

The last sentence weakens the claim in the first article, but I'm too lazy to go further, so my present view is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
05-17-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Are you suggesting Obama announced to the world that the Seal Team 6 was en route to kill Bin Laden?
No, but after the operation, there was no point in releasing details of those people involved. That didn't stop Crazy Uncle Joe from opening his mouth. I'm sure you would be giving Pence a pass if he had done the same thing, right?
05-17-2017 , 01:41 PM
This hashtag is fun.

05-17-2017 , 01:43 PM
Funny how Trump doing the stupidest sh*t ever in the history of stupid brings Inso out of the darkness to talk about HILLARY and Dumbocrats.
05-17-2017 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
No, but after the operation, there was no point in releasing details of those people involved. That didn't stop Crazy Uncle Joe from opening his mouth. I'm sure you would be giving Pence a pass if he had done the same thing, right?
You mean the Seal Team 6 member that wrote the book despite being advised not to?

But yea, that's Obama's fault of course.
05-17-2017 , 01:46 PM
Any Half-Decent Hacker Could Break Into Mar-a-Lago. We Tested It.
This is “bad, very bad,” said Jeremiah Grossman, chief of security strategy for cybersecurity firm SentinelOne, when we described Mar-a-Lago’s systems. “I’d assume the data is already stolen and systems compromised.”
05-17-2017 , 01:47 PM
And when inso says "he votes for Democrats when he needs to," he's talking about voting for Bernie in the democratic primary because he thought Bernie would be an easier nominee to defeat than Hillary Clinton.
05-17-2017 , 01:49 PM
Inso0 is not the most stupid trump supporter we've ever had, but he's always been one of the least self aware.

He legit thinks current situation>Hillary. If Hillary had done what Trump had done, we would be finding his 4th cousin twice removed to have a three word eulogy for Inso0.
05-17-2017 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I've said some cringeworthy things here over the last decade, but I don't think this is one of them.

Just to be sure, I went through the trouble of searching my post history to confirm. The only two cases of me participating in impeachment discussions are in a thread about impeaching GWB for war crimes, and one this year about Trump.

I did vote for Trump, and I also believe I drank the Bernie kool-aid during the primaries that the Clinton e-mail scandal would sink her and result in charges. But pearl clutching? ehhhhhh not so much. I just thought HRC was a terrible person in general, and that Bernie would've been a hilarious slam-dunk loss for the dems in the general.

However, I do find it amusing that your average democrat internet hero who was okay with HRC having an open door for 6 years to classified government data in the form of her private e-mail server is now going out of their minds over the unconfirmed possibility of POTUS sharing anti-terrorism details with an ally.
didnt a ton of republicans use a private email server too? pretty sure colin powell did.

and trumps security has been awful from the start. remember when he was going over classified material at dinner at mar a lago around a ton of ppl and using his phones flashlight app to read stuff?

anyway, theres a big difference between being careless with material (of which it seems trump is a thousand times worse anyway) and just giving it away which hillary never did but trump has done.
05-17-2017 , 01:55 PM
Hey inso what are your thoughts on this? Obviously this is critical to your political opinions as you have a very strong interest in the security of classified information (lulls)
05-17-2017 , 01:56 PM
In case anybody missed it, this is a key factor in the Trump-classified info story. The info Trump shared with the Russians came from Israel, a key ADVERSARY against Russia.
05-17-2017 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
This hashtag is fun.

Yea, some of them are hilarious.

05-17-2017 , 01:57 PM
Inso0 trying so, so hard to falsely equate just having a private e-mail server but nothing of importance ever being lost or shared vs sharing vital national, classified security with an enemy you're pretty much fighting a proxy war with is perfect Inso0.
05-17-2017 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Trump just trying out new material before his Comedy Cellar appearance next week

Yes, he used air quotes!

Trump: "I hope you can [waving small hands] 'let this go.'"
05-17-2017 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by RV Life
Yea, some of them are hilarious.

