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Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk!

07-22-2008 , 10:58 PM
07-22-2008 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I'm taking bets vs. anyone reputable that Two-Face ain't dead.
I don't think he would be in the third one (assuming Nolan of course) simply for the fact that he probably wouldn't fit the theme. (At least not in a role any bigger than Scarecrow had in TDK). Nolan has really used the villian's to set the theme of the movie. Scarecrow was perfect for BB because his main "power" was using fear and mind tricks against people. The main theme of BB was Bruce Wayne overcoming his fears. Also, Raz's main belief seemed to be that people are generally bad and needed to hit rock bottom to bounce back. Bruce (through Rachael) started to believe that people were generally good and needed hope to overcome tough times.

Without typing out a 10 pages, much of TDK centered around the similarities and differences between Bruce and Harvey. In the beginning Bruce envied Harvey and wanted to be like him. Throughout the movie he realized that he could never be the "White Knight" and would always have to be the "Dark Knight." Obviously the Joker and Batman are the polar opposites and one of the biggest rivals in the history of super-heroes.

I think if/when they do a third movie I think Nolan will choose a new villian and a new theme. I don't know much about Batman villians, so I can't really offer a guess who he will choose.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:17 PM
I've read through probably 70% of this thread and haven't seen this asked yet, so whatever. Is there something behind the fact that Joker gives two different accounts of how his face got cut and was presumably about to give a third? Or is it just random.

Awesome movie, bla bla etc.


too cartoony for 3? one of my favorites from the cartoon

Last edited by NameOnTheCake; 07-22-2008 at 11:24 PM.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by EvanJC
I've read through probably 70% of this thread and haven't seen this asked yet, so whatever. Is there something behind the fact that Joker gives two different accounts of how his face got cut and was presumably about to give a third? Or is it just random.
My best guess is that it just shows how crazy the Joker is and also to add to the mystery of the character. People in this thread have mentioned how they would love a "Joker Begins" movie. I think having the Joker's origins be unknown makes him somewhat scarier and more intriguing. If he had a backstory about having a messed up childhood people might sympathize with him more. Having him just be some nutcase with no past makes him more evil IMO.
I also think he likes making up crazy stories to scare the s*** out of whoever he is telling them to.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:17 AM
Hear hear, the Joker should remain a mystery, imo...and I would guess based on the death of Ledger, that is the way things will remain. People talking about "So who's gonna play Joker in the next movie!!???" make my head hurt.

As philfan05 said, if made by Nolan, a new movie will have a new theme and a new villain. It doesn't seem very likely that a new movie would center around Dent/Two-Face and there is noooo way they are gonna follow up this movie by recasting the fricken Joker role after Ledger just owned the **** out of it. That would be like if Hopkins didn't play Lecter in Hannibal. It would be such an enormous letdown.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:00 AM
Ledger stole the show.

Now for a little nitpicking:

"Two Face Harvey Dent" flips a coin to determine if
you live or die: Stolen from "No Country For Old Men."
[Jesus christ i got tired of seeing that F***ing coin!!!]

Batman lassos the truck with wire and anchers it so it
stops cold & flips straight up in the air before
falling: Stolen from: "Terminator III"

Batman's ability to see with a sort of sonar: "Daredevil"
(i know the circumstances were different, but the
shaky white outline of the room & people...identical.

Also, Batman's voice is too low and garbled: funny
how Batman uses that same inaudible voice while down in
the Bat Cave with Morgan Feeman even though batman is
perfectly well aware that Freeman knows he's
Bruce Wayne (come on, you KNOW it's never been
suggested that there is some device built into the
neck of 'The Batman Suit' to alter his voice. Sorry,
nope, never happened, but nice try just the same, Lol.)

Too much time spent with commissioner Gordon & his family, I
could care less about him or his forgettable family. EDIT THAT OUT!!

I think they needed a more imaginative choreographer for
the fight scenes. I was bored much of the time watching
batman fist fight.

Lastly, they had a real opportunity to have few BIG Laughs
with those Batman wannabees. They blew it IMO. Not one
big belly laugh in this flick. [No, not the cheap comic book laughs. I hate that.]

I hope they don't try to revive the Joker with someone imitating Ledger in any future Batman movie. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried (in the name of profits).

