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I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread

10-18-2009 , 03:17 PM
so i thought of another thing that might be appropriate to this thread. I have no idea what "PUA"means, at all. I've only seen it used on this forum. I have a feeling no one I know (in person) knows what it means, either.

What does it mean plz?

edit: ok I googled it, and now I know what it means. I feel like the reason I've never heard it before is because I've never read a book on how to pick up girls.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
so i thought of another thing that might be appropriate to this thread. I have no idea what "PUA"means, at all. I've only seen it used on this forum. I have a feeling no one I know (in person) knows what it means, either.

What does it mean plz?
Pickup Artist
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 04:52 PM
henry's eating habits puzzle me, because, in terms of really good experiences, eating different foods is one that is top on my list, and being able to eat different great things is such an easy thing to do, in comparison to other memorable experiences.

but this might be cause i'm a fat load.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 05:27 PM
it's probably the result of his working/lower-middle class upbringing and has a very simple palate as a result. exotic or complicated dishes would cause him too much anxiety with the potential embarrassment or awkwardness that could come from dealing with something unfamiliar to him.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 06:07 PM
I've never splatted on a chick's face.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by entertainme
I've never watched Family Guy. I don't expect to ever have the desire to do so.
I used to be fond of this sort of statement.

Ever since I decided not to make them anymore, I enjoy life a lot more.

Go figure.

I had this same conversation with a very good friend a while back, and he is now a Family Guy convert.

I just have a hard time imagining an intelligent person not thinking the Family Guy is funny.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I've never splatted on a chick's face.
Why haven't you.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I've never splatted on a chick's face.
But how many dude's faces have you done it on?
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:22 PM
i dont like when people dont do stuff to make a stand or because they are stubborn.
i havent had a bigmac because i dont particularly like hamburgers or fast food in general.
but when people dont do stuff because they just want to be different and no other reason, it tilts me.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by bearz
I am so intrigued by your eating habits, mainly because of how I perceive your personality to be. For someone to be so well learned and understanding of most topics, it boggles me that you never had the urge to try any of these normal things. I understand now that you are older and are financially successful that you can eat what you please and it's not too weird, but wasn't it weird in your highschool/college days when you can't be as selective and people aren't as understanding of your choices? It just seems like it would put yourself into a lot of awkward (snobbery) situations in your younger years.

I imagine you're set in your ways now, but who/what would it take for you to try some of the foods you dislike? And someone asked if you tried foods you don't like and you said no, why is this? Wouldn't it be rather easy and a broadening experience to just take a day or two to try everything you don't like mentally and see if you actually do like anything, and heavily increase what's edible to you?
Henry is the guy who picks the crust off of sandwiches and winces when people eat them shamelessly. He is superior to your tastes, and as long as he doesn't try them he is right. He is better than you, and don't you forget it, or his "unique" habits.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:45 PM
I've never folded Ahigh after turn went check/check
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:47 PM
Never been to a strip club, smoked weed, or seen a Star Wars movie. I've been to one SW movie but fell asleep during the opening credits and somehow slept through the rest of it.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

It has never been an issue. Almost every restaurant has at least a few things I'll eat. I guess going to places with set / tasting menus would be out but they are fairly nonexistent where I live. When it does come up it is simply curiosity and not at all awkward. I don't even understand how it would be awkward -- what type of person would make a big deal about something like this in a negative way?
I think it only seems weird because you are telling us all the things you won't eat. When you say it all the way you did, that is just weird by any standard. However when you are in actual social situations its not like you are explaining to everyone what you do and don't eat. You just order your food. If someone suggests something you say "no thanks" there is no reason for awkwardness.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by bustowithnobra
Henry is the guy who picks the crust off of sandwiches and winces when people eat them shamelessly.
Actually no. Watching other people eat food that I don't has zero impact on me. I just have no interest in eating it myself. The one exception is Pho but that has nothing to do with the food but rather with the fact that -- at least locally -- it is served almost exclusively by restaurants the look like they should be shut down and at prices that would make anyone question the quality of the meat used in preparation.

