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You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread)

06-23-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by sofocused978
lol those aren't even the good pics. But yeah I like ice cream. And pizza. My god do I love those 2 things.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-23-2013 , 09:24 PM
ive still been between 210 and 215 the last weekish. ate pretty well overall on the bachelor party (got fatburger once though mmm), drank a lot of course.

noticed while wearing dress clothes that ive lost most of my "side pooch" love handle type fat. had my shirt tucked in and was pleased for once.

also had A++ success with the ladies recently. hotter girls that mentally i imagine are out of my league are checking me out and receptive now. pretty sweet to see the success work not to mention just how much better i feel about myself in general.

1 more week till a wedding, then going no alcohol for the month of July and beginning of august until vegas. feel like <200 is gonna be a real possibility.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-23-2013 , 09:51 PM
oh and another thing- and i might cross post this in the H&F thread too- but wondering how my workout is and what i can do to improve/enhance it.

here's where I'm at currently for workouts:

M/W: Upper body
-Warm-up with walk and 1 mile jog (8 min pace)
-Bench press. 10x135(warmup), 8x185, 6x205, 2-4x225. occasionally switch the last set to repping 135 till i fail
-lat pull down. on a machine with the individual cords rather than 1 bar.
-hamstring stretch and ab bridges/planks. ab bridges i do front 30 sec, each side 30 sec, then front again 30 sec, all without dropping down. then i repeat at 25 sec and 20 sec.
-free weight dumbells: shoulder press, incline chest press, rows (like knee and arm on a flat bench style), 1 arm clean type thing? basically standing, do a curl then extend my arm over my head

Tues: Legs
- Walk and jog warm up again
- hamstring stretch and repeat my ab bridges/planks
- BOSU ball exercises. balance 1 leg for a minute each leg. flip it over so im standing on the flat side and do 1 leg squats while balancing. flip over again and balance holding a full knee bend/squat for as long as i can each leg
- Squats
- Dead lift
- Calf raises

Thursday I have been taking a day off or swimming or just jogging. Usually do at least something but it depends how sore my legs are. Friday I do both Upper body and lower body as listed here.

Im basically doing 3 sets of everything except bench where i do 4 if you count that warmup set. typically am doing a 10/8/6 rep but somethings ill do 10/10/10 or 8/8/8. also occasionally skip legs on Friday and do them saturday instead. Saturday ill just jog. Sunday I never do anything as Im usually pretty beat up at that point.

So my workouts generally take me like 90+ minutes. I go pretty damn hard while Im there. How does this look overall? I feel like its a pretty good workout and im covering most things but anything can be improved. I used to do assisted dips instead of the rows but i think the rows are way better. may add dips back in. also thinking about adding in the rotating ab machine thing (think drago in Rocky 4).

And then the last thing I guess is that I suck at squats. Like i used to play catcher in baseball and always figured i had strong legs. not sure what my deal is. I am going all the way down when i do them (no bull**** 45 degree angle squats). but im weaker at them comparatively to everything else. part of this i attributed to hurting my achilles and not doing squats for awhile (only been back doing them a couple months) but my deadlift has been improving more (never did deadlift before a few months ago).

I can bench 255 max, havent maxed out dead lift but am repping 205. squats last week i nearly failed on my 4th rep at 175. Idk.

oops this post got long. ty to anyone that reads it, lol.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-24-2013 , 12:55 AM
I catch girls looking at me all the time these days. It's really weird to me.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-24-2013 , 12:56 AM
I was 210 two years ago - got down to 162 (yikes) I'm 5-8. Back up to 216 (yikes) then from this past December to now - back down to 190. Want to lose another 10. Can you guess how I lost weight? Eating right and exercising.
Can you guess how I gained it back?.. yep... stopping the exercise and eating lots of Ben and Jerry's (though my freezer never looked like that pic above)

Lost 26 pounds again by.... eating right and hitting the gym. Isn't that amazing!!

I do use Lose It to track calories and it's pretty good to just reminding me if I'm hitting red on the graph... I budget 1800 a day - need to lower it a bit to kick the last 10 pounds into gear.

I'm also convinced weight lifting and not just cardio is key...

