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Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington) Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington)

12-02-2017 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
this is good posting and it really excellently indicates the moral depravity of the democratic party. moore was chasing underage girls and engaging in creepy behavior when he was surrounded by such filth.

once he joined the republican party of GOD, he got married and dedicated himself to family and the rule of law.
Originally Posted by adios
Roy Moore ran as a Democrat as late as 1982
Southern StrategyThe so called "Southern Strategy" is dated to have started in the mid sixties.

Your entitled to your opinion but not your facts. Pathetic.
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I think rara and adios are trying to convince the audience that Moore was into stalking teenage girls at the mall when he was a degenerate Democrat and then migrated to the GOP and became an upstanding Christian man, as is typical. Shame on the Democrats for allowing a noted pervert in their midst and credit to Republicans for redeeming him and turning him into a great American.
exactly this.

as always, all problems stem from democrats and liberalism. its up to the republicans to fix everything.
12-02-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
Well put, if understated. Thank you.
He ain't talking about you, though.
12-02-2017 , 01:33 PM
I went to a memorial service yesterday for one of the few remaining small-town, Christian types that I know. It was all good and appropriate for the first 90% until the priest got up there and dropped some knowledge on everyone. First, he said that he thinks everyone did all they could for the deceased (death was a suicide) and that he's now in heaven. OK, nice.

Then he says that it wasn't because this man said and did good things for other people that made him good. That stuff doesn't matter. It was the fact that he had a personal relationship with Jesus that made him good, and that's the only important thing in life that actually matters. This was met with several shouts of approval. He followed that by forcing everyone to stand and led a prayer to convert everyone to Christianity, which was wildly uncomfortable for my girlfriend and I. Thankfully the service ended a few minutes later.

Always good to know you have priests using their influence to tell you that your actions don't matter as long as you believe in Jesus. Unreal.
12-02-2017 , 02:04 PM
that's because we're all sinners, just repent for your ****tiness and put something in the collection plate every sunday and jesus will absolve you
12-03-2017 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I think rara and adios areis trying to convince the audience that Moore was into stalking teenage girls at the mall when he was a degenerate Democrat and then migrated to the GOP and became an upstanding Christian man, as is typical. Shame on the Democrats for allowing a noted pervert in their midst and credit to Republicans for redeeming him and turning him into a great American.
12-03-2017 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
not exactly this.

adios is pointing out that the suzzer history re-write attributing Roy Moore's being a Democrat in 1982 is completely unrelated to the "southern strategy" of the mid sixties.

It is unsubstantiated hyperbole to claimas always, all problems stem from democrats and liberalism. its up to the republicans to fix everything.
12-03-2017 , 07:16 AM
The bottom line is that about 95% of likely Roy Moore voters wouldn't know whether the Southern strategy related to politics, the Civil War or college football recruiting.

They just know they like them some Republican good ol' boys who tell it like it is, and they hate them some librul wusses.

There should be a PAC running "Roy Moore was a Democrat until 1992," ads. It would definitely hurt him. Maybe something like... "In 1992, Davey Allison won the Daytona 500, Alabama won the national championship, Billy Ray Cyrus released Achey Breakey Heart, and Roy Moore... was a Democrat. He only switched to a Republican to fool the good people of Alabama into thinking he was one of them. Don't fall for it. A vote for Roy Moore is a vote for a Democrat AND a child molester."
12-03-2017 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by beastalamode
Generalize much? Plenty of Christians vote D ya know.

I must yet again point our the hypocrisy of this forum. If someone said "muslims, lol. ****ing human garbage." What would happen to that person? I'm gonna go out on a pretty strong limb here and say the account would be nuked from orbit.
People poop on ISIS all the time and I'm pretty sure Wahhabism in general has never had a nice word said about it.
12-03-2017 , 08:22 AM
the christian victim complex would almost be adorable if it wasn't completely ruining this country

12-03-2017 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
The bottom line is that about 95% of likely Roy Moore voters wouldn't know whether the Southern strategy related to politics, the Civil War or college football recruiting.

They just know they like them some Republican good ol' boys who tell it like it is, and they hate them some librul wusses.