Last edited by iL douché; 07-23-2008 at 01:27 AM.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:06 AM
yeah, because two face flipping a coin isn't 50 years old and also wasn't in batman forever.
thank god they didn't put in some ******ed jokes or one liners,tilts me so bad.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:11 AM
Harvey dent will be in the next one, no doubt about it. Yes there was a funeral but that was for the sake of the people because batman/gordon wanted them to think he died and didnt kill those people.

As for joker yeah he will eventually be played by someone else but it doesnt really matter (except for the fact that no one can top ledgers performance). Joker in the comics always comes back and sometimes with a slightly different look/personality trait, thats part of being bat**** (cwutididthere) insane.

Batman is at his best against joker (and viceversa) and its no suprise that the last batman movie franchise went to crap once they started focusing on lesser villains (and doing it badly)
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by iL douché
Ledger stole the show.

"Two Face Harvey Dent" flips a coin to determine if
you live or die: Stolen from "No Country For Old Men."
[Jesus christ i got tired of seeing that F***ing coin!!!]
I'm not sure if you are aware of this but all this Batman stuff and these characters have been around quite a while longer than No Country For Old Men!

Batman lassos the truck with wire and anchers it so it
stops cold & flips straight up in the air before
falling: Stolen from: "Terminator III"
****, apparently I never saw Terminator III. Can anyone else confirm this?

Batman's ability to see with a sort of sonar: "Daredevil"
(i know the circumstances were different, but the
shaky white outline of the room & people...identical.
I guess it ends up LOOKING vaguely similar but who cares?

Also, Batman's voice is too low and garbled: funny
how Batman uses that same inaudible voice while down in
the Bat Cave with Morgan Feeman even though batman is
perfectly well aware that Morgan freeman knows he's
Bruce Wayne (come on, you KNOW it's never been
suggested that there is some device built into the
neck of The Batman Suit to alter his voice, sorry,
nope, never happened, but nice try just the same, Lol.)
The Batman voice was one of my only gripes after my first viewing. Upon second viewing I realized the voice is absolutely fine until the very end. I do wish he would drop the voice-disguise for that one scene with Morgan Freeman but I guess we can chalk it up to Wayne trying to "stay in character" whenever he's in the Batsuit?

Too much time spent with commissioner Gordon & his family, I
could care less about him or his family. EDIT THAT OUT!!
I don't remember there being a lot of time spent on his family, save the ending with Dent putting guns to their heads. You should probably care about Gordon though, he's pretty important in both movies. Plus it's Gary ****ing Oldman.

I think they needed a better choreographer for the fight scenes.
I was bored much of the time watching batman fist fight.
Yeah, a lot of people complain about the action. I understand why but for some reason it never bothered me in BB or TDK.

Lastly, they had a real opportunity to have few BIG Laughs with those Batman wannabees. They blew it IMO. Not one big laugh in this flick.
[The pencil trick was original and pretty cool, but not funny.]
Man, the Joker never got you to laugh? There was definitely **** that I laughed at in this movie, but regardless I think TDK was going for a pretty serious, dramatic tone so "BIG laughs" weren't really in order, imo.

Speaking of laughs though, did anyone else laugh when Maggie tells Michael Caine "it's not sealed."

I hope they don't try to revive the Joker with someone imitating Ledger in any future Batman movie. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried (in the name of profits).
Totally agree.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by iL douché
Batman lassos the truck with wire and anchers it so it
stops cold & flips straight up in the air before
falling: Stolen from: "Terminator III"
Really? I was thinking it was a rip-off of Empire Strikes Back.

And the scene where the goofball mobster guy claims to be the brains of the mob? Total rip-off of Godfather 2.

And the fact that they used a giant spotlight to summon Batman? Dude, that **** was in this Michael Keaton movie I saw this one time.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:43 AM

I'm not sure if you are aware of this but all this Batman stuff and these characters have been around quite a while longer than No Country For Old Men!
Not sure if you're aware of this, but the script for "The Dark Knight" was written by the nolan brothers "after" the script for "No Country for Old Men" was written. I've watched the old Batman serials from the early 1940's, have you? You can rent them from Eddie Brandt's in north hollywood.