You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-24-2013 , 12:59 AM
Peanut butter world is so good. Also chocolate peppermint crunch.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-24-2013 , 03:34 PM
211.6 this morning.

Originally Posted by daryn
I catch girls looking at me all the time these days. It's really weird to me.
You think it's really weird to YOU? How do you think I feel?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-24-2013 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
211.6 this morning.
killing it
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-24-2013 , 09:56 PM
hey ytf, wanna make a weightloss bet over the next 6-7 weeks? I am going to Vegas on August 12 and want some extra motivation.

I was 216.5 this morning. Maybe like straight 1:1 weightloss? or we can do % if you want.

my avatar is KKC's until then but we could do an avatar bet, or location bet, etc. willing to wager up to $20 if you accept Paypal since I have that much in my account just sitting there leftover from Fantasy sports.

can reply here or PM me.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 05:15 AM
I quit gambling a few months back (another monumental lifestyle change while I'm at it), but I'll give you all the avatar/location action you can eat, so to speak.

1:1 is fine, I'll step on the scale every morning until you say "go", and that day's number will be my starting point. I'm making you the favorite, prob -125, because I think you're more of a sprinter than me.

EDIT TO ADD: Oh, I see we both weighed in this morning, so we may as well just use those numbers: 216.5 for you, 211.6 for me. Whatever avatar stakes you had with KKC is fine with me.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 05:54 AM
yeota, your workout is pretty weird and non optimal. I'd highly suggest starting a log in H & F if you haven't already. Make sure to be clear about what your goals are.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
I quit gambling a few months back (another monumental lifestyle change while I'm at it), but I'll give you all the avatar/location action you can eat, so to speak.

1:1 is fine, I'll step on the scale every morning until you say "go", and that day's number will be my starting point. I'm making you the favorite, prob -125, because I think you're more of a sprinter than me.

EDIT TO ADD: Oh, I see we both weighed in this morning, so we may as well just use those numbers: 216.5 for you, 211.6 for me. Whatever avatar stakes you had with KKC is fine with me.
Cool yeah let's use those numbers. End date of august 11, 1 month avatar bet.

Originally Posted by Duerig
yeota, your workout is pretty weird and non optimal. I'd highly suggest starting a log in H & F if you haven't already. Make sure to be clear about what your goals are.
Tips for improvement?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
Cool yeah let's use those numbers. End date of august 11, 1 month avatar bet.
Done. BTW, what exactly does an avatar bet entail? I fly your flag? Or I fly any flag you choose?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 06:18 PM

Starting Strength, eat clean, drink milk or/and tonnes of protein and get enough sleep. Do this until you are svelt.

is my cliffs of what h and f might say.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
oh and another thing- and i might cross post this in the H&F thread too- but wondering how my workout is and what i can do to improve/enhance it.

here's where I'm at currently for workouts:

M/W: Upper body
-Warm-up with walk and 1 mile jog (8 min pace)
-Bench press. 10x135(warmup), 8x185, 6x205, 2-4x225. occasionally switch the last set to repping 135 till i fail
-lat pull down. on a machine with the individual cords rather than 1 bar.
-hamstring stretch and ab bridges/planks. ab bridges i do front 30 sec, each side 30 sec, then front again 30 sec, all without dropping down. then i repeat at 25 sec and 20 sec.
-free weight dumbells: shoulder press, incline chest press, rows (like knee and arm on a flat bench style), 1 arm clean type thing? basically standing, do a curl then extend my arm over my head

Tues: Legs
- Walk and jog warm up again
- hamstring stretch and repeat my ab bridges/planks
- BOSU ball exercises. balance 1 leg for a minute each leg. flip it over so im standing on the flat side and do 1 leg squats while balancing. flip over again and balance holding a full knee bend/squat for as long as i can each leg
- Squats
- Dead lift
- Calf raises

Thursday I have been taking a day off or swimming or just jogging. Usually do at least something but it depends how sore my legs are. Friday I do both Upper body and lower body as listed here.

Im basically doing 3 sets of everything except bench where i do 4 if you count that warmup set. typically am doing a 10/8/6 rep but somethings ill do 10/10/10 or 8/8/8. also occasionally skip legs on Friday and do them saturday instead. Saturday ill just jog. Sunday I never do anything as Im usually pretty beat up at that point.

