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I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread

10-16-2009 , 04:23 PM
Never had a big mac myself...
Never had a cup of coffee...
Never had anal sex...
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-17-2009 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
It's a pretty known fact on these forums that you have no grounding to this earth at all and think some pretty outlandish ****, so go be AC somewhere else and take my and other peoples word for it. I am talking out of EXPERIENCE here not looking at photos of people drinking coffee on the internet.
i'm speaking from experience too. I spend good money on my coffee. I like the coffee that I drink. I don't even buy **** pregrounded. I'm not coffee-ignorant. However much I enjoy my coffee, I know it is nothing like an orgasm.

Either you're ******ed, or your orgasms suck, either way, I'm sorry.

btw, i found something i could list: I've never had caviar? I feel like this isn't very strange, though.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-17-2009 , 06:51 PM
Never had:

PBJ sandwich
Brussel sprouts
Big Mac
Illegal drugs (said no about a million times though)

Never seen:
Any of the LOTR movies
Any of the Godfather movies (in my collection of ones to watch)

Up until now, never posted in OOT.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-17-2009 , 07:00 PM
never ate fish.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-17-2009 , 07:19 PM
Never used a bookmark on a browser. Never had an address book on my email.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-17-2009 , 07:30 PM
I'm also like Henry when it comes to food, but not so hardcore. I've never had mustard, mayo, peanut butter, relish, or mayo. I love ketchup though. I've never had most fruits or veggies. When I go to a new restaurant, I feel extreme anxiety because I don't know if I'll like anything on their menu.

I actually have a question for Henry. How do you handle it socially when your friends/dates/etc bring up your strange eating habits? With me it degenerates into awkwardness pretty quickly.

Last edited by LFO; 10-17-2009 at 07:36 PM.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:01 AM
wtf if you arent allergic to penut butter why have you never tried it?? it's like heaven
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:11 AM
I've never been to FaceBook or MySpace.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:40 AM
I've never done a beer bong or keg stand or shotgun a beer despite having devoted countless hours to drinking

When I would play drinking games where loser of whatever had to chug a full beer in the middle, I would always find a way to get out. Just can't chug afaik
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:32 AM
Do people in countries other than america have big macs on the menu?

Weird, I've never had a Big Mac either, but seems like everyone else in texas has. :/
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 11:10 AM
Never had a cheeseburger or a sloppy joe. True story.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by WTFPLO
Do people in countries other than america have big macs on the menu? :/
Not sure about all of them but most do.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I have limited eating habits.

As a child I have no idea but as an adult I have not had any fruit other than apple and orange. No vegetables other than a potato and tomato in sauce form but never in solid form. No seafood of any kind. Also no mushrooms except the drug kind. No nuts unless they are chocolate covered and then only peanuts and almonds. Never had raisins. Never had yogurt.

Also no soup. Only natural chips none of the flavoured stuff.
Wow, you sound like a real party.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by LFO
I'm also like Henry when it comes to food, but not so hardcore. I've never had mustard, mayo, peanut butter, relish, or mayo. I love ketchup though. I've never had most fruits or veggies. When I go to a new restaurant, I feel extreme anxiety because I don't know if I'll like anything on their menu.

I actually have a question for Henry. How do you handle it socially when your friends/dates/etc bring up your strange eating habits? With me it degenerates into awkwardness pretty quickly.
Heny is rich and confident. He can probably make you feel dumb for caring so much about food when what he eats will suffice. That said, once youre past college or something, I don't see it being very awkward at all as people will generally just respect your choices out of maturity. I can see it becoming a topic of conversation over dates though.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:20 PM
I've never tried anal....thats normal right?.....

Also never tried Crystal Meth
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:28 PM
never tried extasy or LSD...never will.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:29 PM

It has never been an issue. Almost every restaurant has at least a few things I'll eat. I guess going to places with set / tasting menus would be out but they are fairly nonexistent where I live. When it does come up it is simply curiosity and not at all awkward. I don't even understand how it would be awkward -- what type of person would make a big deal about something like this in a negative way?
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:53 PM
That said, once youre past college or something, I don't see it being very awkward at all as people will generally just respect your choices out of maturity.

I don't even understand how it would be awkward -- what type of person would make a big deal about something like this in a negative way?
1) <---------

2) lol you mean as opposed to a big deal in a positive way? 'OMG he carefully picked the bell peppers and mushrooms out of his omelet, what a free ****ing thinker imo, oh he picked up the tab + 150% tip too I hope my sister sucks his dick'
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:58 PM
Why would I order something I have to pick stuff out of? I eat out almost every meal so I know the menus of pretty much every downtown restaurant. Picking stuff out would be weird but only a ****** would put themselves in that situation.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:06 PM
Can you make an egg-white omelette with slightly brown shallots and no salt? Why don't you bring one for the table? We'll all pick on it. How about having strawberry frappés, the drinks with little strawberries in 'em? And bring two straws for Harry.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by sixsevensuited
never tried extasy or LSD...never will.
you're missing out yo
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:40 PM
I've never participated in an internet meme.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo

1) <---------

2) lol you mean as opposed to a big deal in a positive way? 'OMG he carefully picked the bell peppers and mushrooms out of his omelet, what a free ****ing thinker imo, oh he picked up the tab + 150% tip too I hope my sister sucks his dick'
What's wrong with what I've said? All the people I normally interact with wouldn't make a big fuss or make an awkward situation, and we're all in the 22-26 range. Still young enough to be *******s and immature, but old enough to realize people have their own ways of doing things that you don't call out in public even if you think it's weird.

I dunno if your reaction was because u have a personal dislike for Henry and I seem to be defending him, but I obviously think it's weird too and think he should try new food instead of restricting himself the way he does just because he can't imagine how it would enrich his life. My simple counterpoint is that it's so simple (takes 5 secs) to try something new if you're not a squeamish girl, but if he doesn't want to do it it's really no place of anyone's to call him out in public with no logical reason for why he should.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 03:08 PM
I'm irish and I've never had a pint of Guinness.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
10-18-2009 , 03:11 PM
Oh and I've also been to over 30 countries including New Zealand, Macau, Uruguay and Slovenia but I've never been to Northern Ireland.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official &quot;What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?&quot; Thread Quote