I guess it ends up LOOKING vaguely similar but who cares?
That's why it's called nitpicking man!! Lol
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:55 AM
Are you saying you are a Batman aficionado and Two-Face being Two-Face made you think "they totally copied this whole coin thing from NCFOM?"

Yeah, I almost had deleted my response to the sonar gripe before posting, but left it in since I was responding to everything else you mentioned. Sorry for nitpicking your nitpicking. I've been drinking...
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by iL douché
Not sure if you're aware of this, but the script for "The Dark Knight" was written by the nolan brothers "after" the script for "No Country for Old Men" was written. I've watched the old Batman serials from the early 1940's, have you? You can rent them from Eddie Brandt's in north hollywood.
Wait, is this a serious position you're staking out? You do know that, despite also starring Tommy Lee Jones, Batman Forever was not a prequel to No Country for Old Men, correct?

The coin flip is a rip-off, but of Scarface (the 1932 version).
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:06 AM
I liked the part when Two-Face told Gordon to "Call it, friendo."
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by It's Brandt
Are you saying you are a Batman aficionado and Two-Face being Two-Face made you think "they totally copied this whole coin thing from NCFOM?"

Yeah, I almost had deleted my response to the sonar gripe before posting, but left it in since I was responding to everything else you mentioned. Sorry for nitpicking your nitpicking. I've been drinking...
No expert, i was just reminded of the movie that had recently come out, and it was still burned in my brain when that killer had the general-store owner flip the coin. It very well could have been conceived long before NCFOM was written.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by iL douché
No expert, i was just reminded of the movie that had recently come out, and it was still burned in my brain when that killer had the general-store owner flip the coin. It very well could have been conceived long before NCFOM was written.
No problem, and I don't mean to be a, well, douche, but I remember a friend of mine being pissed about NCFOM because they ripped off Two-Face. He didn't seem interested to know that Two-Face was a rip-off too.

People don't like to talk to me much.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by iL douché
No expert, i was just reminded of the movie that had recently come out, and it was still burned in my brain when that killer had the general-store owner flip the coin. It very well could have been conceived long before NCFOM was written.
Yes, yes it was. Like 60+ years before NCFOM.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:49 AM
just saw batman begins and it was not good imo
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
just saw batman begins and it was not good imo
Me and Yeti were the only ones I can remember who thought it sucked. I thought it was very bad, but everyone seems to love it. I don't get it.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 05:18 AM
Hmm. What all's wrong with it iyo?
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by It's Brandt
He really does flip each and every time. I think you are confusing when he is in the car and flips for Maroni's life. Maroni gets a "heads" so Dent doesn't shoot him, but then to be a tricky bitch Dent flips again for the life of the driver. The driver was "not so lucky." Dent shoots the driver, the car crashes. It's assumed Maroni died in the crash...

At his last stand, he flips before he shoots Batman and also when he says "My turn" and puts the gun to his own head. I guess we are to assume if the flip came up on the wrong side he would have blown his own brains out? He is also in mid-flip for the life of Gordon's kid when Batman comes to the rescue and pushes him off the ledge.
how did the car crash kill Maroni but Dent was fine?
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
Hmm. What all's wrong with it iyo?
I can't even remember, I haven't seen it in a long time. I remember hating the dialog a lot and I didn't really like the villains. I hated how they'd recycle lines of dialog to get their point across. I could probably take it once, but they did it like 5 different times and the recycled quotes were like 3 lines long each.

I remembered a lot of scenes being super forced when trying to tell us something. Like Batman stalking out the guy with the uzi in that factory and the dude is trembling and unloading his clip every time he hears a noise. It was just really stupid.

I'd have to watch it again to tell you why I didn't like it in better detail, but that's not going to happen.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh
Like Batman stalking out the guy with the uzi in that factory and the dude is trembling and unloading his clip every time he hears a noise. It was just really stupid.
wtf that scene is so awesome
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh

I remembered a lot of scenes being super forced when trying to tell us something. Like Batman stalking out the guy with the uzi in that factory and the dude is trembling and unloading his clip every time he hears a noise. It was just really stupid.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
07-23-2008 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
how did the car crash kill Maroni but Dent was fine?
He puts his seatbelt on before he shoots.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