So my workouts generally take me like 90+ minutes. I go pretty damn hard while Im there. How does this look overall? I feel like its a pretty good workout and im covering most things but anything can be improved. I used to do assisted dips instead of the rows but i think the rows are way better. may add dips back in. also thinking about adding in the rotating ab machine thing (think drago in Rocky 4).

And then the last thing I guess is that I suck at squats. Like i used to play catcher in baseball and always figured i had strong legs. not sure what my deal is. I am going all the way down when i do them (no bull**** 45 degree angle squats). but im weaker at them comparatively to everything else. part of this i attributed to hurting my achilles and not doing squats for awhile (only been back doing them a couple months) but my deadlift has been improving more (never did deadlift before a few months ago).

I can bench 255 max, havent maxed out dead lift but am repping 205. squats last week i nearly failed on my 4th rep at 175. Idk.

oops this post got long. ty to anyone that reads it, lol.

this workout needs a lot of work

what ar your goals?

id do a 5min walk/slow jog then ur weights then finish with a jog if u have energy
90+ minutes lifting weight is boarderline too long
45-60mins lifting solidly is about the right amount of time before ur bodt starts feeding off itself...unless ur taking in a peri(during) workout of some type...

also i might throw deadlifts in with upper body day, its a back day exercise really, meaning u have more energy for bigger lifts on both days

bench,squats and deads are basically ur holy trinity of lifts, and doing two major one squats and deads in on routine is very taxing esp in a 2 day per week routine. if u was doing 4-5 day a week then ye its fine like u could do max on squats 5/3/1 type thing and 70% max rep on deads then like 2-3 day later switch/alernate

but like i say ur goals are whats needed, is it to shed fat or gain mass?

also on ur leg day i would def do lunges
d/b in both hands lunge up and down the drive way/car park/gym where ever

u could also super set them

like 12 reps squats straight into 12 reps ham curls straight into 12 rep calf raise finishing with lunges til u drop the weights go as far as u can then killer on the legs but god they soon grow
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 06:36 PM
also just seen post above mine

while its nice to do ur own kinda thing while working out

thre a loads of tried and tested routines for every possible need out there
wight loss
strength gain
mass gains

5/3/1 starting strength etc all tried and tested and while using a proper plan and writing down things like measurements u see if things work or not

pictures and measurements
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
Tips for improvement?
Starting strength is going to be a lot closer to optimal than what you're doing. Don't over complicate it - just do that but don't eat too much. You'll get a hell of a lot stronger at squat / deadlift very quickly and when you start to plateau re-evaluate. But start a log at H&F, those guys know their stuff much better than me.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-25-2013 , 07:57 PM
I'd be tempted to look at Grey Skull Linear Progress program, which is very similar to SS but adds some more aesthetics work at higher reps (ignore neck harness work though).

Get adequate protein (~1g/lb lean mass), keep 500cal/day deficit, cut down to working out no more than every other day (your achilles rehab doesnt count, do that often).
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-26-2013 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Done. BTW, what exactly does an avatar bet entail? I fly your flag? Or I fly any flag you choose?
Whoever wins gets to pick the other persons avatar.

Originally Posted by GreenSmoke85

Starting Strength, eat clean, drink milk or/and tonnes of protein and get enough sleep. Do this until you are svelt.

is my cliffs of what h and f might say.

Originally Posted by mesmerized
this workout needs a lot of work

what ar your goals?

id do a 5min walk/slow jog then ur weights then finish with a jog if u have energy
90+ minutes lifting weight is boarderline too long
45-60mins lifting solidly is about the right amount of time before ur bodt starts feeding off itself...unless ur taking in a peri(during) workout of some type...

also i might throw deadlifts in with upper body day, its a back day exercise really, meaning u have more energy for bigger lifts on both days

bench,squats and deads are basically ur holy trinity of lifts, and doing two major one squats and deads in on routine is very taxing esp in a 2 day per week routine. if u was doing 4-5 day a week then ye its fine like u could do max on squats 5/3/1 type thing and 70% max rep on deads then like 2-3 day later switch/alernate

but like i say ur goals are whats needed, is it to shed fat or gain mass?

