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Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk!

08-08-2008 , 09:38 AM
Ratings of the actors who have been the Joker:
Heath Ledger > Mark Hamill > Jack Nicholson > Caesar Romero
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-08-2008 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Five-Star
Ratings of the actors who have been the Joker:
Heath Ledger > Mark Hamill > Jack Nicholson > Caesar Romero
Rating look fine, but Romero was still pretty effing good. This is like comparing Walter Peyton, Jim Brown, Emmitt Smith and Barry Saunders.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-08-2008 , 11:07 AM
Mark Hamill was the **** as Joker.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-08-2008 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by 4_2_it
Rating look fine, but Romero was still pretty effing good. This is like comparing Walter Peyton, Jim Brown, Emmitt Smith and Barry Saunders.
Very true but I had him down there due to the nature of his character, yes it was supposed to be campy, cartoony and fun but I just couldn't do it, not sure why. I have Jack lower too because you still knew it was Jack. With Hamill and Ledger they both lost themselves in the role.

My fiance's brother said it best. "That wasn't Ledger playing the Joker, that was the Joker playing the Joker."

Originally Posted by Case Closed
Mark Hamill was the **** as Joker.
QTF, I remember reading back when the series was on how the people reading would get a little freaked out when he was doing the reading. He would really get into the role and his face would really twist up and contort and everything.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-08-2008 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by 4_2_it
Rating look fine, but Romero was still pretty effing good. This is like comparing Walter Peyton, Jim Brown, Emmitt Smith and Barry Saunders.


Caesar was awesome in that role and can be argued as the archetype and model which the later interpretations of that character was based upon.

Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-12-2008 , 12:52 PM
Brag: New Avatar.

Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-12-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Five-Star
The most recent speculation is that the new villain could be the Riddler. An interesting choice if they went with it. I'd be interested to see how he would be portrayed in this darker style. Enemies like The Joker and Scarecrow are easily adaptable to this type of universe and it shows. I see the Riddler is a very methodical plotting character, than a deranged psychopath. He would be much more akin to Ra's al Ghul (who many seem to forget was the main villain in BB, not the Scarecrow). He definitely wouldn't be like Jim Carrey's portrayal in "Batman Forever". Two-Face would have made an excellent choice in the sequel as the villain, they could have really developed him more. The filmmakers didn't need to rush his move to becoming a villain and could have focused more on Batman's fight with the Joker. They could have played up more of a "friendship" between Wayne and Dent to add the guilt into Wayne/Batman's storyline.

The biggest problem Nolan's Batman films are going to face in the future is the lack of more non "comic" characters. By this I mean characters that are supernatural and hard to create or explain in a more "realistic" Batman. For example; Mr. Freeze, Croc, The Penguin, Clayface, etc. He may be able to draw out others such as Poison Ivy (maybe), Catwoman, The Clock King, The Mad Hatter, and a few others.

It would be nice for the next film to include Rupert Thorne as both an antagonist for Bruce Wayne and Batman. By no means should he be the main villain but more of a side villain, ala Scarecrow.

BTW, Harley Quinn (Dr. Harleen Quinzel) is a former psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum and not Rachel Dawes. Nor would she come back as Catwoman (Selena Kyle).

Word on the street (internet gossip) is that production is in talks with Johnny Depp to play The Riddler, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman to play The Penguin in the next series.

I also heard some BS about Angelina Jolie being Catwoman, but not very reputable imo.

edit: Now I just read that alledgedly Maggie Gylenhall originally signed on for 2 Batman movies, would make sense if she came back as Catwoman.

Last edited by TheCanoe; 08-12-2008 at 02:12 PM.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-12-2008 , 02:35 PM
If you notice there is a line in Batman Begins where they say Two-Face. Don't remember where though.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-12-2008 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jack of Arcades
From watching it again, I think it's pretty clear Lucius is gonna stay around. The narrative mentions something about faith being restored (Gordon's speech).

Also, in the shooting script, supposedly Dent gets his neck broken by the fall. Johnathan Nolan also said Dent was dead in an interview.
Dent is dead, "two face" isn't.
Bah, that seems so corny, I hope they don't really resort to that. It's just something I could imagine being set up.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-17-2008 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Wondercall
OK just got back and I know I'm going to be flamed for this, but you can't convince me that Maggie Gyllenhaal is any better in this role than Katie Holmes would have been. I realize that 2p2 has this huge crush on her and all but... no thanks. Clearly shes a much better actress, but this roll didn't give her a good enough part to prove it. Leave the hotter actress in that could have pulled of this roll.

People here actually think that chick is sexy?

That pig nose is just not doing it for me. Would have much rather seen Katie Holmes or really anyone who's actually attractive for these two leading dudes to "fight" over.

