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You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread)

04-14-2011 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by 108
Do you say 'garage' like 'mirage' or 'marriage'?
Car hole.
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04-14-2011 , 06:13 PM
I think it's car hold
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04-14-2011 , 06:42 PM
I generally think I speak pretty well. That said, I cannot say "ginny" and "jenny" differently. Once this made some of my friends heads explode. We kept polling people, and it seemed like people from the south often could not say those 2 names differently, but everyone else could.
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04-14-2011 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by feedmykids
I generally think I speak pretty well. That said, I cannot say "ginny" and "jenny" differently. Once this made some of my friends heads explode. We kept polling people, and it seemed like people from the south often could not say those 2 names differently, but everyone else could.
I mean I can say them differently, but it's unnatural and I'd always pronounce them the same...
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04-14-2011 , 07:11 PM
Are you Forrest Gump?

Garage is garridge.
You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) Quote
04-14-2011 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Are you Forrest Gump?

Garage is garridge.
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04-15-2011 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by miajag
funny that they pronounce it the "wrong" way in their own commercials*

* "adverts"
your phonetic pronunciation doesn't seem right either, even based off the commercial..should be:


Although to be fair i dont know the proper phonetical writing but thats how it sounds pronounced.
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04-15-2011 , 03:10 AM
Went on a group trip to DC back in high school about 6 years ago. (Us being from the midwest and having no accent. Zero accent at all.) When we got there, we had to meet with another group of kids that were from Tennessee. Not from like Nashville though...these kids were like complete backwoods inbreds. We started to sort of greet them and introduce ourselves and immediately a bunch of the tennessee kids busted out laughing. We sort of stared at them wondering what was funny. One girl in the thickest redneck accent imaginable said, "You talk like the people on the news!"

This is still quoted amongst my friends to this day.
You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) Quote
04-15-2011 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by tschubauer
Went on a group trip to DC back in high school about 6 years ago. (Us being from the midwest and having no accent. Zero accent at all.) When we got there, we had to meet with another group of kids that were from Tennessee. Not from like Nashville though...these kids were like complete backwoods inbreds. We started to sort of greet them and introduce ourselves and immediately a bunch of the tennessee kids busted out laughing. We sort of stared at them wondering what was funny. One girl in the thickest redneck accent imaginable said, "You talk like the people on the news!"

This is still quoted amongst my friends to this day.
You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) Quote
04-15-2011 , 03:54 AM
or fine should i say "midwestern accent" which is preferred by national tv/radio due to its clarity and ability to be understood by people from all parts of the US. u know what i meant.
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04-15-2011 , 08:53 AM
I find many people think they have 'no accent'. Loads of English people I have met even when they have what I consider to be very obviously English accents. Unless you use a Stephen Hawking electronic computer voice, you do, often quite strong.

Wait even Hawkings box has a damn accent...
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04-15-2011 , 09:07 AM
Everyone I know pronounces "garage" as "garridge", in England I think it's more of an upper class thing to say it so it rhymes with "mirage".
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04-15-2011 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Wait even Hawkings box has a damn accent...
born in oxford and speaks with an american accent? pretentious.

btw it was pretty lol of jeopardy last night to claim that prague and cog rhyme.
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04-15-2011 , 10:09 AM
Prague and cog do rhyme.
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04-15-2011 , 10:14 AM
can't think of anywhere in the US that they don't rhyme, also lol @ 'mispronoucing' adidas as though that's at all a natural way in english to pronounce it. i was going to go with new ba-lahnce but i decided on a-di-dahs. gmafb
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04-15-2011 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
can't think of anywhere in the US that they don't rhyme, also lol @ 'mispronoucing' adidas as though that's at all a natural way in english to pronounce it. i was going to go with new ba-lahnce but i decided on a-di-dahs. gmafb
The founder's name was Adi Dassler (his brother founded Puma). There is no ambiguity about the pronunciation. The way americans say it is incorrect. It is perfectly natural in English to pronounce it the other way as thats the way English people say it so I have no idea what you even mean by that point.

New Balance was a horrible example. Containing two english words as the name rather than a bastardisation of a persons name which is not at all similar to any words in English. Seriously what were you even thinking there?

It is basically the same as Nike being Nike-ee. That is absolutely not the natural way to say it in English as evidenced by the fact pretty much all other words spelt that way use the 'magic e' and rhyme with each other. Pike, like etc.

It almost seems as if people are actually butthurt by the fact they pronounce it wrong. I say Nike incorrectly. Who cares? It's interesting thats all.

Cog and Prague don't rhyme for me. People say Prague like prog?
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04-15-2011 , 12:18 PM
I think Americans say words like "dog" and "cog" kind of like "darg" and "carg".
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04-15-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
can't think of anywhere in the US that they don't rhyme
boston. again, we've been through this one in this thread.

prague = prah-g

cog = cawg not caaaaahg
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04-15-2011 , 10:17 PM
I really need to meet a British person and have them say the word "court" for me. I can't even conceive it.
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04-16-2011 , 11:07 AM
How can't you?? That's more amazing to me somehow.
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04-16-2011 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by daryn
boston. again, we've been through this one in this thread.

prague = prah-g

cog = cawg not caaaaahg
Um, I say cog like cawg, not caaaahg. Caaaahg would also rhyme with Prague, though, which I saw as "prawg". Does "prah-g" imply that there are two syllables in the way you say it?
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04-16-2011 , 11:24 AM
"prawg" haha wtf. pretty sure no one in the world is pronouncing it with two syllables.


i already went over this on the last page, but they (not everyone, i don't) pronounce 'court' so it rhymes with 'fought', i.e. 'cawt' and 'fawt'.

they don't say the 'oar/ore' sound in court.
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04-16-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Um, I say cog like cawg, not caaaahg. Caaaahg would also rhyme with Prague, though, which I saw as "prawg". Does "prah-g" imply that there are two syllables in the way you say it?
no, 1 syllable. i'm aware caaaahg and prague would rhyme.. but i don't say caaaahg.

"prawg" is laughable imo.
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04-16-2011 , 08:48 PM
route - root - rout

I grew up saying "route" like "root" (roooooooot) but my friends in eastern Iowa all said "route" like "rout" (rowt).

These same friends mostly pronounced "root" like "rut" (ruht).
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04-16-2011 , 10:31 PM
Route, rout and root all rhyme. The thing I connect to the internet with is said the same as rooter (yes many lols were had). I have heard people say rowter though.

Do you guys say schedule like skedule?
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