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he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw) he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw)

05-31-2011 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by JustinJude
Lol they don't thave that at the minute so why would they need it if it was legalised? You could have information leaflets.

Why? I doubt there's a big market for blood pressure tablets or anti-biotics. Everything psychoactive should be available in a shop imo. If the doctors want some medicines accesible only by prescription then fine. Hands off the fun drugs though.

Stupid parents are stupid. Keep certain medicines under control I guess.

You will always get stupid people - but should responsible people be punished because of them? I'm asthmatic. I manage it fairly well and yet I still have to go to a doctor to get a prescription for medication? Why? I'm paying him for his f#*king autograph! I find it patronizing and extortionate tbh.

Fair enough - but I doubt that pharmacies would want the business tbh.
Ok, UK pharmacies suck as well. My bad.

But who decides what is to be considered fun drug? And how small a therapeutic window will you accept before banning it. ie 49mg/kg body weight does nothing, 50 mg/kg is awesome and 51 mg/kg and you will die. Should this be allowed? Obv, that's extreme but there will be drugs with narrow therapeutic windows.

Refer to my post above as to why there would be a market. It isn't rational but people aren't when drugs are concerned.

As an asthmatic I hope you don't mind making a case example out of you. I don't know how good you deal with exams and the associated stress. But I'm sure you know some people absolutely can't stand it and some are actually getting anxiolytica to help them cope. If people can save a trip t the doctor to buy it at the drugshop they most certainly will. One of the more commonly used ones are beta-blockers like propranolol and they are fairly harmless for normal persons. However for asthmatics the betablocker counter the medicine used for asthma, result is bad things happen.

My point is that if you open up for these things to be sold outside of pharmacies you are opening a huge can of worms.

Also, the pharmacies have every single recovering addict as regular customers. I don't know if the UK have prescribed methadone to help recovering heroin addicts, but there is such a scheme in Denmark. These guys are at the pharmacy every day. Drug users are no strangers to pharmacies. Trust me the pharmacies can and will handle them.
05-31-2011 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by JustinJude
I think the serious tones, lack of boobs, and decentering effect are disturbing Tbun.

Personally I think that the occasional outburst of actual content in an LC/NC is ok, but it can be taken too far ... I've checked out the uLimit LC/NC threads sometimes, and they are always getting into srs sht. It gets a bit much after a while.
05-31-2011 , 08:53 PM
that and he's simple so doesn't like posts over 1 sentence or he gets confused
05-31-2011 , 08:58 PM
also theres a theory that drugs could be made cheaper if they were legalised etc. I find this weird. Do people think that whatever cost is saved by mass producing it easier wouldnt be offset by the huge amount of tax the government would slap on it

It would increase tax income for government but im sure the amount of ******s who od on drugs they bought at the local drug store or people getting into fights/high friends bringing friends out of it into hospital would make offset that income too
05-31-2011 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
also theres a theory that drugs could be made cheaper if they were legalised etc. I find this weird. Do people think that whatever cost is saved by mass producing it easier wouldnt be offset by the huge amount of tax the government would slap on it

It would increase tax income for government but im sure the amount of ******s who od on drugs they bought at the local drug store or people getting into fights/high friends bringing friends out of it into hospital would make offset that income too
vibrant black market to be had there btw. just look at counterfeit ciggarrettes
05-31-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by obviously.bogus
Makes sense, (even though I know next to nothing about medicine). When I was a kid, my mum would would often ask the pharmacist about minor medical that may not be worth bothering the doctor about. That was OK when Mr W. the pharmacist was older than she was. She was also OK with it when my sister dated Andy W. the pharmacists son for a year or so in high school. But when Andy W. got his degree and took over the family business she found it weird and maybe wasn't so comfortable raising potentially embarrassing things with the pharmacist she remembered as a kid.

It just seems crazy that retail pharmacists are highly educated, yet what they do in this day and age (where Mr W. the local pharmacist is a rarity) is essentially pill counting. (And I know you're research not retail, but you started my train of thought by your "I'm allowed to deal drugs" comment)
I agree, and the pharmaceutical care done by your average Publix pharmacist is horrible. I had an ear infection when I lived in Florida and got some antibiotics. Handed it to the girl behind the counter, did my shopping and picked up my antibiotics. Not a word was said to me. Of course as a pharmacist I know my way around drugs and look it up my self. Don't mix with NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen etc.). That might have been a reasonable information to give a guys whose ears are hurting and eating pain medication would be a normal thing to do....

But I do very much agree with you about the current role of pharmacy pharmacists, but it is very much needed as doctors do make mistakes (they are human) and those mistakes can have very bad consequences. having somebody to cover the doctors ass is a very useful function, all though not very attractive to me.