Anyways, A+ movie. I waited a couple weeks to see it and heard all the hype and it still exceeded my expectations.

For some reason I got all pumped up when Batman ejected out of his ride and took off on two wheels.

Def gonna go see it at least one more time while it's in the theater.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by NEdynasty
I guess my only qualm with the movie which isn't really an issue is the development of Harvey Dent's Two Face. Taken in the context of ONLY this movie it was done far too quickly and a bit unbelievably. Now this isn't to say Eckhart didn't excel because I felt like he did a very moving job. I can't blame Nolan however as it almost seemed for sure that Two Face was set up perfectly for a sequel but again paying respects took precedent which is the right move.
This was my only major problem with the movie. I thought his transition from crusader for justice right into evil murderous villain was LOL ridiculous. Other than that though, the movie was really really good. Ledger pwnd every scene he was in obv. My favorite subtle moment - in the hospital when he puts purel on his hands. Fckng brilliant performance.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
\My favorite subtle moment - in the hospital when he puts purel on his hands. Fckng brilliant performance.
What subtlety did I miss from that scene?
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 12:21 PM
When people say it didnt live upto expectations, I would love to see the movie that did. Those are some hella expectations.

This blew every super hero movie that preceded it away in a massive nuclear blast.

Also the role of villain in this Batman series has now reached iconic status. Every actor worth his salt will be gagging to play it.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by mused01
What subtlety did I miss from that scene?
Can you read? How about when the Joker squirts purel on his hands and rubs it in.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Can you read? How about when the Joker squirts purel on his hands and rubs it in.
you missed the point. It wasn't very subtle.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 05:55 PM
Last person in america to see was good.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 07:07 PM
I'm probably going to see it for a 3rd time tonight...
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-18-2008 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Can you read? How about when the Joker squirts purel on his hands and rubs it in.
i'm sorry. it was my mistake to assume you knew what subtlety meant at all.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-19-2008 , 02:49 AM
Why is everyone here drooling over two-face?

He was a good addition in this movie but he has absolutely no replay value... wow, he flips a coin to decide what to do.every.time.

Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-19-2008 , 10:25 AM
Rate my avatar.

Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
08-19-2008 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by TIEdup14
Why is everyone here drooling over two-face?

He was a good addition in this movie but he has absolutely no replay value... wow, he flips a coin to decide what to do.every.time.

This is kinda how I felt at first, but when I thought about it more I became convinced he has to have at least some part in the next movie in order to "redeem" Batman.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
09-03-2008 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by HonestRyan
can someone please tell me what alfred says to batman when they are on a sunny yacht with all the ballerinas? right before wayne jumps into the water Alfred is like "something something mumble grumble Russia "

"How can I tell her in russian that she should rub the suntan lotion on her back herself? [in not-ask-me-for-it tone]"

or something. i think it´s a joke about ballerinas usually being very flexible and alfred being gay.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
09-04-2008 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by blind squirrel
"How can I tell her in russian that she should rub the suntan lotion on her back herself? [in not-ask-me-for-it tone]"

or something. i think it´s a joke about ballerinas usually being very flexible and alfred being gay.
Since I keep hearing all of these people saying that The Dark Knight is a conservative movie and all that, let's run with the "Alfred is Gay" thing and make him the villain!

It will be great I say. One day Alfred comes to work with a bright pink suit and a fancy haircut. Batman doesn't really pay attention, because he is out fighting crime and running from the cops. Then one day, BAM, Alfred goes to a school and gives a speech about gay rights and "choice". The sheer veracity of Alfred's progressive views causes Gotham City to go into a panic. People start committing random acts of violence since they suspect each other of being liberal commies. Batman now knows what he has to do to save Gotham City. Just like in the last movie, Batman takes an "extreme" route...shipping off all the liberals to San Fransisco. Batman defeats Alfred himself by making him go to church and "pray" the gay out (and by pray, I mean get savagely beaten). Once Alfred is straight again, he and Batman start making out (totally platonic bro!). Just as you think the movie is going to end...Two-Face comes out of nowhere (just like last time) and shoots Batman to death. What a twist!

I can guarantee that the blogs will be absolutely STEAMING for months to come! Christopher Nolan, MAKE THIS MOVIE (give me a cut plz).

The end.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
09-04-2008 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by blind squirrel
"How can I tell her in russian that she should rub the suntan lotion on her back herself? [in not-ask-me-for-it tone]"

or something. i think it´s a joke about ballerinas usually being very flexible and alfred being gay.
она должна руб загара лосьон на себя ее обратно?
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
09-04-2008 , 05:47 AM
lol at last two responses.
Official "The Dark Knight" discussion thread; Spoilers, read at own risk! Quote