also on ur leg day i would def do lunges
d/b in both hands lunge up and down the drive way/car park/gym where ever

u could also super set them

like 12 reps squats straight into 12 reps ham curls straight into 12 rep calf raise finishing with lunges til u drop the weights go as far as u can then killer on the legs but god they soon grow

Originally Posted by mesmerized
also just seen post above mine

while its nice to do ur own kinda thing while working out

thre a loads of tried and tested routines for every possible need out there
wight loss
strength gain
mass gains

5/3/1 starting strength etc all tried and tested and while using a proper plan and writing down things like measurements u see if things work or not

pictures and measurements

Originally Posted by Duerig
Starting strength is going to be a lot closer to optimal than what you're doing. Don't over complicate it - just do that but don't eat too much. You'll get a hell of a lot stronger at squat / deadlift very quickly and when you start to plateau re-evaluate. But start a log at H&F, those guys know their stuff much better than me.

Originally Posted by Aidan
I'd be tempted to look at Grey Skull Linear Progress program, which is very similar to SS but adds some more aesthetics work at higher reps (ignore neck harness work though).

Get adequate protein (~1g/lb lean mass), keep 500cal/day deficit, cut down to working out no more than every other day (your achilles rehab doesnt count, do that often).
Thanks for the tips. Just ordered starting strength on amazon.

Main goal is still to lose weight, but build lean mass while doing so. What I've been doing so far has seemed to work out pretty well as I've seen results, but I figured there would be places to improve.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-26-2013 , 01:48 PM
So been feeling tired and not sleeping well the last couple days... in fact yesterday was the first day in a long time where I lazied myself out of the gym (which I obv regretted after).

I think this was because on Monday I only had like 1250 calories (had can of chicken, protein shake, beef jerky, BOCA burgers, brussel sprouts- so wasn't hungry), and went to the gym and reffed basketball for 2 hours. Yesterday I ended at 1800 calories but that was with roughly 500 from alcohol (2 20z light beers and mixed drink).

Anyway I think this lack of energy was due to eating too little. I need to remember that if I am not going to binge a little on the weekends to keep my calories up in the 16-1800 range instead of 13-1600.

So started today with this:

Massive (i mean like thickness of Chipotle burrito) omelet with a full can of chicken, peppers, onions, 1/2 cup cheese, and 2 eggs. Pretty impressed that I was able to eat it all and that I was able to fold the omelet, haha.

Stats: 600 cal / 31 fat / 11 carb / 73 protein

Oh and yesterday for dinner I had the best Tuna steak I've ever had. Marinated for about 5hrs in 1/4 cup soy sauce, 2 TBSP honey, and 1 big scoop of the Sriracha chili paste stuff. Grilled to a perfect medium. Pictured is an 8oz portion of Tuna, but I also had a 2oz portion to taste the italian dressing marinade (good but not as good), and 200g brussels with 1/4 onion.

Stats: 577 cals / 3.5 fat / 27 carb / 73 protein

Decided I'm not skipping the gym again. Esp once I get the SS and see how that goes.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-26-2013 , 02:21 PM
I've been eating in the 1,300 calorie range for about a month now. Most days I usually eat closer to 1,000, but had 3 drinking nights which brought my average up loads.

I generally don't feel hungry until I've eaten so I generally wait like 6 hours before I eat anything. Although I play poker from home so I'm sure this would be pretty hard for people with real jobs.

I'm 5"10 and 25, started at 200 and down to 185 in around 4 weeks.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-26-2013 , 03:25 PM

those type of meals and more meals like that, supplemented with proper lifting will get you the promise land.

that breakfast has solid numbers. i was also impressed with the massive burrito like omelet fold
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-26-2013 , 03:40 PM
I tried some Wal-Mart canned chicken yesterday and it was awful. It tasted like despair.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-26-2013 , 03:49 PM

A trained cook(?) doesn't like canned chicken?? Not enough depth of flavor or texture issue?
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
06-27-2013 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
I tried some Wal-Mart canned chicken yesterday and it was awful. It tasted like despair.
Gotta go Costco / Kirkland obv

Yeah that was the biggest omelet I think I've ever made (in terms of fatness). Especially with only 2 eggs I was pretty stoked with my tri-fold game.
You Talk to Fatties (extracted from Scams thread) Quote
