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heh, I came here to rant and then everybody is topping each other in crappiness. (LC/NC) heh, I came here to rant and then everybody is topping each other in crappiness. (LC/NC)

10-24-2010 , 05:57 AM
drank wine. sore head
10-24-2010 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by davidv1213
drank wine. sore head
nom and its david related for extra win
10-24-2010 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by davidv1213
drank wine. sore head
This is probably the only thing we are equally as good at. Although I reckon I have a slight edge.
10-24-2010 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
This is probably the only thing we are equally as good at. Although I reckon I have a slight edge.
Yeah but you practice every day
10-24-2010 , 08:47 AM
David doesn't have an undertitle yet wtf

What to do when you're happy with the gf but her family do nothing but cause problems? As mentioned, her mother is horrid. But now her 11yr old brother is smashing the house up etc and just being a little devil child and its ****ing things up.
10-24-2010 , 09:20 AM
Spike his food.
10-24-2010 , 09:29 AM
...with spikes.
10-24-2010 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
even though i actually missed the game because of other reasons i have to agree with you. I know that the game is meant to be a mix of the 2 sports but it seems to handicap the aussies by taking away the part of the sport they own at. Then i the irish bitch when theres any contact. Its like be a ****ing man and hit him back. Should have more contact imo.

In other news, was out last night, had a good night, was in the chinese after the bar, was laughing and joking with some guys, some fat friend of theirs [a girl] kept getting in my way when i was trying to read the menu on the wall, i said, sorry but im trying to read that, n she punches me fully in the eye. Im like wtf, and she starts laughing thinking this is hilarious, i said wtf did you do that for you fat bitch. The dudes she was with were like wtf.

**** i was raging. At least if it was a man i coulda punched him back. Really ****** that she could get away with because shes a girl. Hope the next person she does it to has a cage fighting girlfriend and knocks the **** out of her.

[ ] Irish like contact in aussie rules
[x] Got beat up by a girl
[ ] Got a chinese
[x] Most women are fat whores
nice post

and lets face it. the biggest single factor is that they play with a round ball. if they played with an actual aussie rules footy then the Irish wouldnt have ANY chance. kicking a round ball is completely different and yet the aussies still pwn in a 2 game series that basically means **** all.

and lol...some bitch smacked out crazy fool. respect for not punching her back..of course, if you had yourself a biker girlfriend then you wouldnt have had to leave the scene of the crime without seeing that bitch not flat on her ass....except minus your pride.

but seriously, wtf at some random fat assed chick punching a random dude in the face. perhaps you should have given her a massive wedgie instead? and then laughed at her...or maybe buy a hot english beer and spill that on her
10-24-2010 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Leo19
David doesn't have an undertitle yet wtf
ozi pmed me.. suggestions?

wins EPTs
something else.. idk
10-24-2010 , 10:23 AM
i kinda like anyone involving you soulreading that Juan J guy who's last name fades into irrelevance
10-24-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
i kinda like anyone involving you soulreading that Juan J guy who's last name fades into irrelevance
crushes JJ's nuts
10-24-2010 , 11:32 AM

Might be too long:

I won EPT London and all I got was this lousy undertitle
10-24-2010 , 12:03 PM

EPT London winner
10-24-2010 , 12:17 PM
[QUOTE=OziBattler;22410962]nice post

the biggest single factor is that they play with a round ball. if they played with an actual aussie rules footy then the Irish wouldnt have ANY chance

I would have thought the biggest single factor is that the Aussies are well paid professionals and the Irish are unpaid amatuers.

The Aussies are paid to be fit and strong and play football - the Irish actually work jobs in the real world.

I don't think too much of the game personally.

Just my two cents.
10-24-2010 , 12:22 PM
"doesn't look particularly threatening"

would be good IMO. (It was what pokerstars wrote about david after day 1 or day 2)
10-24-2010 , 12:24 PM
btw were I the only one who saw something funny in CF posting about the Irish being whiny bitches when hit by the aussies and the continue the post with a whine about how got hit?
10-24-2010 , 12:50 PM
Not particularly threatening
10-24-2010 , 01:01 PM
It would be fairly ridiculous to pick an oval shaped ball for a compromise match. Anyone in the world can kick a round ball. It takes a lot of practice to kick an oval one properly.
Just the same, no-one I know gives a shite about compromise rules.
10-24-2010 , 01:27 PM
+1 for 'Not Particularly Threatening'.
10-24-2010 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
btw were I the only one who saw something funny in CF posting about the Irish being whiny bitches when hit by the aussies and the continue the post with a whine about how got hit?
no, you weren't the only one ...
10-24-2010 , 04:06 PM
what a bogus call in pit-mia. Seriously how do Miami not get that fumble???
10-24-2010 , 04:52 PM
$750k gtd on full tilt starting in about 5 mins...good luck, me!!

10-24-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
$750k gtd on full tilt starting in about 5 mins...good luck, me!!

I come rail u for a while in 30-40 min maybe, after I eat something.

Don't busto before then, obv
10-24-2010 , 05:13 PM
gettem BOb
10-24-2010 , 05:58 PM
sick - 3bet by TBob from blinds gets 4bet shoved over ..... Hate it when that happens ...
