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12-14-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ziggletooth
How do c-bets work down the streets for example

I raise preflop

I c-bet the flop
villain raises
I call

villain bets the turn

if he bets on the turn here (either op or after I check) does that mean he made a turn c-bet? (having taken control from me)? or must you be the raiser from the beginning to count as a c-bet?

I don't know how to read turn cbet and river cbet stats on my hud

which is it?
No he didn't make a turn cbet.
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12-14-2013 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat

I felt I was being a bit demanding when I said 'which is it?' sorry.
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12-14-2013 , 05:28 PM
sorry, if I can just ask 1 more question

when it says

Flop CB Bet the flop after being the Pre Flop Raiser Preflop

does pre-flop raiser mean first to raise or last to raise? so if you raise the flop and he 3-bets you then you call.

if you are first to bet on the turn would that be a c-bet?

I'm really sorry I'm sure I sound stupid but I want to be sure here, they haven't actually defined raiser.
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12-14-2013 , 05:31 PM
Hi Ziggletooth:

If you raise preflop and someone calls, then you are the preflop raiser, thus if you bet the flop you are making a continuation bet.

If you raise preflop and somebody else 3bets you, and then you call, you gave up your aggression. So he has become the preflop aggressor now, and if he bets the flop, he is continuation betting that flop (in this case the relevant stat would be the 3Bet Pot Continuation Bet).

I hope it makes sense.

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12-14-2013 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by sipox11
Hi Ziggletooth:

If you raise preflop and someone calls, then you are the preflop raiser, thus if you bet the flop you are making a continuation bet.

If you raise preflop and somebody else 3bets you, and then you call, you gave up your aggression. So he has become the preflop aggressor now, and if he bets the flop, he is continuation betting that flop (in this case the relevant stat would be the 3Bet Pot Continuation Bet).

I hope it makes sense.

Ok I understand, that's how I was reading it up to now. I only just realized raiser was a bit ambiguous so I had to ask.

and If I combine this with my other answer then I think I am right to say that if I 3-bet his c-bet on the flop and he calls me and I bet first on the turn then that is not a c-bet because I wasn't the last raiser in all the previous streets (since he raised last preflop)

If all that is right then thanks guys I think I understand
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12-14-2013 , 05:53 PM
Yeah that's it, if you raise his flop cbet then there is no point in talking about anymore cbetting. You are just betting the turn.
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12-15-2013 , 03:05 AM
Hey, I have a quick question. I'm semi-new to poker, definitely still a beginner playing on Seals With Clubs.
I usually play NLHE cash games at the micro stakes. I was wondering how to decide if I want to play 6 man vs full ring games?
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12-15-2013 , 03:46 AM
Hi Scragglez:

If you are new to poker I would recommend you to play Fullring tables, instead of 6max. Why?

1) You play tighter ranges preflop-> easier to play postflop.
2) in 6max you pay 1.5 blinds every orbit (6 hands) whilst in FR you pay 1.5 blinds every 9 hands. So once again, you dont have to play that many hands, you can be tighter.
3) 6max's variance is higher that FR's. That means your downswings will be longer, and the daily swings will be more dangerous too. You will need a deeper roll to play 6max than Fr in order to be safe.

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12-15-2013 , 03:55 AM
Or play 6max because literally everyone plays 6max and the tiny advantages when you first start just make transitioning to better games later on harder.
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12-15-2013 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by MMSS
Or play 6max because literally everyone plays 6max and the tiny advantages when you first start just make transitioning to better games later on harder.
That is true, but the safest way to start off would be FR imo. Big swings in the beginning can lead you to busto through desperation and impatience (new player's most common leaks).

But yeah, eventually SH becomes "the only" way.
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12-15-2013 , 02:40 PM
Alright, thanks a lot sipox11 and MMSS.
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12-15-2013 , 02:41 PM
No problem
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12-15-2013 , 05:37 PM
I got this from the thread:

" 5% = "pairs 77+, AK, AQs" or "pairs 99+, AK, AQ."
10% = "pairs 66+, AK, AQ, suited aces, KQs, QJs"
15% = "any pair, AK, AQ, KQ, suited connectors 54+, any suited ace"
20% = "any pair, any two broadway, any suited ace"
25% = "any pair, any suited broadway, any ace, any suited connectors 54s+, KQo"
30% = "any pair, any ace, any suited king, any suited broadway, any suited connectors 54s+, KTo+, QJo" or "any pair, any ace, any suited king, any broadway"
40% = "any pair, any ace, any king, any two broadway, any suited connectors 32s+"
50% = "any pair, any two suited cards, any ace, any two broadway, K5o+" "

Do these percentages hold true to both FR and SH?
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12-15-2013 , 05:44 PM
The best 5% range (or whatever number) is the best 5% in a 3-max table, a 6-max table or whatever table size. The fact of having more people at the table doesnt change that AK is better than AQ for example.
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12-15-2013 , 05:46 PM
It's not about being better, it's about interpreting pre-flop stats on HUD.
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12-15-2013 , 05:51 PM
What i mean is that if you are looking at the Raise First stat in Button for example, and it says 50%, he is obviously going to be open raising the best 50% of the hands, it would be stupid to open raise garbage and fold medium hands better than that garbage. And that 50% range is going to be the same in FR than in SH.
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12-15-2013 , 05:52 PM
I remember reading something along the lines of: if I play the same hands I use FR on a SH table, my vpip and pfr will be higher by X amount.

Didn't pay much attention, since I wasn't playing 6-max, but now I was wondering about it.
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12-15-2013 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by sipox11
that 50% range is going to be the same in FR than in SH.
Alrighty. Thx

Must have been confused
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12-15-2013 , 05:54 PM
Yeah maybe No problem
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12-15-2013 , 07:56 PM
Hello couple basic questions, I play 6,85$ + 0,15$ husng's.

1. Is 0,15$ rake? Is it 2,14% rake then?

2. My ROI is 2.8% and I play 15 games/hour. Is this how I calculate my hourly on those 7$ husng (also is there any place at pokertracker 4 where I can see it)?:

6,85*0.28*15 = 28,77$/h?

3. Couldn't find, where I can find how much my rakeback increases when my VIP-status stars go up? Also is there any rakebackdeals available in pokerstars?

Last edited by HUwnb; 12-15-2013 at 08:26 PM.
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12-16-2013 , 12:06 AM

I moved your bumped post to a new thread in LLSNL
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12-16-2013 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by HUwnb
Hello couple basic questions, I play 6,85$ + 0,15$ husng's.

1. Is 0,15$ rake? Is it 2,14% rake then?

2. My ROI is 2.8% and I play 15 games/hour. Is this how I calculate my hourly on those 7$ husng (also is there any place at pokertracker 4 where I can see it)?:

6,85*0.28*15 = 28,77$/h?

3. Couldn't find, where I can find how much my rakeback increases when my VIP-status stars go up? Also is there any rakebackdeals available in pokerstars?
1. Yes. Yes.

2. C/hour I think is only displayed per tournament, could be wrong though, but yes that should be your hourly

3. No RB deals on stars, just the fpp system which you can 'buy' cash with.
For other options: Blackrain made an excellent article about this here
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12-16-2013 , 03:24 PM
Ok, ty!
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12-17-2013 , 05:43 PM
if you could name one poker book which helps your game the most what would it be?
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12-17-2013 , 07:00 PM
The mental game of poker, no doubt.
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