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07-29-2013 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by serio562
Most people will say anywhere from 300-500 hours. Browse and participate here:
thanks for the direction.
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07-29-2013 , 04:46 AM

Hello would somebody point me in the right direction on posting hands? I am new to the forum. I'm sure it's been posted but I can't find it and I searched as well. I tried to paste the hands in the converter but it does not work. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Any help is appreciated.
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07-29-2013 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by truefish

Hello would somebody point me in the right direction on posting hands? I am new to the forum. I'm sure it's been posted but I can't find it and I searched as well. I tried to paste the hands in the converter but it does not work. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Any help is appreciated.
Go here:
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07-29-2013 , 03:52 PM
I'm a ChromeStar now at pokerstars and can play the 100K Freeroll Privilege tournament. Are there any threads about starting hands / strategy / when to push allin / etc for those kind of tourneys? It's shortstacked and with Ante.

how do you feel about those starting hands?

Last edited by NNN03; 07-29-2013 at 03:57 PM.
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07-30-2013 , 02:12 AM
push all in early and often
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07-30-2013 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by NNN03
how do you feel about those starting hands?
It's retched.

For what to put in a chart, starting hands generally depend entirely on position.

When you're short, you both play wider (in general) the characteristic of your starting hands change. (no more 98s if you're going to be heads up.)

Last but not least, your opponents affect what hands you play.

That retched chart does not mention position or your opponents. That chart seems to indicate you never play 99 or JTs with 40BB or less

Completely asinine. I think I'm stupidyier for having even glimpsed it.
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07-31-2013 , 09:34 AM
how strong is villain when he cbet/ch/cbet line and what do we do when we have small/med NON pocket pairs.
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07-31-2013 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by liamraises
how strong is villain when he cbet/ch/cbet line and what do we do when we have small/med NON pocket pairs.
Varies, but in general that line is either a weak value hand or something repping a thin value hand, and you shouldn't call in general unless your range looks weak or a bunch of draws missed (it's different at 2NL, just don't bluffcatch at 2NL).
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07-31-2013 , 10:51 AM
How are chops done in online tournaments? Who gives who the money differences compared to the original payouts?
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07-31-2013 , 10:54 AM
My guess would be that the players tell their decision to the poker site, and the site takes care of the distribution.
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07-31-2013 , 01:30 PM
Hi everyone.

I'm currently learning poker at nl2 FR and I'd like some advices on how to play certain hands preflop. These are not "complete beginner" questions but may not deserve their own threads.

- Shall I always fold ace rag ? Or can ace rag suited be limped / used to steal blinds ?

- How much is a rag ? Shall I fold A9 or A 10 ?

- What about pocket pairs ? I know open limping is bad unless in a very specific situation so I always raise them, but is it always EV+ in early position ? I can't really call the short stack's 3 bet if all I'm trying to do is setmine... At the same time I can't fold them so I'm sometimes doubting my play.

- Same question for suited connectors.

- How do you assess your opponent's shoving range (when they aren't complete donks) ?
Today I had the single hand you don't want to have:
i'm SB and villain is BB. I have KK, but everyone folds. I raise to 3BB and villain shove 100BB. I had only 140 hands of him and he was something like a 15/6 so I told him "damn, you have aces right ?" but because of the low stakes, too much curiosity and the number of donks open shoving AK I still called. Unfortunately I was obviously right about the aces, and I've seen many guys at 2nl against which I can confidently fold kings (12/1 players)
So my question is: how do you assess a player's 3-bet, 4-bet and shoving range with pokertracker stats ? When do you start folding AK ?

- Last one: are K10 and Q10 worth playing in FR ?
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07-31-2013 , 04:38 PM
Time for my own stupid question: is there a way to enter player-specific notes in PT4 after a session has ended?
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07-31-2013 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Babarberousse
- Shall I always fold ace rag ? Or can ace rag suited be limped / used to steal blinds ?
I tend to play this in late position and raise with them. Usually I'll expand my range to include any suited ace in BTN/CO, and A9o+ in the same positions.

Originally Posted by Babarberousse
- What about pocket pairs ? I know open limping is bad unless in a very specific situation so I always raise them, but is it always EV+ in early position ? I can't really call the short stack's 3 bet if all I'm trying to do is setmine... At the same time I can't fold them so I'm sometimes doubting my play.
I will limp with small pairs (for me, 77 and below) in EP, and be willing to call a raise to setmine. You need to be careful to be honest and fold to bets if you don't hit your set on the flop if your intention is setmining though. Related to that, if the only reason you are playing a pocket pair is to setmine, I can't see many reasons why you would do so in a 3bet pot.