Of course the more I get around the more I start doubting other countries pharmacy system.
05-31-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
also theres a theory that drugs could be made cheaper if they were legalised etc.
I thought it was well understood that there are costs related to the illegality of drugs. From the producers to the traffickers to the dealers, there are risks that, to make it worth being involved in the drug trade, add to the cost on the street. If you make the drugs "legal" even if controlled and somehow licensed those risks are eliminated and can massively reduce the cost at the user level.
05-31-2011 , 09:08 PM
Lol boobs and guns in the car dealership!

(got caught with tits up by the dealer... )
05-31-2011 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
also theres a theory that drugs could be made cheaper if they were legalised etc. I find this weird. Do people think that whatever cost is saved by mass producing it easier wouldnt be offset by the huge amount of tax the government would slap on it

It would increase tax income for government but im sure the amount of ******s who od on drugs they bought at the local drug store or people getting into fights/high friends bringing friends out of it into hospital would make offset that income too
Drugs would be way cheaper if legal. What drives drug prices up are the cost for research and development. With the fun drugs you don't have that as they are commonly know.

The production cost for a pharmaceutical company to start making and selling chemical pure E for tomorrow is minimal. The synthesis of E is simply, the purification isn't a problem if you have the equipment pressing the tablets is easy peasy. I could have a marketable product by Friday given the lab of a pharmacy company. The tablets shouldn't cost more than you average painkillers.
05-31-2011 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
05-31-2011 , 09:26 PM
yea but petrol doesnt cost that much to make compared to what we pay at the pumps. For every £1 we pay around 66p to the government. Do you not think if they get a brand new product to tax, on that isnt going to go down well they wont just tax the **** out of it to make it worth their while
05-31-2011 , 09:32 PM
Sure there will be taxes but even if you make it a 300% tax you are not going to see prices near what current narcotic costs.

I say this without any knowledge of the current drug prices, but the cost to make it is so cheap that the price would go significantly down
05-31-2011 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
yea but petrol doesnt cost that much to make compared to what we pay at the pumps. For every £1 we pay around 66p to the government. Do you not think if they get a brand new product to tax, on that isnt going to go down well they wont just tax the **** out of it to make it worth their while

I'm sure any move to legalise would include a stipulation of not taxing it to death so as to negate the benefit of legalization.
05-31-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
Sure there will be taxes but even if you make it a 300% tax you are not going to see prices near what current narcotic costs.

I say this without any knowledge of the current drug prices, but the cost to make it is so cheap that the price would go significantly down
i will admit to not knowing current drug prices or cost of making them. I just know government likes to **** people in the ass
05-31-2011 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg

My point is that if you open up for these things to be sold outside of pharmacies you are opening a huge can of worms.

Also, the pharmacies have every single recovering addict as regular customers. I don't know if the UK have prescribed methadone to help recovering heroin addicts, but there is such a scheme in Denmark. These guys are at the pharmacy every day. Drug users are no strangers to pharmacies. Trust me the pharmacies can and will handle them.
Fair enough. You make a good argument for using the pharma training and infrastructure to distribute and sell recreational drugs.

You can be minister for logistiics in my cabinet .

Btw I have no vested interest in drugs (xcept beer). I don't smoke weed, cigs, or take other drugs.

Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
i will admit to not knowing current drug prices or cost of making them. I just know government likes to **** people in the ass
Tru dat.
05-31-2011 , 09:48 PM
im looking for a guest hes staying here. name is H- E - R - O - I - N. can you find that guest for me?
05-31-2011 , 09:50 PM
This place is getting too serious for me. I do all this type of **** on another forum. I want the old BQ back :'''(
05-31-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
i will admit to not knowing current drug prices or cost of making them. I just know government likes to **** people in the ass
Illegal drug producers, traffikers and dealers love to **** people in the ass just as much. The government probably only ****s you once. There are probably multiple middlemen traffiker/dealers ****ing you worse that the government ever would.
05-31-2011 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by JustinJude
This place is getting too serious for me. I do all this type of **** on another forum. I want the old BQ back :'''(
Don't worry.

Tboob will get his wish and thread will be nuked soon.
05-31-2011 , 09:59 PM
05-31-2011 , 10:13 PM
May brought the royal wedding so it belongs to the British babes to close the month.

05-31-2011 , 10:19 PM
05-31-2011 , 10:21 PM
RTB Srsly poster of the month by far
05-31-2011 , 10:23 PM
So much fapping win.

Who's the one with the towel?

Edit:and the one in the black swim gear?
