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Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington) Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington)

12-01-2017 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by champstark
To me, the fact that he put Christians in quotes is pretty clear evidence that he was in no way referring to all Christians and was actually suggesting they have rejected real Christian values.
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Point is undercut by scare quotes around Christians and other context in rep's post. Pretty clear exactly the type of person he's talking about, and it's not the people go with their church to Africa to help sick people.
Originally Posted by eyebooger
If you're say you're a Christian and you vote R, I'd say that you're not actually Christian. Following the teachings of Jesus in the Bible is 100% incompatible with the 2017 Republican Party.
not thrilled about perpetuating this aids religion derail any further, but obv this ^^

and i notice nobody has even tried to touch the statement about christians being a bigger threat to freedom in america than ISIS, because it's ****ing true and virtually impossible to argue against.
12-01-2017 , 08:07 AM
oh, new article today about roy moore that has some relevance

tl;dr conservative/fundamentalist/evangelical "christians" are nothing more than morally depraved bigots, but we already knew that anyway

Moore doesn't identify openly as a Christian Reconstructionist, but then again, hardly anyone does. Rushdoony was, among other things, a Holocaust denier, a slavery apologist and a virulent racist who opposed racial integration and called for the death penalty for gay people. Openly calling oneself a follower of his is unwise even in the Deep South, and Christian fundamentalists understand this. But Rushdoony's ideas, Ingersoll told Salon, are pervasive in the Christian right.

The Reconstruction movement, Ingersoll explained, teaches that the role of civil government is to "to punish evildoers and provide for its own national defense," while everything else should fall under the authority of church and family. There is to be no business regulation, no civil rights protection, no welfare, no environmental regulation and most definitely no public education. All these things are understood as responsibilities belonging to churches or families, living in a world "where ultimately everyone will be a Christian" in, to be sure, the Reconstruction movement's "understanding of being a Christian."

The libertarian bent of so much evangelical thought, then, owes a lot to the pervasiveness of Reconstruction, even as the word itself has fallen out of fashion. But the curriculum that ThinkProgress dug up, Ingersoll noted, is "run by the Vision Forum, which is about as close to pure Rushdoony-style Christian Reconstructionism as you get." The Witherspoon program, she added, even included Rushdoony's best-known book, "The Biblical Philosophy of History," in its reading list.

Vision Forum collapsed in 2013 after its head, Doug Phillips, was publicly accused of sexual and emotional abuse by a woman named Lourdes Torres-Manteufel, who said Phillips used his religious authority over her to move her into his house, bully her into sexual encounters and tell her that he that he expected her to be his new wife when his current one died. (His wife, Beall Phillips, is 50 years old and appears, from her blogging activity, to be in good health.)
Ingersoll argued that the influence of Reconstructionist ideology is "really pervasive but not recognized" on the right. The libertarian style of conservative Christianity, where "small government" is held out as a Christian value, is a measure of how far Rushdoony's ideas have percolated out through the modern and more "moderate" Christian right. Moore's language and ideas are familiar to most Alabama conservative Christians, who have incorporated them in a watered-down form into their own worldview. That's why it's unlikely that many of them will understand how radical his views really are, and why he's likely to be elected to the U.S. Senate on Dec. 12.
12-01-2017 , 08:25 AM
cite for claims of fake signature, dems working with media to produce accusers, and jones banging underage girls pls

i have a feeling you wont last long on your new gimmick, coward
12-01-2017 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by whizzwhizzbangbang
Is this going to be a new pattern in state elections? The only way the dems can win is by working with the media to find some women who will lie about sexual improprietries in a desperate attempt to smear the rep candidate? You saw it with Trump when all those law suits folded after the election and now with Moore and the fake signature, even Gloria Allred wants nothing to do with. Jones is probably the one banging underage girls.
12-01-2017 , 10:34 AM

What is your opinion on playing Ace Ten offsuit UTG in an average 9 handed 1/2NL live game?

What is your standard 3 betting range to a cutoff open from a standard TAG grinder on the button in a 10c/25c NL online 6 max game?
12-01-2017 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine

What is your opinion on playing Ace Ten offsuit UTG in an average 9 handed 1/2NL live game?

