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09-05-2013 , 08:47 PM

I really enjoy it when you give serious advice to ATF.
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09-05-2013 , 08:51 PM
El D, it's not so much advice as it is winging punches at a heavy bag. I enjoy bashing ATF's brand of cluelessness.
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09-05-2013 , 08:59 PM

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09-05-2013 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
Bobboufl11, make the plans for them. In fact, make that your message and sometimes initial message.

"Hey, a few friends and I are going to ___________, you should come if you're free. I'll buy you a drink. We could talk about 'x'"

See how it suddenly sounds like an invitation a friend would make and it's completely casual? No pressure situations put girls on their toes and since it's so open they'll be more inclined to join.
This seems like a better line if you've already got the Henry17 social scene/set of venues set up and a bunch of advantages from going to your reg places and a high chance of getting laid whether or not the girl shows up. I'm working on moving closer to that but I don't have anything going yet so I'd rather do a 1 on 1 date to get to know them better.
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09-05-2013 , 09:11 PM
Can someone explain what Henry is? I don't know what it is and everyone keeps mentioning it
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09-05-2013 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
And uh, ATF, humans in general are pretty variable no matter what age, but it gets steadier as you go up. Confirmation bias because you make weird choices and tend to attract and be attracted to weird people.
Obviously, however when emotions get involved, as they often do in romantic scenarios such as dating, the needle tends to gyrate between the extremes. And you have no idea who I am nor who I attract. I could just as easily say you're ordinary, which, IMO, seems like a worse fate than weird.
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09-05-2013 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
Can someone explain what Henry is? I don't know what it is and everyone keeps mentioning it
henry is one of the five best posters on the site
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09-05-2013 , 09:18 PM
This attractive woman took nearly 2 weeks to respond to my opener. We had a decent back and forth and she gave me her number and suggested something we ought to do. I was pretty exhausted / busy over the weekend and shot her a text on labor day which included a sweet picture of my view of the lake at the time (we both previously expressed how we didn't want summer to end, my text incorporated that theme and the quintessential picture of summer at the lake), saying this is what I'm up to right now. She never responded but she's online now. Some women can be crazy fickle.
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09-05-2013 , 09:18 PM

Nice job owning the wannabe shrink!
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09-05-2013 , 09:21 PM

How does her having a small amount of interest in you make her crazy fickle?
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09-05-2013 , 09:21 PM
Where is Henry and why aren't we dating? jk
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09-05-2013 , 09:22 PM
Sick burns all around.

ATF, I have a pretty good sense of how weird you are based on your weird posts here, and I am perfectly content to be labeled ordinary by you since that means you won't be attracted to me.
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09-05-2013 , 09:23 PM
jenn he's already dating someone on this site so get in line
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09-05-2013 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
Sick burns all around.

ATF, I have a pretty good sense of how weird you are based on your weird posts here, and I am perfectly content to be labeled ordinary by you since that means you won't be attracted to me.
Skunk, stop fishing. You know you have great posts here. Now bring Henry

jenn he's already dating someone on this site so get in line
must be Ivey
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09-05-2013 , 09:28 PM
Henry tends to shy away from OOT, and he and Diablo are oil and vinegar, but if you can get them in this thread together and shake things up, you might get a beautiful emulsion.

Also, not sure if Henry finds me annoying, since I think I recall trying to go all Cpt. Save-a-ho on him last time he tangled with Diablo.
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09-05-2013 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

How does her having a small amount of interest in you make her crazy fickle?
Her last "email" shot down my idea, countered with another, very specific idea and included her number. If proposing everything but the day and time is not interest, what is?

My take is she was expecting me to suggest meeting up over the weekend and when that didn't happen... she reconsidered. I've never had an online interaction go as well and not convert to at least some back and forth over text messages.
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09-05-2013 , 09:36 PM
Jenni: you can find Henry in the student life dating thread. I doubt he'd be interested in this thread as he believes (iirc which I'm pretty sure I do) online dating is only for losers.

ATF: she had a little bit of interest in you and was willing to do something with you if it was what she wanted to do and required little effort/planning on her part. But since that didn't come together, she didn't have enough interest in you to actual work on making something happen, since her actual effort is focused on dating prospects she is more interested in. That's all, something like that.
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09-05-2013 , 09:41 PM
El Diablo, how is it possible someone finds online dating loserish if they met their SO on this site? 2p2 is online, is it not?
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09-05-2013 , 09:44 PM
I think of Henry17 as like a Gatsby but on the internet and instead of being the most hopeful person in the world, he's the most tipping person in the world.

Would Gatsby join an online dating site to find girls? Surely not, old sport!
Would Gatsby join an online poker site, which is definitely a prestigious sport played by gentlemen, naval officers, and presidents? Why of course, old sport!
Would Gatsby meet a girl he knew through a gentlemen/naval officer/president site? Let's not rule it out, old sport!
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09-05-2013 , 09:45 PM

A) he didn't meet his SO on the site, she just also posts here.

B) I have no idea how he would feel about that. I just know what he has written about his thoughts on people on dating sites like OKC/match/pof etc.
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09-05-2013 , 09:46 PM
El Diablo,

Thanks for the factual update, old sport!
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09-05-2013 , 09:47 PM
Also the Henry17 guide to women is a solid read

I got a lot out of reading all the Henry posts in this massive PUA thread
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09-05-2013 , 09:50 PM
if you are doing something that henry tells you is wrong, then you are doing something wrong
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09-05-2013 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
Henry tends to shy away from OOT, and he and Diablo are oil and vinegar, but if you can get them in this thread together and shake things up, you might get a beautiful emulsion.
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