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"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! "Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode!

10-24-2010 , 02:25 PM
I say bag and all -ag words (brag, tag, flag) with a long a like vague. Same with bagel, just like everyone on Community except Britta.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2010 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
how do you people pronounce bag?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2010 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by pankwindu
I say bag and all -ag words (brag, tag, flag) with a long a like vague. Same with bagel, just like everyone on Community except Britta.
If you're serious... where are you from? I've never heard that, and I've been a lot of places.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2010 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by pankwindu
I say bag and all -ag words (brag, tag, flag) with a long a like vague. Same with bagel, just like everyone on Community except Britta.
i say it like this too.
Originally Posted by atakdog
If you're serious... where are you from? I've never heard that, and I've been a lot of places.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2010 , 05:05 PM
You played tayg and flayg football as a kid? Weird.

Prague = Prayg? really?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2010 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
If you're serious... where are you from? I've never heard that, and I've been a lot of places.
Upper midwest. The quiz in this thread scored me as neutral accent. I say bag almost like bait, and not like bat. Same with flag, it's a long a, different from flat. Also if I play the sounds for bag and bat at they sound different to my ears; bag sounds more like long a to me. (Not that is necessarily definitive, of course. Or my ears, for that matter.)
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-24-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
You played tayg and flayg football as a kid? Weird.

Prague = Prayg? really?
how do you pronounce tag and flag? tog and flog?

and im not sure ive ever had the chance to say prague. i would probably say prawg.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:10 AM
Stephen Fry on Language nittery:
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:28 AM
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
how do you pronounce tag and flag? tog and flog?

and im not sure ive ever had the chance to say prague. i would probably say prawg.

how do you pronounce agriculture? do you say eh-griculture?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by mikech

how do you pronounce agriculture? do you say eh-griculture?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-25-2010 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by sorrow
Stephen Fry on Language nittery:
beat me to it argh
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-25-2010 , 02:16 AM
How did I never see this thread, on this or any of my many other accounts?
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-25-2010 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
how do you pronounce tag and flag? tog and flog?

and im not sure ive ever had the chance to say prague. i would probably say prawg.
With a short a. I would offer other words that are pronounced similarly, but you probably pronounce those all different, too.

Originally Posted by mikech

how do you pronounce agriculture? do you say eh-griculture?
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
Whaaaaa? Mind blowing.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-30-2010 , 04:29 PM
I love this thread.

I can't stand the overuse of ellipses by nearly everyone in the world. They are used online to show that a phrase is trailing off or for silence, and that's fine. When people take perfectly good sentences that don't require an ellipsis and add them out of habit, a kitten dies.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-31-2010 , 05:00 AM
As a Giants fan, a lot of things sucked about the game last night. This provided its own special brand of irritation, though:

"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
10-31-2010 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by yellowjack
I love this thread.

I can't stand the overuse of ellipses by nearly everyone in the world. They are used online to show that a phrase is trailing off or for silence, and that's fine. When people take perfectly good sentences that don't require an ellipsis and add them out of habit, a kitten dies.
Cool story, bro....
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 12:59 PM
"The Hawaii Bankers Association recently provided a timely alert, warning all Hawaii banking customers of a telephone scam. The scam calls or texts individuals and fraudulently advises that their bank account is being deactivated; then the computerized message asks for your account information."

I really feel like timely is the wrong word to use here, but I'm having trouble in my head clarifying why.

time·ly (tml)
adj. time·li·er, time·li·est
1. Occurring at a suitable or opportune time; well-timed.
2. Archaic Coming too early; premature.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 05:22 PM
I think it depends on how many people got duped by the scam before they spread the word.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 07:13 PM
For some reason I hate it when people pronounce rhetoric "red-or-ic" instead of "re-tor-ic." Yes I understand the former sounds much fancier but it loses all consistency when forced to pronounce the word "rhetorical."
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 07:19 PM
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 07:23 PM
rhet·o·ric /ˈrɛtərɪk/

[Hint: that means the emphasis is on the first syllable.]
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by atakdog
rhet·o·ric /ˈrɛtərɪk/

[Hint: that means the emphasis is on the first syllable.]
rhe·tor·i·cal (rĭ-tôr'ĭ-kəl, -tŏr'-)

I see your point but I just don't understand the deemphasis of the "tee" sound in "red-or-ic" when in rhetorical, the "tee" sound is emphasized.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 07:43 PM
this is a very common phenomenon in english.
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
11-02-2010 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by stevemckenna
rhe·tor·i·cal (rĭ-tôr'ĭ-kəl, -tŏr'-)

I see your point but I just don't understand the deemphasis of the "tee" sound in "red-or-ic" when in rhetorical, the "tee" sound is emphasized.
nonsense —> nonsensical

(as an example)
"Grammar" and "Punctuation" nit's unite! You're "head" will literally explode! Quote
