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You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread)

03-29-2013 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
239 today! Woot!


Wow, those are some before and after pictures! Keep it up!
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-29-2013 , 09:44 PM
Looking good YTF and mashoo!
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-30-2013 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by DarkOne
Looking good YTF and mashoo!
Thanks! Feels nice to be checked out by women once in a while when I go out haha
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-30-2013 , 02:55 PM
Holy. ****! (all caps, beginning wuth an F)
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-30-2013 , 03:15 PM
Just weighed in after binge weekend, 222. Could be worse, hoping for 219 next Friday.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-30-2013 , 04:10 PM
I'm ~ 6''1.5 and weigh ~145 lol. I'm 21 now, back when I was 16 I trained 3-4 times a week (1.5 years) + ate 6 meals a day (3 months) and went from 135 to 155. As soon as I stopped I lost 10 pounds within a month or so.

I always felt i'd find it easier to lose weight if I was overweigth and only had to do cardio than I feel about gaining weight by cooking + eating + weight workouts. It's just a matter of perception I guess.

The same way a lot of overweight people probably feel they would have to be on a perpetual diet to maintain a healthy weight, I feel like I would have to be on the training + 4-5 meals a day regimen forever to stay at or above 170.

I guess I feel like I fall in the alien category mentioned in the first few pages as far as metabolism types go.

Last edited by vomit; 03-30-2013 at 04:21 PM. Reason: hopefully none of this comes off as rude or insensitive, gl with you progress guys.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-30-2013 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by vomit
I'm ~ 6''1.5 and weigh ~145 lol. I'm 21 now, back when I was 16 I trained 3-4 times a week (1.5 years) + ate 6 meals a day (3 months) and went from 135 to 155. As soon as I stopped I lost 10 pounds within a month or so.

I always felt i'd find it easier to lose weight if I was overweigth and only had to do cardio than I feel about gaining weight by cooking + eating + weight workouts. It's just a matter of perception I guess.

The same way a lot of overweight people probably feel they would have to be on a perpetual diet to maintain a healthy weight, I feel like I would have to be on the training + 4-5 meals a day regimen forever to stay at or above 170.

I guess I feel like I fall in the alien category mentioned in the first few pages as far as metabolism types go.
I'll admit I'm sort of in this phase at the moment lol. After dropping a lot of weight and feeling a lot better about myself and getting compliments, I have this feeling of dread that if I stop my healthy eating habits, like cheating for pizza/burgers, the weight I've lost will creep back on me. I feel like I need to workout or do something active every day to keep on track. I am obsessed about the number on the scale every morning lol.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-30-2013 , 11:17 PM
..and that is why living healthy, eating correctly and/or 'working out' is a lifestyle.

The term "diet" is more often then not used as a verb. If you stop using it as a verb and use it as a noun it begins to make sense why so many people regain what they lost.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 12:32 AM
Any recommendations how to get my parents to stop eating like complete crap. Their fridge has like 4 bottles of ranch, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, and other junk. My mom almost died from a kidney stone that caused a blood infection. That night I went through there fridge and threw everything out that was junk(90% of the fridge). A year later, nothing has changed.

Just found out my Dad likely had a mini stroke(TIA) and tonight for dinner he had 2 portions of lasagna and apple pie. I got pretty pissed off and vocal about the fact he's killing himself but no one else cares. He's been a heavy drinker his whole life and he stopped this past Thanksgiving after years of me getting on his case about it.

My family is happy he stopped drinking but he hasn't lost any weight. Prob weighs 275 and is 5 ft 11 in. He says he plans on losing weight but he has no sense of urgency. Is there anything I can do to help?(websites/books/tips).

YouTube wedding fail pants fall down. That's my Dad whos tuxedo pants latch broke because his gut is too big. We laugh about it but it really makes me sad that he's doing himself harm and life expectancy can't be long.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 01:57 AM
^^Get him to cut back slowly (maybe even without him realizing it), think its the only way
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by dudeoflife
Any recommendations how to get my parents to stop eating like complete crap. Their fridge has like 4 bottles of ranch, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, and other junk. My mom almost died from a kidney stone that caused a blood infection. That night I went through there fridge and threw everything out that was junk(90% of the fridge). A year later, nothing has changed.

Just found out my Dad likely had a mini stroke(TIA) and tonight for dinner he had 2 portions of lasagna and apple pie. I got pretty pissed off and vocal about the fact he's killing himself but no one else cares. He's been a heavy drinker his whole life and he stopped this past Thanksgiving after years of me getting on his case about it.

My family is happy he stopped drinking but he hasn't lost any weight. Prob weighs 275 and is 5 ft 11 in. He says he plans on losing weight but he has no sense of urgency. Is there anything I can do to help?(websites/books/tips).

