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4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet 4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet

05-31-2016 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by blackize5
I for one, demand that we stop bringing gorillas into this country until we can be sure that they pose no threat. I further demand that all gorillas already present must register themselves with the government.

Won't somebody please think if the children!
I agree with this. How many lions come into this country and take zoo jobs from American animals?
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 01:06 AM
Came back to say my 4 year old is way, WAY too smart to jump in a gorilla cage. And she knows that gorillas are primates.

I'm out again.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 09:21 AM
This whole gorilla thing that is all over facebook is very simple. First off, why didn't a grown man who was near there jump in and get in between the gorilla and child? If there was nobody around willing to do this, then it makes me nervous about the future of this country. Here we are on Memorial Day, which should be a reminder of all the brave souls that gave the ultimate sacrifice, and yet we are debating how to handle a situation where a kid wandered into a gorilla enclosure. It should be simple, someone be a man and jump in there. Chances are the gorilla would back away, and if not it still gets shot dead if it attacks you. This whole country is turning soft and it makes me nervous about the future.
Thought this was a joke/troll post when I first read it but from the comment thread it's apparent he's actually serious
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 09:38 AM
I would have jumped in if it were my kid. My entire goal would be to distract the gorilla enough for somebody to rescue my son, and if I die, I die.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 09:46 AM
would you have jumped in if it was someone else's kid? Keep in mind 1) the gorilla didn't actually hurt the kid and 2) an adult human in there is likely to prompt the gorilla to escalate.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 09:50 AM
all I know is that if this had happened 50 years ago the GREATEST GENERATION would have jumped right into that gorilla pit like the 101st Airborne and wrecked Harambe with brass knuckles and Bowie knives
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
would you have jumped in if it was someone else's kid? Keep in mind 1) the gorilla didn't actually hurt the kid and 2) an adult human in there is likely to prompt the gorilla to escalate.

Nah I'm good.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 10:38 AM
Anyone who thinks that you can keep a 4year old safe 100% of the time has never been a parent. And, even a parent can't accurately predict what someone else's kid will do.

Usually, a design flaw gets recognized after some tragedy. It's a freakin' shame that the gorilla had to be put down. But I believe they made the right call.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
I would have jumped in if it were my kid. My entire goal would be to distract the gorilla enough for somebody to rescue my son, and if I die, I die.
Your own kid would be different than a random kid.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 11:17 AM
I don't care what anyone says, a four year old being able to get into a gorilla enclosure by itself is just ******g rediculous.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 02:31 PM
Ask Siegfried and Roy what should be done in these circumstances. Anthropomorphization FTW!

We think we can look at wild animals and characterize their actions has having human-similar motivations. I don't believe we can fairly do that.

I'm fine with the zoo taking any approach it wants. If it wants to kill the gorilla, fine. If it wants to send a wrangler down to try to get the boy out without hurting the gorilla, that's fine too. If it wants to feed the gorilla a tranquilized banana and then try to get the boy, fine. I don't know diddly about gorillas and I imagine that 99.9 per cent of the people flaming on the internet about this know no more than I do.

Kids sometimes get loose. Without having been at the scene and watching it go down, I have no idea if the parents were great parents, idiot parents, or where they were in between.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 02:41 PM
If you can't watch your kids, maybe you shouldn't have so many. I know, god doesn't want that apparently, but really you're just a crazy #*&$@. Still the right idea to shoot the gorilla though.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by RandomDan
If you can't watch your kids, maybe you shouldn't have so many. I know, god doesn't want that apparently, but really you're just a crazy #*&$@. Still the right idea to shoot the gorilla though.
So, no kids huh?
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 02:45 PM
That would suck if the gorilla gave the tranqed up banana to the kid.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Generally the ditches are shaped like this:

As you can see - very hard for the lion to get out, not so hard for a kid to fall into.
Updated drawing to more accurately reflect Suzzer's reaction to said lion

4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
someone link to the comedy bit about not needing to be a parent to spot a ****ty parent, heh
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 02:48 PM
10,000+ kids could die before it equals the rarity and value of 1 gorilla. Only like 900 left but 7,000,000,000 cancerous sores remain.

its just disgusting, 1 trigger happy ****scab had a good day tho. He got to use his gun to push pieces of hot metal into a gorilla!
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:03 PM

Saw the video. That gorilla whips that kid against a wall by his leg, smashing his head open like a coconut and the entire world goes HOW DO YOU NOT KILL THAT ANIMAL IMMEDIATELY?!?! THIS IS A HUMAN LIFE WE WERE DEALING WITH!!! THAT CHILD WAS IN THAT ENCLOSURE FOR OVER 10 MINUTES!!
Kid could have also easily had his head popped off if it caught that drainage enclosure when gorilla was dragging him through the moat.

