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Drunk Sex and Rape Drunk Sex and Rape

05-30-2014 , 09:55 PM
Thanks Brian. I'll vouch the same for you. Worst thing you do is ramble on with the silly gibberish sometimes.
05-30-2014 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Not sure how that will go over with the youngsters either, seeing as the idea is to convince them to change just about everything they do, from how they interact, to the music they like, to the video games they play, and so on. Using simplified arguments and ignoring all the "but, what about" questions, or worse discouraging them and shaming them will quickly turn the phrase "rape culture" into the same joke "just say no to drugs" became years ago.
Foldn appears to be cribbing notes from our friend Howard Beale. Hey man, we can't be too harsh on rapists or we'll just turn rapey people away from the discussion.

It would be funny on its own merits, but coming right on the heels of Foldn being incredibly skeptical of whether or not girls are even all that scared of sexual assault (why don't they just move away from the rapists?), it's magnificent.
05-30-2014 , 10:03 PM

When you enter a rape thread saying that you'd rather be raped than be accused of rape, you're gonna get called some names. Just a tip.

Last edited by MrWookie; 05-30-2014 at 10:04 PM. Reason: That's what the rapist said.
05-30-2014 , 10:17 PM
It's like your trying to make me make fun of you back. I'm sure the kids will all be very mature and not take the bait. Oh, and while convincing people who privately and publicly didn't accept gay people to openly accept them was probably partly due to shame, sure. I'm not sure what you're trying to convince me, that I should admit I hate women and I love rape? You guys are twisted. That's a secret I'll take to the grave, mwahahaha!
05-30-2014 , 10:30 PM
FoldnDark, next time you should just fold in the dark.
05-31-2014 , 12:01 AM
"Imagine me taught by tragedy
Release is peace
I heard a little girl
And what she said
Was something beautiful
To give...your love
No matter what"
05-31-2014 , 01:40 AM
I'm going to go out on a limp and guess that Foldn has fantasies about women "raping" him.
05-31-2014 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
You might be right, Goofy. If so, it wouldn't be the first stupid thing I've ever said. Regardless, belittling those who disagree, shuffling them into groups you hate, and ignoring their point of view is hardly a recipe for convincing people to change. That's what I get from quotes below.

Not sure how that will go over with the youngsters either, seeing as the idea is to convince them to change just about everything they do, from how they interact, to the music they like, to the video games they play, and so on. Using simplified arguments and ignoring all the "but, what about" questions, or worse discouraging them and shaming them will quickly turn the phrase "rape culture" into the same joke "just say no to drugs" became years ago.
That's not a good comparison. Just say no to drugs, at least wrt pot is bs. Many ignored Nancy Reagan and continue to blaze to their heart's content to this day without harming anyone but perhaps themselves. The results of 'rape culture' becoming the same joke doesn't sound as benign.
05-31-2014 , 11:59 AM
Actually, benign is not right. After watching "The House I Live In", the war on drugs has been anything but benign.
05-31-2014 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
That's not a good comparison. Just say no to drugs, at least wrt pot is bs. Many ignored Nancy Reagan and continue to blaze to their heart's content to this day without harming anyone but perhaps themselves. The results of 'rape culture' becoming the same joke doesn't sound as benign.
I think the comparison holds. Lumping pot in with the war on drugs was unhelpful. It was termed "a gateway drug," much like many of the things included as part of rape culture by the Nancy Reagans of today, who mostly have their hearts in the right place but oversimplify the problem. I saw a D.A.R.E. shirt the other day at Jazzfest, made me grin.
05-31-2014 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I think the comparison holds. Lumping pot in with the war on drugs was unhelpful. It was termed "a gateway drug," much like many of the things included as part of rape culture by the Nancy Reagans of today, who mostly have their hearts in the right place but oversimplify the problem. I saw a D.A.R.E. shirt the other day at Jazzfest, made me grin.
You're gonna have to elaborate on that. Gateway rape culture?
05-31-2014 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Oh look fly found someone he has the capacity to beat in an argument so everyone who disagrees with him must be JUST LIKE GLENN BECK
ikes you wanna take a stab at defending that chain email full of lies you so eagerly posted?
05-31-2014 , 03:27 PM
No matter how many times you call it a chain email, it still won't be.
05-31-2014 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
ikes you wanna take a stab at defending that chain email full of lies you so eagerly posted?
Originally Posted by ikestoys
No matter how many times you call it a chain email, it still won't be.
It's a sign of the times that there's greater shame, apparently, in posting a chain email than something that's full of lies.
05-31-2014 , 05:06 PM
It's not full of lies either. Feel free to show what exactly he's lying about other than disagreeing with you
05-31-2014 , 05:12 PM
Sorry you're having a bad thread, ikes, but I'm not sure why you think that burden has passed to me.
05-31-2014 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
It's not full of lies either. Feel free to show what exactly he's lying about other than disagreeing with you
Edit: I'm going to take a new tack here.

ikes, what do Mr. Sokolow and I disagree about?
05-31-2014 , 05:53 PM
Ike has gotten so bad that ****ting on him isn't even fun anymore.
05-31-2014 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
And you're completely missing the point of the article. Let me slow it down for you. Drunken sex != rape. Males are being discriminated against. Schools are getting this wrong repeatedly.
Just as a reminder, this was ikes' triumphant early tone. He really done thought he had something here.
05-31-2014 , 05:56 PM
ikes how sad is it that

A) You regarded proving that "males are getting discriminated against because colleges aren't charging rape victims with rape if their attackers were drunk" as a big victory for #teamfedora over the forces of the PC ivory tower elite

combined with the even sadder fact that

B) You didn't actually prove that, or even provide any evidence that was true, you just eagerly ****ing reposted a chain email about it?
05-31-2014 , 08:46 PM
The way ikes clings to this zero-cite PDF as the holy grail of his argument is just one of the most pathetic, intellectually bankrupt things we've ever seen in politards. Can you imagine ikes versus a pro-climate change PDF with evidence as thin as this? He would absolutely demolish anyone who tried to use something like that as the basis of an argument. Yet here he is, still ****ing that Sokolow chicken after two thousand posts. So very sad.

It's like watching someone's beaten, bloodied corpse try to get up and fight.
06-01-2014 , 02:05 AM
Oh now it's the holy grail! Dishonesty is easy to come by itt.

There's a massive lack of information here for some fairly obvious reasons. That letter is one piece of information. Me defending it from lying attacks about it being a chain e-mail or full of lies doesn't make that true.
06-01-2014 , 03:24 AM
You have a very loose definition of "information"
06-01-2014 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
There's a massive lack of information here for some fairly obvious reasons. That letter is one piece of information. Me defending it from lying attacks about it being a chain e-mail or full of lies doesn't make that true.
And why did you find it credible?

Your post wouldn't be out of place if it were made by one of the shills in the Ukraine thread.
06-01-2014 , 08:31 AM
Who's more reliable than a lawyer who has had 5 clients and believed every one of them was innocent?
