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4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet 4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet

05-31-2016 , 03:49 PM
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:51 PM
El D,

Actually you'd be wrong. Most Zoos have a program where they give that job to a returning military sniper. Now that the person isn't legally allowed to shoot babies and women, it helps to rehabilitate him by giving him an outlet by shooting the animals the zoo needs to have put down and gives him a paycheck and a feeling of self worth so that he can reintegrate with society again.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
At the point where the gorilla is dragging the kid around and such, you have to shoot the gorilla. That's just how it is.

Zoo is most negligent for having a gorilla enclosure that is penetrable by a four year old.

Sure, I guess you can say the parents should have had more control over the kid. But if you've ever had a four year old you understand that they are going to get up to some **** and there is nothing you can do about it. And even if you're at the zoo you really shouldn't suspect, I don't think, that your kid is going to get into the gorilla enclosure.

But my hottest take is that zoos are inhumane and should be abolished. Whatever role they play in conservation, protecting endangered species, education, etc, can be replaced via other means that don't involve putting captive animals on display for our amusement. Because when we bring wild animals and people into close proximity to each other bad things are sometimes going to happen. And we deserve it because we started this by locking up wild animals and selling tickets to gawk at them.
I agree with the first part. I don't auto-shoot a gorilla in that spot, but this time, unlike other times in the past when this has happened and gorillas have even very carefully brought a fallen child to the keepers, this gorilla was clearly and seriously threatening the kid.

On the second part, maybe. Sometimes though, **** does happen and this happens soooooooo rarely. Some 4 year olds can climb really well. I wouldn't auto-assume that a system which works 99.9999999% of the time needs redesigning. It's worth looking at for sure, like the tiger enclosure in SF Zoo where the tiger got out was really substandard, but not auto-change imo. I guess you did say "most" negligent, but I think it's possible that no one (I guess other than the kid) was unreasonably at fault. The parents obviously have responsibility here as the kid should have been watched. That doesn't mean they should be punished now though. Again, not every tragedy has to be a crime.

As for the last take, I think modern zoos are quite good with many animals and apes in particular. They are all threatened in the wild and are treated very well in most modern zoos. Zoos do suck for some animals like Elephants and Tigers though.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 04:00 PM
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
The real question here is were there any armed CCW permit holders at the zoo and why didn't they start blasting? Should zoos be gun-free zones?
yea this is another perfect example of why we need to get rid of all guns in this country. especially the guns of the icky redneck people who live in rural areas, and are probably racist, and probably stupid, and probably hold all kinds of irrational prejudices.

Just another tragic daily textbook example of gun violence in this county (probz committed by a dirty ccw wielding gun nut) If we could have just passed a national gun ban, and made sure this was a gun-free zone, none of this would have ever happened. It really is 'just that easy' #commonsense


Last edited by Mr. Muckit; 05-31-2016 at 04:22 PM.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I'd guess you're 100% wrong about that.

WateryBoil is beyond terrible. I'm sure the zoo people, especially the person who had to shoot the gorilla, are very upset.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Yesterday I watched 2 different sets of clueless parents nearly let their child get run over by a moving car, with 0 idea of what the **** was going on. Even when alerted to the danger, their reaction could not be more nonchalant. Yea, I get it, as a parent you're busy, you may not be able to maintain 100% focus 100% of the time.. but I must ask, why are so many other parents so easily able to do so?

I see so much god damn ****ty, inattentive parenting on a daily basis that I have to believe the parent's at fault for a large % of this.

Also lol @ anyone who watched that video and thought that the zoo had any other choice. Holy ****.
a few weeks ago a little kid maybe 3 ran out from behind a car into the middle of the street and almost got hit by the car in front of me. her mom was on the corner playing on her phone and didnt even look up until she heard the car screeching. she said nothing to her daughter or even thanked the driver for paying attention and not killing her. just walked off like nothing happened.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 06:31 PM
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Wait, what? Is that for real? Is Bloom County on again?

