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You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread)

04-07-2011 , 08:05 AM
Not English/Irish but it's a needle
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04-07-2011 , 08:12 AM
hmm well i guess that ties in with the thread topic haha. me and my dad were just talking about it, i always assumed most of england would call it a friend. it always led to the same awful jokes when you'd walk into a sports shop and say 'uh yeah i'm looking for a friend'.
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04-07-2011 , 08:28 AM
i pronounce every single example given the same lol
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04-07-2011 , 09:28 AM
When people recited the alphabet song they would always speed through the halfway section of "lmnop" really quickly so it sounded to me like it was a word "ella-menno-pee."

I always wondered why the song was different to the actual alphabet and why it had a new word thrown into the mix but I just went along calling it ellamenopee for ages.
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04-07-2011 , 09:32 AM
this thread is a weird combo of hilarious and tilting. <3 linguistics

Marry, Mary, Merry: all 3 the same? different?

Aaron, Erin?

Is it kittycorner or cattycorner?

Does anyone use the word kittywampus? cattywampus?

I pronounce marry, mary, and merry very differently. My gf pronounced them all the same: sort of a long-ish 'a' sound. I think Aaron = marry (= s'a'rah fwiw) and Erin = merry, but again, gf prounounces them the same. Gf and I are both 'cattycorner'-ers, but we met kittycorner-ers for the first time a few years ago; it's funny how many people weren't aware (we were not) of the existence of the other word. And a coworker recently said 'cattywampus' which brought a whole slew of WTF. You can google it, but it means 'askew'.
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04-07-2011 , 09:45 AM
Of course, but the form I know is catawampus. Meaning crooked basically.

British people have so much variation in how they speak English compared to each other that it boggles my mind. There seems to be much more variation than in the United States. One that has been twisting my brain around recently is how some of them say an "f" sound for a "th" sound like in Ebonics. For example, pronouncing North London like "Norf London".
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04-07-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by Wyman
this thread is a weird combo of hilarious and tilting. <3 linguistics

Marry, Mary, Merry: all 3 the same? different?
All three the same. Exactly the same. In my mind's ear, they are the same word. I have seen this discussion numerous times, along with people insisting that the names Carrie and Kerry are somehow not the same when spoken.

Aaron, Erin?
Exactly the same.

Is it kittycorner or cattycorner?
Either, or caddycorner.
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04-07-2011 , 09:50 AM
yes, cockneys are stone morons
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04-07-2011 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Wyman
this thread is a weird combo of hilarious and tilting. <3 linguistics

Marry, Mary, Merry: all 3 the same? different?

Aaron, Erin?

Is it kittycorner or cattycorner?
Marry, Mary and Merry are all different. Marry like Bill Marr-y. Mary like M-ear-y. Merry like Mare-y, night-mare-y.

Aaron and Erin are obviously different. I always hate when I hear Air-in for Aaron.

I have never heard of kittycorners?
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04-07-2011 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog
All three the same. Exactly the same. In my mind's ear, they are the same word. I have seen this discussion numerous times, along with people insisting that the names Carrie and Kerry are somehow not the same when spoken.

Exactly the same.

Either, or caddycorner.
Kerry and Carrie are different. Kerry the first syllable is like care. Carrie the first syllable is like car.
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04-07-2011 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Kerry and Carrie are different. Kerry the first syllable is like care. Carrie the first syllable is like car.
goodness gracious
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04-07-2011 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Marry like Bill Marr-y. Mary like M-ear-y. Merry like Mare-y, night-mare-y.
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Kerry the first syllable is like care. Carrie the first syllable is like car.
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04-07-2011 , 10:02 AM
I'm pretty interested in accents and stuff so I was very surprised when I read that Americans pronouce "caught" and "court" differently. Never heard it before.