He is superior to your tastes, and as long as he doesn't try them he is right. He is better than you, and don't you forget it, or his "unique" habits.
I think you should get past your own inferiority complex. At no point have I implied anything about my taste being superior nor negatively commented on anything with respect to people eating anything. This is not a right or wrong situation and if you feel that it is and that I am somehow judging people who eat vegetables then that is a sign that you have some personal issues that you need to work on.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 07:39 AM
wow some people seriously suck

never been in a fist fight
never smoked a cig (smoke other things often though)
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
I used to be fond of this sort of statement.

Ever since I decided not to make them anymore, I enjoy life a lot more.

Go figure.

I had this same conversation with a very good friend a while back, and he is now a Family Guy convert.

I just have a hard time imagining an intelligent person not thinking the Family Guy is funny.
I don't doubt it's funny. There's a reason for its popularity.

I've caught a few episodes of Simpsons and South Park and though they were funny, they're also not series I choose to follow. Maybe it's the comic format that doesn't interest me?

I'm aware that it's become part of the US mainstream culture that I'm missing out on.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by entertainme
I don't doubt it's funny. There's a reason for its popularity.

I've caught a few episodes of Simpsons and South Park and though they were funny, they're also not series I choose to follow. Maybe it's the comic format that doesn't interest me?

I'm aware that it's become part of the US mainstream culture that I'm missing out on.
I saw an episode of Family Guy once and it was extremely funny. I just haven't gotten around to watching it again. There is an overwhelming amount of entertainment content available. If one were to dedicate there time to diligently following all that they enjoy they wouldn't have time for anything else in life.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 02:47 PM
I'm very much like Henry, fruits, veggies are very limited, anything hot, practicially any condiments on food other than salt and cheese. If it can be ordered plain i surely will do that

Its amazing how many people have a problem with this, all through my childhood i've been like this and ate the same things, and have always gotten slack for it. I simply never understood, I think the foods I eat taste great and never really had the urge to expand my food vocabulary, like others have said, i don't see how it could drasticially improve my life.

Though it seems like theres a ton of people who push it.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-19-2009 , 03:22 PM
The discriminating eating discussion has triggered some pointed comments in this thread. It has piqued my curiosity into causation and the first article I read delving into the subject is the following;

I found this interesting because I went to college with a guy who ate grilled cheese sandwiches almost exlusively, similar to the subject of the article.

The discussion of a higher rate of OCD among picky eaters was something that I had not considered. A correlation between the two could be plausible but I would think that the OCD would manifest itself in many more ways as well that would make it easier to determine if this was a potential cause.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-21-2009 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Brussels Sprout
I'm irish and I've never had a pint of Guinness.
At the bar tonight I remembered this thread and I ordered my first ever Guinness-for the record it tasted like total piss and I won't be having another.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-21-2009 , 08:01 PM
I always thought my life was dull, but i have done almost everything mentioned in this thread.

Never smoked a whole cig, paid for sex, had a piercing or permanent tattoo.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-21-2009 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Brussels Sprout
At the bar tonight I remembered this thread and I ordered my first ever Guinness-for the record it tasted like total piss and I won't be having another.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-21-2009 , 11:52 PM
I've never finished a bottle/can of beer. I can't stand the taste and it tends to get warm and undrinkable after I've heald it for 2 hours.

I've never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies. A buddy of mine tried to get me to watch Temple of Doom because it was the only one at the video rental store at the time and I fell asleep midway through.

I've never given a girl a facial. (not sure how common that is.)
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by nickey009
I've never finished a bottle/can of beer. I can't stand the taste and it tends to get warm and undrinkable after I've heald it for 2 hours.
I've never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies. A buddy of mine tried to get me to watch Temple of Doom because it was the only one at the video rental store at the time and I fell asleep midway through.

I've never given a girl a facial. (not sure how common that is.)
Two hours seems like an unheard of amount of time to drink anything. You might consider setting the drink down so that the heat from your hand doesn't warm the beer prematurely. If you can't stand the taste why would you drink a beer?

I've never seen an Indiana Jones movie either.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by Hurley

Never smoked a whole cig, paid for sex, had a piercing or permanent tattoo.
Although these are not unheard of actions, they don't qualify as "normal" as the thread title implies.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