YouTube wedding fail pants fall down. That's my Dad whos tuxedo pants latch broke because his gut is too big. We laugh about it but it really makes me sad that he's doing himself harm and life expectancy can't be long.
Grandkids would probably do It
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
..and that is why living healthy, eating correctly and/or 'working out' is a lifestyle.

The term "diet" is more often then not used as a verb. If you stop using it as a verb and use it as a noun it begins to make sense why so many people regain what they lost.
I think it's finally hit me as a complete lifestyle change tonight. I was active today and knew I was going out with a friend for a movie and some beers afterwards. At the bar, I refused the menu and my friend supported me and even asked if I was cool with him ordering food lol. I had no problem with it and I did have the urge to order some chili fries, I opted against. I wasn't preaching eating healthy or anything but I was glad my friend didn't push me to eat when he was. I was jelly of the food he ordered but at the same time I didn't crave wings, burgers, nachos, etc.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by vomit
I'm ~ 6''1.5 and weigh ~145 lol. I'm 21 now, back when I was 16 I trained 3-4 times a week (1.5 years) + ate 6 meals a day (3 months) and went from 135 to 155. As soon as I stopped I lost 10 pounds within a month or so.

I always felt i'd find it easier to lose weight if I was overweigth and only had to do cardio than I feel about gaining weight by cooking + eating + weight workouts. It's just a matter of perception I guess.

The same way a lot of overweight people probably feel they would have to be on a perpetual diet to maintain a healthy weight, I feel like I would have to be on the training + 4-5 meals a day regimen forever to stay at or above 170.

I guess I feel like I fall in the alien category mentioned in the first few pages as far as metabolism types go.
It's not your metabolism that is the problem. Yes you don't have the appetite of most others but the calories in/calories out is the same as everyone else.

I was even worse than you at 6ft 2 and 140 pounds from 18 to my mid 20s. Just said i had the fastest metabolism in the world and there was nothing i could do to gain weight.

Then decided to get to the gym and force myself to up my calories (super easy with milk and/or gainer shakes).

As of today I am about 198 and going to break 200 soon.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 08:14 AM
It's hard to gain weight when you are bulimic, vomit.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by mashoo
I think it's finally hit me as a complete lifestyle change tonight. I was active today and knew I was going out with a friend for a movie and some beers afterwards. At the bar, I refused the menu and my friend supported me and even asked if I was cool with him ordering food lol. I had no problem with it and I did have the urge to order some chili fries, I opted against. I wasn't preaching eating healthy or anything but I was glad my friend didn't push me to eat when he was. I was jelly of the food he ordered but at the same time I didn't crave wings, burgers, nachos, etc.
This is soooo tilting when people get offended about not taking the menu. Arent you going to get something? Im hungry but im not going to get something if you dont? its so awkward that you dont eat like a normal person when we fo out. Etc. so tilting.

You have a good friend.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 10:05 AM
I only puke once or twice a year, but im pretty regular when it comes to pooping. I often have to get up during the middle of a meal because the current meal is pushing the previous one out. I thought i might be digesting too quickly without my body having time to properly absorbe nutrients.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
This is soooo tilting when people get offended about not taking the menu. Arent you going to get something? Im hungry but im not going to get something if you dont? its so awkward that you dont eat like a normal person when we fo out. Etc. so tilting.

You have a good friend.
Lol I can only imagine. I haven't eaten out much at all these past few months so I haven't had people get their feathers ruffled if I don't take a menu. My friend knew I've been changing how I eat so he just asked so he didn't look like a jerk I guess lol. Actually when he ordered his chicken burger I thought "hmm, I'll have to make that at home sometime"
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 01:36 PM

You should see a doctor. It sounds like you might have something wrong with your digestive system.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 01:43 PM

I think Keeper has the right idea. I forget which shrink or quack said this but its very true. "You cant care more than they care."
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
03-31-2013 , 02:41 PM
Then I guess its been wrong for the last 10+ years.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
04-03-2013 , 11:11 AM

To go full circle from the original issue, airline charging passengers based on weight.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
04-03-2013 , 11:18 AM
Every now and then I look at the first couple pages of this thread.

There's a lot of funny stuff there.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
04-03-2013 , 11:58 AM

Concentration camp hunger!
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
04-03-2013 , 12:09 PM
El D,

Just got to the part where suzzer makes an appearance, ahahah!
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
04-03-2013 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
Just weighed in after binge weekend, 222. Could be worse, hoping for 219 next Friday.
Have you ever considered trying to go a month without alcohol?

I don't want to come down on you too hard considering you've lost a lot of weight so what you're doing in obviously working. But if you binged again this weekend after the 10K in alcoholic calories you consumed last weekend, well, I know the liver is a resilient organ but jfc, you're sure putting that theory to the test, lol.

You could probably drop to 200lbs by simply taking an alcoholic beverage hiatus for 6-8 weeks.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