I'm guessing you say "court" the same as us but you pronounce "caught" a bit like "cart".
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04-07-2011 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by NoJacket
I'm guessing you say "court" the same as us but you pronounce "caught" a bit like "cart".
I don't think so. exactly like "cot"

Unless you pronounce cart like our cot then

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04-07-2011 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by NoJacket
I'm pretty interested in accents and stuff so I was very surprised when I read that Americans pronouce "caught" and "court" differently. Never heard it before.

I'm guessing you say "court" the same as us but you pronounce "caught" a bit like "cart".
lol, who is 'us'? please don't group us all in together.
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04-07-2011 , 10:08 AM
fwiw, i am from (a NY-centric part of) NJ, and I don't consider myself to have much of an accent.

marry = carrie = s'a'rah = aaron = karen <--- the 'a' in cat.
Mary = air
Merry = Kerry = Erin = head

re: catawampus
Flee, are you from the Bay area? That's where my coworker picked it up.
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04-07-2011 , 10:08 AM
No, not 'car', it's a 'ka' sound as in 'carry'. kerry is indeed like 'care'. ra_z_boys pronunciations of marry, mary and merry are the same as in british english also.
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04-07-2011 , 10:09 AM
Sorry I should have said English, well southern English.
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04-07-2011 , 10:11 AM
merry, berry, kerry, terry, very, jerry all rhyme 100% perfectly for me

for those who are pronouncing 'merry' as 'mare-ee', i guess they do not all rhyme?
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04-07-2011 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Yeti
merry, berry, kerry, terry, very, jerry all rhyme 100% perfectly for me

gary, larry, carry, tarry, barry, marry
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04-07-2011 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Marry, Mary and Merry are all different. Marry like Bill Marr-y. Mary like M-ear-y. Merry like Mare-y, night-mare-y.

Aaron and Erin are obviously different. I always hate when I hear Air-in for Aaron.
Completely wrong.

I always thought "draught" as in "draught beer" didn't make any sense at all.
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04-07-2011 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Yeti
merry, berry, kerry, terry, very, jerry all rhyme 100% perfectly for me

for those who are pronouncing 'merry' as 'mare-ee', i guess they do not all rhyme?
Yep they all rhyme. If you were to say 'he's having a 'mare!' that is the same sound as the first syllable as all of these to me.

Carrie the first syllable is almost exactly like car, but many english people say it like cah so it won't be to them.

Carrie=carry. Rhymes with marry, parry etc.

Kerry rhymes with terry jerry etc and sounds like care-ee

Originally Posted by Wyman

gary, larry, carry, tarry, barry, marry
Yup all rhyme.

Originally Posted by hntrr31
Completely wrong.

I always thought "draught" as in "draught beer" didn't make any sense at all.
Draught sounds like draft.

Wyman do you say Sarah like Sarr-ah? Its totally different 'a' from marry to me. Sarah=serra to me.
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04-07-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Carrie the first syllable is almost exactly like car, but many english people say it like cah so it won't be to them.

Wyman do you say Sarah like Sarr-ah? Its totally different 'a' from marry to me. Sarah=serra to me.
Can you give more things that have the same 'a' sound as in car and carrie iyo? I'm trying to figure out what that vowel is to you.

Sarah is not serra imo, and there's nothing long about the a sound. There's 0 trace of "air" in Sarah. The sound is kind of like this:
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04-07-2011 , 11:09 AM
I'm very much considering going through the past 2 pages of this thread and making an audio recording of how these words should be pronounced. The "fort" "fought" one is especially curious.

Also, what are you guys talking about with the 'grower' 'shower' stuff? I just assumed it was normal to be smaller when soft, and get bigger when this not the ****ing case?
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04-07-2011 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Wyman
fwiw, i am from (a NY-centric part of) NJ, and I don't consider myself to have much of an accent.

marry = carrie = s'a'rah = aaron = karen <--- the 'a' in cat.
Mary = air
Merry = Kerry = Erin = head
i'm with you!
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