So sick of #socialoutrage, the absolute worst.

I can imagine this thread is complete AIDS too...
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:08 PM
Yesterday I watched 2 different sets of clueless parents nearly let their child get run over by a moving car, with 0 idea of what the **** was going on. Even when alerted to the danger, their reaction could not be more nonchalant. Yea, I get it, as a parent you're busy, you may not be able to maintain 100% focus 100% of the time.. but I must ask, why are so many other parents so easily able to do so?

I see so much god damn ****ty, inattentive parenting on a daily basis that I have to believe the parent's at fault for a large % of this.

Also lol @ anyone who watched that video and thought that the zoo had any other choice. Holy ****.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:14 PM
oh wow, a hot take from jmakin?
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Yesterday I watched 2 different sets of clueless parents nearly let their child get run over by a moving car, with 0 idea of what the **** was going on. Even when alerted to the danger, their reaction could not be more nonchalant. Yea, I get it, as a parent you're busy, you may not be able to maintain 100% focus 100% of the time.. but I must ask, why are so many other parents so easily able to do so?

I see so much god damn ****ty, inattentive parenting on a daily basis that I have to believe the parent's at fault for a large % of this.

Also lol @ anyone who watched that video and thought that the zoo had any other choice. Holy ****.
How many kids do you have? You obviously don't have any kids... blah blah blah... since you don't have kids you aren't qualified to comment on the poor parenting of others.... blah blah blah....MY kid is the best blah blah blah....... /end sarcastic rant
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:33 PM
At the point where the gorilla is dragging the kid around and such, you have to shoot the gorilla. That's just how it is.

Zoo is most negligent for having a gorilla enclosure that is penetrable by a four year old.

Sure, I guess you can say the parents should have had more control over the kid. But if you've ever had a four year old you understand that they are going to get up to some **** and there is nothing you can do about it. And even if you're at the zoo you really shouldn't suspect, I don't think, that your kid is going to get into the gorilla enclosure.

But my hottest take is that zoos are inhumane and should be abolished. Whatever role they play in conservation, protecting endangered species, education, etc, can be replaced via other means that don't involve putting captive animals on display for our amusement. Because when we bring wild animals and people into close proximity to each other bad things are sometimes going to happen. And we deserve it because we started this by locking up wild animals and selling tickets to gawk at them.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by WateryBoil
its just disgusting, 1 trigger happy ****scab had a good day tho. He got to use his gun to push pieces of hot metal into a gorilla!

I'd guess you're 100% wrong about that.
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
This whole gorilla thing that is all over facebook is very simple. First off, why didn't a grown man who was near there jump in and get in between the gorilla and child? If there was nobody around willing to do this, then it makes me nervous about the future of this country. Here we are on Memorial Day, which should be a reminder of all the brave souls that gave the ultimate sacrifice, and yet we are debating how to handle a situation where a kid wandered into a gorilla enclosure. It should be simple, someone be a man and jump in there. Chances are the gorilla would back away, and if not it still gets shot dead if it attacks you. This whole country is turning soft and it makes me nervous about the future.
Thought this was a joke/troll post when I first read it but from the comment thread it's apparent he's actually serious
The real question here is were there any armed CCW permit holders at the zoo and why didn't they start blasting? Should zoos be gun-free zones?
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
05-31-2016 , 03:46 PM
Also need some hot takes on how the other gorillas will take this. Maybe they all hated Harambe and are like "lol **** that bitch."
4 year old falls into Gorilla cage at zoo. Gorilla killed, butthurt rages across internet Quote