What is your standard 3 betting range to a cutoff open from a standard TAG grinder on the button in a 10c/25c NL online 6 max game?
LOL, as if any of the regs here remember how to play pokers.
12-01-2017 , 10:40 AM

don't you know that Russian bots are all over online poker now? If there's two things they know it is how to spew political nonsense and play poker.
12-01-2017 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
LOL, as if any of the regs here remember how to play pokers.
I won £850 at 1/2 live last night.
12-01-2017 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
I won £850 at 1/2 live last night.
But how much did you lose?
12-01-2017 , 10:48 AM
fair point
12-01-2017 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Right after I read this article, this other article came across my news feed and saved me from throwing myself into oncoming traffic:

First off, let me say that I completely condemn the actions that Gormöth the Destroyer has taken in his personal life. Since he was spawned from the Gate of Milnüür during the creation of humanity, he has spent the better part of an eternity curing existence itself with evil, immorality, death, and murder on a scale only achievable by his dreadfully immortal self.
And trust me, fellow Trumpers, if I saw him perpetuate his evil behavior on one of my children, I’d kick him right in his fiery ass.
But, let me ask you, would you rather have the horrific physical manifestation of calamity in office, or a freaking Democrat? The choice is easy, if you ask me.
There is one ancient text written on stone by someone known simply as Issac, where he asserts that Gormöth the Destroyer took over a city in the name of “all that stands for Evil” and then proceeded the burn the city: “…From His wretched mouth, a mighty flame appear’d. And with it, Death, and Silence, as the cries o’ my countrymen ceased.” But who WAS Isaac? And was he even telling the truth? Carbon dating says the tablet is over 5,000 years old, so who’s to say that that was even wrong or illegal to do back then? Times change. Get over it.
12-01-2017 , 04:04 PM
Posting this from a casino.
12-01-2017 , 04:20 PM
Found a PLO home game so playing tons of poker lately!
12-01-2017 , 06:27 PM
Make more money live than I ever did online. Live is free money.
12-01-2017 , 07:10 PM
too bad you get like 30 hands per hour and an entire lifetime of results can be wildly impacted by variance. also most live grinders are insufferable douchebags, so there's also that to deal with
12-01-2017 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I guess it's another "everything is fake" Trump type thing where deep down they know the argument is bull**** but that's OK because deep down everything is bull****, liberals are just faking their arguments too?
The point is to make people spend time responding
12-01-2017 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Being hard core anti-religion is a political bridge to nowhere in the US. And not particularly fair as a moral judgment. If a 70 year old finds some comfort in the notion that we are not worm food, and he or she is a kind person who cares about issues like income inequality and fair treatment for all, who am I to berate that person?
The problem with religions is not that they think that we are not worm food. It is mainly, as we all know, that it often leads to intolerance and nasty actions.

BUT there is a secondary problem that is almost as bad. A problem that you and Suzzer are underplaying. It is the irrationality of believing that your specific religion's proclamations about the universe are more likely to be true than the proclamations all other religions plus atheists combined.

So yes it alleviates a lot of problems if religious people have non violent, liberal values. But as long as you accept their unwillingness to be more open minded about their religion's specific factual beliefs beliefs (eg Creationism, Mary was a virgin, the sun stood still etc) there is a chance they can spiral out of control since they don't display critical thinking that provides some protection from that.
12-02-2017 , 12:54 AM
12-02-2017 , 03:53 AM
Hey you know who would never be victimized and stigmatized like poor Roy Moore? THE GAYS:

Call Me by Your Name: Idealized Sex between an Adult Man and a Nubile Teen

But the lovers are gay and chic, so cue the adulation and awards.

The widely acclaimed Call Me by Your Name dares romanticize a youth-to-adult sexual relationship.
Heavens! A film romanticizes something that would be frowned on in real life? I don't view many fillums myself, has that ever happened before? These motion picture things are really getting out of hand.

At this moment of moral and sexual chaos, in which famous men are punished for aggressively acting on their sexual instinct — the same libidinous behavior idealized in countless ads and movies — Call Me by Your Name oddly seems morally evasive. It hedges around reckless behavior.
My emphasis, obviously. Yeah dude, that's what is going on.

Now this tale of first love (based on a novel by André Aciman) too closely resembles the taboo of unequal sexual relations currently driving our culture’s moment of neo-Puritanism.
"The taboo of unequal sexual relations"? Give me a goddamn break.

But this film does sound kind of edgy in its positive depiction of a relationship between an adult and a minor. Exactly how Milo are we getting here? I got 40 year old ****ing 15 year old. Am I close?

Seventeen-year-old Elio (Timothée Chalamet) becomes obsessed with Oliver (Armie Hammer), his father’s 24-year-old research assistant who has joined the family’s summer retreat in Italy.
These ****ing people, man.

Last edited by ChrisV; 12-02-2017 at 04:00 AM.
12-02-2017 , 05:03 AM

This is alabama, so it's probably real. Roy Moore is just like Jesus.
12-02-2017 , 05:26 AM
It's real.
12-02-2017 , 05:30 AM
Johnson Amendment ain't repealed yet. That seems illegal.
12-02-2017 , 05:34 AM
"Illegal"? Sure, I guess. What a quaint word.
12-02-2017 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich

This is alabama, so it's probably real. Roy Moore is just like Jesus.
You say that half sarcastically, but it is real. That is a real sign.
12-02-2017 , 07:37 AM
wholly unsurprising