Originally Posted by Babarberousse
- Same question for suited connectors.
Well, there's different levels of quality of connectors or one-gappers. I don't even play the 32, 43, 54, 65 types. Once you get into broadway cards like JT, QJ, QT, KJ, I start open raising with them around the same time I begin playing any suited ace, perhaps a bit earlier.

Originally Posted by Babarberousse
- How do you assess your opponent's shoving range (when they aren't complete donks) ?
Today I had the single hand you don't want to have:
i'm SB and villain is BB. I have KK, but everyone folds. I raise to 3BB and villain shove 100BB. I had only 140 hands of him and he was something like a 15/6 so I told him "damn, you have aces right ?" but because of the low stakes, too much curiosity and the number of donks open shoving AK I still called. Unfortunately I was obviously right about the aces, and I've seen many guys at 2nl against which I can confidently fold kings (12/1 players)
So my question is: how do you assess a player's 3-bet, 4-bet and shoving range with pokertracker stats ? When do you start folding AK ?
At 140 hands and stats like 15/6 I don't know that you can be confident enough in a read to fold KK pre-flop. I suppose this may be a unique situation, where the villain 3bet shoves, but the chances of a villain having AA when you have KK are something like 4%. Generally speaking at uNL levels I think I'd be happy getting KK all-in PF except in bizarre circumstances like a 12/1 over 250 hands shoving or if effective stacks were >150BB.

Take that all for what it's worth, I am far from an expert. Hope at least some of it helps!
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07-31-2013 , 09:03 PM
Thanks for your answers.
I also tend to fold small suited connectors recently as I actually lose money with them but wondered if it's just because I play badly.

Originally Posted by outatime

I will limp with small pairs (for me, 77 and below) in EP, and be willing to call a raise to setmine. You need to be careful to be honest and fold to bets if you don't hit your set on the flop if your intention is setmining though. Related to that, if the only reason you are playing a pocket pair is to setmine, I can't see many reasons why you would do so in a 3bet pot.
I don't understand the problem with calling a 3bet when people are deepstacked, especially if another villain joins. Usually in the rooms I play the 3bets are not very large (lots of minraises) so if I bet 3BB, villain 3bet 9BB, villain2 calls 9BB, then calling 6BB in a 27BB pot should give me correct odds right ?
I mean, I have tremendous implied odds so if I hit it will be easy to make more than the required 6*8=48 BB.
If noone joins, well that's 6BB in a 18BB pot. Still doesn't seem too hard against a deepstack but it's impossible against a 30BB shortstack.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

(I just checked my pokertracker and I'm actually losing money on pocket pairs 44- while winning with all the others and I'm not sure why)

Originally Posted by outatime
At 140 hands and stats like 15/6 I don't know that you can be confident enough in a read to fold KK pre-flop. I suppose this may be a unique situation, where the villain 3bet shoves, but the chances of a villain having AA when you have KK are something like 4%. Generally speaking at uNL levels I think I'd be happy getting KK all-in PF except in bizarre circumstances like a 12/1 over 250 hands shoving or if effective stacks were >150BB.
I don't understand what you mean by his chances of having aces when I have KK. The chances of having a given pair is 0.45%, so the chances of him having aces AND me having kings are about 0.002% (1 in 50 000).
But I'm only interested in the chances of him having aces KNOWING that he 3bet shoved.
So I guess my question could be formulated this way: how do shoving range and PFR ratio usually relate to each other in deepstack cash games ?
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08-01-2013 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by WestOz
How are chops done in online tournaments? Who gives who the money differences compared to the original payouts?
Depends on the poker site.

On Stars there usually is a mod to facilitate the deal being done, whilst on Tilt the big stack sets the $$$ distribution (usually they just click ICM and it is done automatically) then the other players can agree/disagree on the deal.

Not sure about the other networks.
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08-01-2013 , 10:35 AM
is there a way to download TN 1 ?
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08-01-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Babarberousse
I don't understand the problem with calling a 3bet when people are deepstacked, especially if another villain joins. Usually in the rooms I play the 3bets are not very large (lots of minraises) so if I bet 3BB, villain 3bet 9BB, villain2 calls 9BB, then calling 6BB in a 27BB pot should give me correct odds right ?
I mean, I have tremendous implied odds so if I hit it will be easy to make more than the required 6*8=48 BB.
If noone joins, well that's 6BB in a 18BB pot. Still doesn't seem too hard against a deepstack but it's impossible against a 30BB shortstack.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I don't think that you can quite look for the breakeven point to be BB invested *8 because you aren't always going to get paid off when you hit your set, and in a 3Bet pot, I'd think that you have to assume at least one of the other opponents has a high pocket pair that could hit a set as well. Please also keep in mind I'm a bit of a beginner myself, but I generally get out of 3Bet pots when the only reason I'm in the hand is to setmine. That being said, I suppose a situation with deep stacks may make it more OK to play in that manner, but as a general rule I avoid those situations.