Ok, I know google exists. Holy crap it is!
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 07:44 PM
The important question is: If Harambe had taken the child in as a pet and let it live with the gorillas, would it save the child or another gorilla if it had to?
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
oh wow, a hot take from jmakin?
oh wow, an idiotic non post from one of the dumbest posters on this forum? eyeroll
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 07:52 PM
Watching CNN for about 15 mins and I estimate that they have played that video about once every 20 seconds.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
oh wow, an idiotic non post from one of the dumbest posters on this forum? eyeroll

Thanks for providing us with the long version of my post, but don't worry, everyone knew what I meant.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
If the zoo's enclosure can't keep a four year old out, they have a pretty negligent enclosure and should get sued back to the Stone Age.
This. And lol at this opinion not being present for two pages. And lol at blaming the parents. In fact killing that gorilla was the only option the Zoo had from a liability standpoint.

The zoo is entirely responsible and the Gorilla absolutely had to be shot. I appreciate nature but at the end of the day we absolutely have to control it for our benefit. That's what humans do. It's astounding that anyone who has even been so much as swarmed by bees doesn't understand this.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
This. And lol at this opinion not being present for two pages. And lol at blaming the parents. In fact killing that gorilla was the only option the Zoo had from a liability standpoint.

The zoo is entirely responsible and the Gorilla absolutely had to be shot. I appreciate nature but at the end of the day we absolutely have to control it for our benefit. That's what humans do. It's astounding that anyone who has even been so much as swarmed by bees doesn't understand this.
I get your point and all, but swarmed by bees may not be as common of an experience as you think. At least this side of jellystone park.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:10 PM
I've been swarmed by bees. On a walk my dog went after their hive and they didn't appreciate it. It's crazy, but my dog loves to chase and eat bees. This was a little much though.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:22 PM
dumb humans are expendable. Gorillas are endangered. Save the gorillas!
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I've been swarmed by bees. On a walk my dog went after their hive and they didn't appreciate it. It's crazy, but my dog loves to chase and eat bees. This was a little much though.
Did you jump in a lake and breath through a reed?

My wife grew up in Vietnam. She would go honey hunting when she was a kid and got stung all over. I have been stung but never swarmed. Maybe I'm the exception.

Either way, kid in the gorilla pit....hell of thing, that. I guess now the news reports are bringing up the kid's father's past criminal record. You know, for racists.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by samuri8
This is classic bait for hyper-cynical internet posts. It is sad that the gorilla had to die, especially when it's not even clear he would have harmed the child. **** happens though. It seems to me the zoo administrators made the only choice they could. Unless there are details I'm unaware of, charging the parents with something doesn't seem logical either.
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
10,000+ kids could die before it equals the rarity and value of 1 gorilla. Only like 900 left but 7,000,000,000 cancerous sores remain.

its just disgusting, 1 trigger happy ****scab had a good day tho. He got to use his gun to push pieces of hot metal into a gorilla!
Originally Posted by Alobar
El D,

Actually you'd be wrong. Most Zoos have a program where they give that job to a returning military sniper. Now that the person isn't legally allowed to shoot babies and women, it helps to rehabilitate him by giving him an outlet by shooting the animals the zoo needs to have put down and gives him a paycheck and a feeling of self worth so that he can reintegrate with society again.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:54 PM
So, what if there was another species on earth that was almost as intelligent as humans. What if they were tasked with the decision on how to handle a small human child being in potential danger at the hands of an endangered gorilla.

What factors would said other species take into consideration.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:58 PM
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:19 AM
Sea World has been drawing the heat for awhile, and the zoos are next. And it can't come soon enough. History will not be kind to the treatment people inflict on animals. (For food and entertainment)
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by AmazingErvin
This is amazing.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:35 AM
It's the baby's fault. He needs to take full responsibility as well as a public apology, or else no kindergarten imo.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
06-01-2016 , 01:59 AM
So just cause you don't have kids means you can't point out a bad parent or bad parenting?? I don't know how to fly a helicopter but if I saw one stuck in a tree I can assume that the pilot ****ed up.

Not sure where you are going but no one needs to have kids to know when someone is a bad parent. Bar parenting leads to bad behavior from kids.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
