Originally Posted by Inso0
No, but after the operation, there was no point in releasing details of those people involved. That didn't stop Crazy Uncle Joe from opening his mouth. I'm sure you would be giving Pence a pass if he had done the same thing, right?
Hahaha while trying to backtalk the libtards about their outrage machine Inso gave a great example of how the right wing agitprop faux scandal machine not only can create a scandal from nothing it can last FOREVER without ever making it over to the newspapers for people whose lips don't move while they read.
He's talking about this:
Well, Inso, your stories said Crazy Uncle Joe aka guy who reminded Wisconsin's own Paul Ryan that a Republican Wonk is intellectually inferior to a Democratic Running Joke put a target on the backs of those Heroic Operators.
How many of them has Al-Qaeda bagged? It's been 5 ****ing years. (also note the incredible bizarre single-serving-reality that article creates. SEAL Team 6 was well known as the most elite unite we had before bin Laden, identifying units that did **** happens all the time, and in that ****ing article about how unthinkable it was for Biden to do it he QUOTES FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE SEALS BY NAME ARE YOU KIDDING ME)
P.S. Gwen Moore is smarter than Donald Trump. She's also smarter than every single member of your immediate family.