Originally Posted by Babarberousse
I don't understand what you mean by his chances of having aces when I have KK. The chances of having a given pair is 0.45%, so the chances of him having aces AND me having kings are about 0.002% (1 in 50 000).
But I'm only interested in the chances of him having aces KNOWING that he 3bet shoved.
So I guess my question could be formulated this way: how do shoving range and PFR ratio usually relate to each other in deepstack cash games ?
Sorry if the number I quoted was incorrect; I've seen it more than once around the forums here and perhaps I either misunderstood what was being mentioned or we are talking about different things!

As stacks get deeper I become less and less willing to get a stack in PF with KK but in a general sense I think some people get into a trap where they think too much about situations like this. Purely thinking of this on my own, I'd imagine that PF shoving range must become significantly more tight as PFR increases. My apologies if this is stating the obvious or if I am misunderstanding.

Good luck!
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08-02-2013 , 06:53 AM
Originally Posted by outatime
I don't think that you can quite look for the breakeven point to be BB invested *8 because you aren't always going to get paid off when you hit your set, and in a 3Bet pot, I'd think that you have to assume at least one of the other opponents has a high pocket pair that could hit a set as well. Please also keep in mind I'm a bit of a beginner myself, but I generally get out of 3Bet pots when the only reason I'm in the hand is to setmine. That being said, I suppose a situation with deep stacks may make it more OK to play in that manner, but as a general rule I avoid those situations.
As you said I'm not always getting paid and I have almost infinite reverse implied odds too, but I have the feeling that my implied odds are good enough against most opponents (calling stations). I'll see if my 3bet-call with pp stats are good in a few 10k hands.

Originally Posted by outatime
Sorry if the number I quoted was incorrect; I've seen it more than once around the forums here and perhaps I either misunderstood what was being mentioned or we are talking about different things!

As stacks get deeper I become less and less willing to get a stack in PF with KK but in a general sense I think some people get into a trap where they think too much about situations like this. Purely thinking of this on my own, I'd imagine that PF shoving range must become significantly more tight as PFR increases. My apologies if this is stating the obvious or if I am misunderstanding.

Good luck!
Well I think you gave me the stats for FR but I had only one opponent left. You have one chance out of 13 to have an ace with the first card, and 3 chances out of 51 to have another ace with the other card, which gives 1/13 * 3/51 which is approximately 0.45%.
But if I have kings, then there are less cards left in the deck and my opponent's chances of having aces increase: 4/50 * 3/49, which is 0.49%

However, in a full ring there are 8 opponents so we have something along the line of 1-(1-0.005)^8 chances of facing aces knowing we don't have any ace (binomials needed for a better approx) which gives you approx. 4% in FR. This should be what you were talking about.
(I'm a big noob but poker maths are my strength)

Anyway thanks for your advices and good luck to you too.
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08-02-2013 , 02:03 PM
watched a video from youtube where was coverage of WSOP and pre percentage in HU 22 vs 87of was 51% for 87 and 49% for 22. is that corrent? pair is not bigger then connectors? 22 shouldnt be bigger even then AKss?
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08-02-2013 , 03:24 PM
Equity Win Tie
MP2 48.87% 47.65% 1.22% { 22 }
MP3 51.13% 49.91% 1.22% { 87o }

Equity Win Tie
MP2 50.10% 49.78% 0.32% 22
MP3 49.90% 49.58% 0.32% AKs

(87o can make a lot of straights...)
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08-03-2013 , 06:58 AM
What would the skill level be of 1/2 live versus online stakes?

Would I get crushed at 1/2 if I'm a studying beginner at 2NL (beating it at 27bb/100 over 8k hands so far..a small sample I know..)

Or should I wait until I've moved up to 5NL/10NL? I haven't played live before and the poker room at the casino looks pretty intimidating too.
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08-03-2013 , 11:13 AM
1/2 live is generally not very good... At my local the skill level at the lowest stakes (2/3) will be about 10NL online.
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08-05-2013 , 07:41 PM
Is there a way to "withdraw" money at the table playing on pokerstars? I'm playing 100BB and let's say I win an all-in. I don't feel comfortable playing 200+ BB deep, but also I don't want to leave a good table.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
08-05-2013 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by NNN03
Is there a way to "withdraw" money at the table playing on pokerstars? I'm playing 100BB and let's say I win an all-in. I don't feel comfortable playing 200+ BB deep, but also I don't want to leave a good table.
No. That's referred to as "ratholing" or "going-south" and it is strongly discouraged.
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08-06-2013 , 01:24 AM
How can I get my hem2 to display my opponents mucked hand
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