Oooooh, I recognize that guy! Inso, is that you?
05-17-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I, too, watch Homeland.

Were you this upset about Obama and his administration spiking the football over Bin Laden, which put a target on the backs of the Special Ops teams involved?
LOL, wat?
05-17-2017 , 02:15 PM
If I had to come up with GOP strategy on a napkin right now, I'd say go hard to check off your supporter's to-do list ASAP and don't bother about Trump until after the mid-terms, if at all. Stock a few more judges, push voter ID type laws, and generally just stick to the script as far as Obamacare sucks, business tax cuts are good, etc., and sell it as best you can. Meanwhile be ready to play up whatever the next "but her emails" things are that come your way.

Maybe I just don't see how being associated with a failing president is worse that being associated with a failed, impeached president. Especially if you have to get behind removing him yourself and lose some deplorables.

Think I'd rather just see if Trump implodes on his own, or manufactures some medical excuse to quit. It may be wishful thinking but given his lifestyle, personality and several comments it's not that far-fetched. Even if he does complete his term I don't think he'll want a 2nd--he might campaign and feed his ego a bit but drop out later.

Waiting for the GOP to take action is pointless. Just don't see enough incentive there for the party line GOP to put any work in to deal with Trump. Hang in there and survive a couple election cycles, though and you're probably bulletproof.
05-17-2017 , 02:19 PM
Yup Dems need to win the House back in 2018 to have any hope of actually investigating Trump. That gives them subpoena power, investigatory power, and power to bring up articles of impeachment. We'll never, ever convict him though. 67 Senators.
05-17-2017 , 02:23 PM
Busy at work today, do we still have GOP stooges with subpoena power saying the NYT needs to produce the memo?
05-17-2017 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
And when inso says "he votes for Democrats when he needs to," he's talking about voting for Bernie in the democratic primary because he thought Bernie would be an easier nominee to defeat than Hillary Clinton.
Gwen Mother****ing Moore was my congresswoman up until I moved out of that district a couple years ago. You can bet your ass I'm voting for democrats who have a legit shot at unseating people like that. Ditto for local elections.

Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Inso0 is not the most stupid trump supporter we've ever had, but he's always been one of the least self aware.

He legit thinks current situation>Hillary. If Hillary had done what Trump had done, we would be finding his 4th cousin twice removed to have a three word eulogy for Inso0.
No, you're right, and that's been my point all along. We're the same. I think HRC is a horrible person, and my personal feelings certainly would've influenced my reactions to everything she did in office. Many of you sit here in your echo chamber acting like you don't give democrats a pass on all sorts of ****, and pretend like it's just the LUL republicans who are the ignorant *******s that won't hold people accountable. Still, I make an active effort these days to give people the benefit of the doubt and see their point of view. You don't see me slinging personal insults around here. There aren't enough hours in the day to waste time on people who just want to attack me personally, so I tend to ignore most of them.

Originally Posted by einbert
Oooooh, I recognize that guy! Inso, is that you?
ZING! Good one, bud.
05-17-2017 , 02:32 PM
Reality: Comey decides not to do anything with information about Clinton and drops the investigation.


Meanwhile Trump is passing off classified information and obstructing justice.
05-17-2017 , 02:38 PM
From a purely anthropological point of view it's fascinating to see United States imploding itself by the sheer stupidity of their citizens. It's so ****ing obvious the russians helped Trump win because they knew he is a ****ing idiot.

My theory is that people don't perceive an immediate personal danger as a result of Trump negligence so in those cases they choose their tribal alliances.
05-17-2017 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Yup Dems need to win the House back in 2018 to have any hope of actually investigating Trump. That gives them subpoena power, investigatory power, and power to bring up articles of impeachment. We'll never, ever convict him though. 67 Senators.
This is why I don't get all the "LETS IMPEACH" celebrations, it will do absolutely nothing but waste time.
