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I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread

10-15-2009 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
never seen The Wizard of Oz
this wins. if you never seen this you never lived.

Never ate a banana, never been to a nba or nhl game.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Max H
Henry, could you elaborate on the source of your unique eating habits.
No idea. My family was never much on veggies but they did have some but as far back as I can remember they use to prepare two meals -- one for everyone and one for me that was free of all the stuff I don't eat.

Have you tried the foods that you do not like?
No. At least not as far back as I can remember. I use to not drink coke. I'm not sure when I changed that but I know that at least until grade 6 I didn't and now I do so at some point that crossed over and I think it might have started with using it as a mix for underage drinking. I also use to not eat bacon but I started to after grade 7 home-ed because it smelled so good. I still don't eat ham though and I have never had baloney. Normally though I won't eat stuff on the list above no matter how hungry I get.

Are you able to consume adequate nutrients or do you supplement them somehow?
Heavy supplementation.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:01 AM
never been to the US of A
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:03 AM
Never drank red bull. it smells horrible.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:03 AM
I've never been outside the Southeast.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by soon2begator

Never ate a banana, never been to a nba or nhl game.
I just finished a banana as I was reading this. As far as an NHL game goes, you shouldn't have to look to far to find someone else who has not attended a game. I never did until college. Of the four major North American team sports it is far and away the best live sporting experience.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:11 AM
Other than in reference to a 2P2 SoCal apartment rental topic I have never visited craigs list.

Never owned an Ipod

Never had a credit card.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I have limited eating habits.

As a child I have no idea but as an adult I have not had any fruit other than apple and orange. No vegetables other than a potato and tomato in sauce form but never in solid form. No seafood of any kind. Also no mushrooms except the drug kind. No nuts unless they are chocolate covered and then only peanuts and almonds. Never had raisins. Never had yogurt.

Also no soup. Only natural chips none of the flavoured stuff.
i saw your photo. makes sense that you don't eat fruit or vegetables.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:26 AM
I've never had a foursome. Hopefully that will change someday.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:26 AM
Oddly enough of all the threads I've read, this is the only one that makes me think Henry is a gimmick (yes I know, you're not).

No Catsup?

In my Adult life I have never accepted change of denomination less than $.25

I am frustrated by my complete lack of eccentricities!
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:57 AM
I've never been outside the Southeast.
:brisk rubbing together of hands:
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:10 AM
pro tip:

If you find yourself adding a word like "voluntarily","willingly", or a phrase like "other than this one time", or if you start your post with "Until yesterday/last monday/last week"...

...then it's something you have done.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by zipppy
pro tip:

If you find yourself adding a word like "voluntarily","willingly", or a phrase like "other than this one time", or if you start your post with "Until yesterday/last monday/last week"...

...then it's something you have done.
Yeah, I'm a ****ing sell-out who couldn't think of anything interesting to put
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:37 AM
I've never had a shower.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I would never be in this situation for various reasons but if for some weird twist of events it happened I'd pass on the salad and eat the spaghetti in such a way that I manage to consume the pasta while leaving the mushrooms on the plate.

I just got invited to a German restaurant. The first thing I did before responding was google the place and check the menu. They have two options that are good so I said I'd go and if there wasn't I'd pass.
I am so intrigued by your eating habits, mainly because of how I perceive your personality to be. For someone to be so well learned and understanding of most topics, it boggles me that you never had the urge to try any of these normal things. I understand now that you are older and are financially successful that you can eat what you please and it's not too weird, but wasn't it weird in your highschool/college days when you can't be as selective and people aren't as understanding of your choices? It just seems like it would put yourself into a lot of awkward (snobbery) situations in your younger years.

I imagine you're set in your ways now, but who/what would it take for you to try some of the foods you dislike? And someone asked if you tried foods you don't like and you said no, why is this? Wouldn't it be rather easy and a broadening experience to just take a day or two to try everything you don't like mentally and see if you actually do like anything, and heavily increase what's edible to you?
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:16 PM
so far the guy who claims he has "never laughed" wins (loses) this thread.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
so far the guy who claims he has "never laughed" wins (loses) this thread.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:23 PM
I've never eaten/drank from a Thermos
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by bearz
, but wasn't it weird in your highschool/college days when you can't be as selective and people aren't as understanding of your choices? It just seems like it would put yourself into a lot of awkward (snobbery) situations in your younger years.
Not really. In HS we'd go out to dinner a lot but always to typical chain places and they all have menu items that are fine. No one was going to say anything if I left the veggies on the plate. It is very rare that a sit down restaurant to not have at least one option I'd eat and the ones that don't are too expensive for HS kids.

Fast food -- I probably couldn't eat at Taco Bell but they were not really popular in Canada fifteen years ago. If I was a kid now I might have issues with the Pho and Gyro/Shawarma popularity but in the late 80s / early 90s the burger and chicken dominated fast food.

I imagine you're set in your ways now, but who/what would it take for you to try some of the foods you dislike? And someone asked if you tried foods you don't like and you said no, why is this? Wouldn't it be rather easy and a broadening experience to just take a day or two to try everything you don't like mentally and see if you actually do like anything, and heavily increase what's edible to you?
Nothing would make me try the food. I have gone though being fairly hungry and that wasn't enough motivation. I have no interest in trying them and I really don't see it as a broadening experience. I have no interest in knowing what a carrot tastes like -- I can't even imagine what that would add to my life but certainly not much
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Maso777
How old were you the first time you tried coffee?
I tried it once when I was 11 or 12 and thought it was terrible, but now I drink it constantly. It is rare for children to enjoy coffee. Try a cup as a adult.
I was 16. Tho it was made by my friend at like 3am from **** in his cupboard, so that prolly had a lot to do with it.

Being around people who drink coffee tho, I really dont think I wanna try it, cuz it seems like an addiction I am just fine not having.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by guids
+2 or lord of the rings, or any lame sci fi/nerd movies
So no Star Wars either?
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:36 PM
Some of these things, like ATM usage, we really need the age of the person saying it...
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:39 PM
a new, unfamiliar experience is a potential source of awkwardness or embarrassment for henry, so i think that's one reason he avoids them. you have to understand that he's motivated by his insecurities and fears more than anything.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:39 PM
There are quite a few regular posters in this thread who I thought were normal people but I now consider as total weirdos.

I mean i-regularly-post-on-4chan kind of weirdo.
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
10-15-2009 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
So no Star Wars either?
no starwars either, posted that earlier though, other than COPS, Ive also never watched a reality tv show
I've Never Had a Big Mac--- The Official "What Normal Thing Have You Never Done?" Thread Quote
