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You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread)

04-07-2011 , 05:22 PM

Thanks for the chart. It helps. I write phonetic script so am happy to chip in on pronunciation arguments. Having a very, very neutral English accent helps my case some, but both I and Mrs. Harris pronounce 'caught' and 'court' the same...
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04-07-2011 , 06:30 PM
dids you are really good at this extracting lark. now i feel bad for being so vocal that you should absolutely never mod again
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04-07-2011 , 06:46 PM
I'm not sure clicking checkboxes is a skill, but thanks?
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04-07-2011 , 06:52 PM
This thread is really confusing for non-native speakers.
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04-07-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
I'm very much considering going through the past 2 pages of this thread and making an audio recording of how these words should be pronounced. The "fort" "fought" one is especially curious.
Wjat are, you, some sort of accent Nazi?
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04-07-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
gary, larry, carry, tarry, barry, marry
Well tarry can go two ways depending on meaning. If you meant defer leaving, yes, it belongs. If you meant black and sticky, then it goes with starry.

Not sure that marry belongs with this group, given its etymology.
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04-07-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Wjat are, you, some sort of accent Nazi?
lol wat.
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04-07-2011 , 08:38 PM
This thread (and these threads that pop up every month on 2+2) = "Everyone who doesn't talk exactly like me is a moron."
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04-07-2011 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog
One time, I was talking to somebody and mentioned a person's oeuvre, pronounced "oooh vruh". It is pronounced approximately that way in online dictionaries, both with phonetic symbols and in their audible examples. The guy I was talking too was not understanding what I was saying, or pretending not to understand, then he said "oh, you mean OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOV" in the most overexaggerated, French-y, Alex Trebek-y way possible. This might be how the word is pronounced in French, not sure. But I was right damnit, at least according to and

'Oeuvre' is a french word and to pronouce it correctly you have to use a vowel sound that doesn't get used much in native english words. The closest sound in the pronunciation chart in post 92 is probably represented by the upside down 'e'. It's not an OOOO at all. It is somewhere around could/should/would with a bit of book thrown in.

Given Alex Trebeck's origins, I expect he knows this.

The two pronunciations you've shown are both closer to ouvre (singular imperative of to open), than to oeuvre. The closest common french word you might have heard of is the plural of egg: oeufs.
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04-07-2011 , 08:46 PM
Was in South Carolina last year and often heard 'scoozie' instead of 'excuse me'.
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04-07-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
wtf is a barra? And I'd suspect that the first 'a' in 'barra' is pronounced like the first 'o' in borrow.
Barra is an island in the Outer Hebrides. That supplies us with two reasons why the 'a' in the first syllable sounds like what a sheep is alleged to say.
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04-07-2011 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
lol wat.

You said you'd tell us what the words should sound like.

I didn't know there was only one correct sound for a word.
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04-07-2011 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by PTW
Was in South Carolina last year and often heard 'scoozie' instead of 'excuse me'.
Must have been the Italian part of SC.
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04-07-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
Must have been the Italian part of SC.
I guess phonetically it was more like 'skewzee'
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04-07-2011 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath

'Oeuvre' is a french word and to pronouce it correctly you have to use a vowel sound that doesn't get used much in native english words. The closest sound in the pronunciation chart in post 92 is probably represented by the upside down 'e'. It's not an OOOO at all. It is somewhere around could/should/would with a bit of book thrown in.

Given Alex Trebeck's origins, I expect he knows this.

The two pronunciations you've shown are both closer to ouvre (singular imperative of to open), than to oeuvre. The closest common french word you might have heard of is the plural of egg: oeufs.
"oooh vruh" is not exactly right even in English, I give you that, it's just close to one of the accepted pronunciations of the word in English (as close as I'm likely to get if I'm speaking normally). Basically I was trying to communicate that the "vruh" sound is there, or allowed to be there if you're speaking English.
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04-07-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog
"oooh vruh" is not exactly right even in English, I give you that, it's just close to one of the accepted pronunciations of the word in English (as close as I'm likely to get if I'm speaking normally). Basically I was trying to communicate that the "vruh" sound is there, or allowed to be there if you're speaking English.
Yea, it's there, just de-emphasize it.
You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) Quote
04-08-2011 , 12:41 AM


creek = crick

last one is more a regional thing i think
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04-08-2011 , 01:02 AM
I'm not sure what else to make of this thread other than lol Boston, lol Ireland, and that nobody down here says N'awlins nor Cawnbread.
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04-08-2011 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by DoTheMath

'Oeuvre' is a french word and to pronouce it correctly you have to use a vowel sound that doesn't get used much in native english words. The closest sound in the pronunciation chart in post 92 is probably represented by the upside down 'e'. It's not an OOOO at all. It is somewhere around could/should/would with a bit of book thrown in.

Given Alex Trebeck's origins, I expect he knows this.

The two pronunciations you've shown are both closer to ouvre (singular imperative of to open), than to oeuvre. The closest common french word you might have heard of is the plural of egg: oeufs.
It wouldn't be a schwa as that is the short "uh" sound.

the correct would be:


3: as in "bird" "ir"
v as in "vale" "v"
rə as in "rut" "re"

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04-08-2011 , 07:02 AM
i really really hate the pronunciation 'carmelization'
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04-08-2011 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Dids

Originally Posted by Dids
This thread reminds me of the time in AC when daryn was getting into it with the floor at the Borg, who upon hearing daryn's unmistakably thick Boston accent accused him of being a Giants fan from New York.
You talk funny over there (extracted from "Things you thought were normal..." thread) Quote
04-08-2011 , 11:26 AM
How many people read the thread title, and thought this would be about me?

(If you didn't know, the name was spawned by my Boston accent...and my knees have gone so bad, I'm toying with the idea of changing it to youWalkfunny)
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04-08-2011 , 11:33 AM
You're the reason there's "other there" in the title, so that it wasn't just a post with your name on it.
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04-08-2011 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by daryn
here, listen to this:

i just recorded myself saying "mary.. marry.. merry.. and lisa marie for good measure"
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04-13-2011 , 10:50 PM
do views and shoes rhyme? i got in an argument with two girls who insist they do.
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