There should be a PAC running "Roy Moore was a Democrat until 1992," ads. It would definitely hurt him. Maybe something like... "In 1992, Davey Allison won the Daytona 500, Alabama won the national championship, Billy Ray Cyrus released Achey Breakey Heart, and Roy Moore... was a Democrat. He only switched to a Republican to fool the good people of Alabama into thinking he was one of them. Don't fall for it. A vote for Roy Moore is a vote for a Democrat AND a child molester."
Not a bad idea, but don't forget that "I saw the light" is one of those foundational tenets of the delusional Christian base that allows them to retrofit facts that are obvious contradictions to their world view. These people think you can receive 100% forgiveness from God after a life of 24/7 sin as long as you welcome God into your heart on your deathbed. If someone stands up and says "I was fooled by the devil for a while but then I saw the light and switched to the Republican party" that fits right into their narrative of what it means to be a good Christian.
12-03-2017 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by mosdef
Not a bad idea, but don't forget that "I saw the light" is one of those foundational tenets of the delusional Christian base that allows them to retrofit facts that are obvious contradictions to their world view. These people think you can receive 100% forgiveness from God after a life of 24/7 sin as long as you welcome God into your heart on your deathbed. If someone stands up and says "I was fooled by the devil for a while but then I saw the light and switched to the Republican party" that fits right into their narrative of what it means to be a good Christian.
It's already been covered in any case. Ronald Reagan already did the quintessential conversion story with his "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, it left me." Of course he meant that the Democratic Party left Reagan because it brought in black people and started kicking out reactionaries and all the fellow Reagan Democrats completely understood it as such.

Roy Moore would just do some version of "Yes I used to be a Democrat. My dad voted Democrat, and his dad, back to FDR. But then the party let in all these race hustlers, hippies, and people who talked bad about America and God, I said I cant belong to a party that's forgotten good patriotic Christian men like me and someone said you should join the Republican Party, the believe in God and I did and I've been an God fearing Republican ever since."

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 12-03-2017 at 09:27 AM.
12-03-2017 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
that's because we're all sinners, just repent for your ****tiness and put something in the collection plate every sunday and jesus will absolve you
And the bolded part is optional.
12-03-2017 , 01:59 PM

12-03-2017 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by mosdef
Not a bad idea, but don't forget that "I saw the light" is one of those foundational tenets of the delusional Christian base that allows them to retrofit facts that are obvious contradictions to their world view. These people think you can receive 100% forgiveness from God after a life of 24/7 sin as long as you welcome God into your heart on your deathbed. If someone stands up and says "I was fooled by the devil for a while but then I saw the light and switched to the Republican party" that fits right into their narrative of what it means to be a good Christian.
Sure, but if you drop the ad four days before the election, then let him spend three days answering for being a Democrat, the question matters more than the answer IMO. It's gotta cost him a few percent... He may not be able to afford that.
12-03-2017 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by adios
adios is pointing out that the suzzer history re-write attributing Roy Moore's being a Democrat in 1982 is completely unrelated to the "southern strategy" of the mid sixties.
That is a completely idiotic and wrong point tho, so why are you trying to make it exactly?

(and out of curiosity, is it some kind of lol_olds thing that causes you to think rewriting a 2 line post into 3 paragraphs and tacking on "FYP" is effective posting?)
12-03-2017 , 04:38 PM
Southern Republicans know all the racists used to be Democrats. They just pretend not to.
12-03-2017 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Southern Republicans know all the racists used to be Democrats. They just pretend not to.
In 1982 my older southern relatives were all life-long registered democrats, all very racist, and would never vote for a democrat for president again because of the southern strategy. The southern strategy didn't change party registrations, it changed votes.
12-03-2017 , 04:49 PM
What do you mean "pretend not to"? That's like their go to argument.
12-03-2017 , 05:24 PM
Yeah and they're pretending not to understand how all the racists switched sides - like they have just discovered this BOMBSHELL that some Boomer deplorable used to be a Democrat dontchaknow. It's a game. Running on "Moore used to be a Democrat" will do nothing. They're not that dumb.
12-03-2017 , 05:34 PM
Once you realize they are not only fine with, but actually affirmatively in favor of, institutional racism, you immediately also realize arguing with these people is a complete waste of time.

The **** is the point of playing the "Democrats are the real racists" bull**** game when they would reinstate segregation if they could?
12-03-2017 , 07:14 PM
Is the point dems voted for moore before everyone knew he lurked middle and high schools and now reps will vote for him knowing that?
12-03-2017 , 10:26 PM
The point is to create noise and point out irrelevant gotchas like the Southern Strategy didn't immediately change party loyalties overnight.
12-04-2017 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah and they're pretending not to understand how all the racists switched sides - like they have just discovered this BOMBSHELL that some Boomer deplorable used to be a Democrat dontchaknow. It's a game. Running on "Moore used to be a Democrat" will do nothing. They're not that dumb.
I vehemently disagree with the bolded. I absolutely think a few % of them are, which is enough to matter. You're going to tell me some racist moron born in the mid 70's who's always voted for Republicans, starting with Bush in '88, is going to realize why Moore was still a Democrat in '92?
12-04-2017 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
Once you realize they are not only fine with, but actually affirmatively in favor of, institutional racism, you immediately also realize arguing with these people is a complete waste of time.

The **** is the point of playing the "Democrats are the real racists" bull**** game when they would reinstate slavery if they could?
12-04-2017 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Southern Republicans know all the racists used to be Democrats. They just pretend not to.
Remember that the end of the old southern democrats was named Jimmy Carter. And some lech from Arkansas put the nail in the coffin. Life is always more complicated than soundbites.
