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he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw) he was winning this thread so much he made charlie sheen look like bumblebee (LC/NC nsfw)

05-30-2011 , 07:06 AM
I need 170+ Vpps to clear my bonus + my stellar reward.

Hoping to clear it by 1st of June @ 13:59ET.

$2 to anyone if I don't make it. Payment via PS.
05-30-2011 , 07:52 AM
Why is Ebay so rubbish!?!? Try to sell something on there, now it won't let me end the thing or make any changes to the advert even though the bloody computer im trying to sell wont even turn on today... Can't sell a faulty computer for the full price can i!
05-30-2011 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Leroy_Jenkins45
So my wifes good friend moved down to south carolina and we have not seen her for about 3 years . They keep in touch through facebook . Anyhow she came back up here (Ohio) to visit and she now has a southern accent . Made me lol everytime she talked . She grew up in ohio , moves south for 3 years and now has an accent ? Wtf , there has to be a term for this right ?
I used to go to Tennessee for 2 weeks every summer and when I came home people would be making fun of me for the way I was talking.

I was just like "I ain't talkin no diffrent, ya'll is crazy." Whats wrong with that?

Last edited by wafflehouse1; 05-30-2011 at 08:57 AM. Reason: Euros may not understand, but it is the same where you are at, many different regional dialects and accents.
05-30-2011 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Leroy_Jenkins45
So my wifes good friend moved down to south carolina and we have not seen her for about 3 years . They keep in touch through facebook . Anyhow she came back up here (Ohio) to visit and she now has a southern accent . Made me lol everytime she talked . She grew up in ohio , moves south for 3 years and now has an accent ? Wtf , there has to be a term for this right ?
The term is: LOL
05-30-2011 , 11:13 AM
Grrr i swear this computer hates me, after cancelling everyones bids on ebay, its now decided to work absolutely fine and theres only 1 hour left on the auction... meh!
05-30-2011 , 11:15 AM
Cant you send a 2nd chance offer to the highest bidder if no one buys it in the next hour?
05-30-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jimbo_Mac82
I'm really struggling to get into LA Noire. I like it, and it looks great, but the need to stay with it for hours at a time I dont like. I'm hoping to get to a point where I cant put it down, but so far its definately no RDR.
Yeah I played a few hours of LA Noire last night and I enjoyed it. But its more of an interactive film than a video game. Feel like some parts of the game eg evidence handling and csi would be better on the wii.
Still enjoyed playing it tho. Finished 1st case on homicide will on it all night tonight too.

Just saw hangover 2 and its pretty epic!!!!
05-30-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by inthepub5
Yeah I played a few hours of LA Noire last night and I enjoyed it. But its more of an interactive film than a video game. Feel like some parts of the game eg evidence handling and csi would be better on the wii.
Still enjoyed playing it tho. Finished 1st case on homicide will on it all night tonight too.

Just saw hangover 2 and its pretty epic!!!!
I saw it Friday.. I liked it slightly better than one... but.. that really isn't saying much.
05-30-2011 , 03:22 PM
final tabled again 4 left 3rd in chips hope i run good for me plz
05-30-2011 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by rollthembones
final tabled again 4 left 3rd in chips hope i run good for me plz
What? Where? When??
05-30-2011 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by DirtyLittleF
What? Where? When??
Sorry I was in the middle of it when I posted. Came in 2nd
05-30-2011 , 05:25 PM
In what?
05-30-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
In what?

Last edited by Leroy_Jenkins45; 05-30-2011 at 05:31 PM. Reason: oh snap , and he came in second :o
05-30-2011 , 05:41 PM
05-30-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by rollthembones
Sorry man , just having fun . Chin up little soldier , second place finishes are very respectable imo . no shame at all in it . Unless it was a hu match ldo .

if it makes you feel any better , i just switched on a filter in my pt3 to only show games with 6 players or more and seen my winrate double suck at short handed obviously gonna have to look out for that .
05-30-2011 , 07:45 PM
so i ended up getting black ops. I suck so bad at it but its hella fun and im sure it will be more funner when i get all the controls figured out. wifi on the wii has been known to be problematic but once i got all the system updates and black ops update i was able to get it working. not sure how much poker I'll play in the next few days.....
05-30-2011 , 07:55 PM
^^^Alot, game is short imo.
05-30-2011 , 08:23 PM

so for those playing along at home...

Friday night I am making plans with gf to hang out, and we decide to invite some friends and make it a group rather than just a date for both of us and she decides to invite our friend Katie (who admittedly is into me, and does not know i am dating jenn). For w/e reason she starts flipping out and acting very insecure about going out and is adamant about her needing to know everyone who is planning to hang out with us and that they are ppl she knows. fwiw, she is NOT the type of person who is normally like this. In fact she would one of the last ppl i would ever think of that might possibly be like this.

jenn and i are texting and apparently she is texting with katie. i start to get messages from jenn telling me all this stuff about my past that katie is telling her, with some embellishments thrown in. I would like to write what some of these things are but I would not feel comfortable putting any of it on display for 2+2. eventually i start to get straight up lies repeated to me...things like ive been arrested and been to jail 5+ times, that i had sex with two people that jenn specifically hates (like wtf, why would that be anybodies business anyhow?). Basically katie acting like a HUGE bitch and trying to make jenn hate me or distrust me or something. It eventually ends with jenn not wanting to go out anymore that night and basically unsure of what to believe and confused.

On saturday i apologize to her about what is happening and tell her id like to meet up and talk about some of the stuff that was true that katie was telling her and some of the stuff that was made up. So here I am only a few weeks into dating this girl, and now I have to start talking about my mental health history, past issues with drugs (mostly involving friends however), and the TRUTH about my history with the law. None of these things hinder my life atm, and aren't deal breaker/"need to know up front" type things, and having to go into this **** so early in a relationship is just very awkward but I really like this girl and dont want to just give up and let katie claim victory. At first she seems hesitant but eventually is ok with it and we make plans to just meet up somewhere and talk. After a few hours (still a little while before we planned to meet) she shows up at my place looking like she just got done crying and basically hands her keys to me and says lets go....

We ended up going to a sushi restaurant and i start talking right away about the situation and apologize for everything in general and how i didnt mean to start so much between you and a good friend. i corrected some of the false info, apologized for not telling her some of the "heavier" things that are true (but again...a few weeks in no reason i shouldve told her any of this yet). we drank a bunch of sake and ate a lot of sushi and went back to her house to smoke and watch a movie. Everything seemed ok but she was still clearly upset and I could tell this wasnt over when i woke up sunday morning

Last edited by TBobLP; 05-30-2011 at 08:41 PM.
05-30-2011 , 08:49 PM
I hate katie - jealous bitch.
05-30-2011 , 08:53 PM
I had to work sunday morning and she didnt, so she let me just borrow her truck for the day so that she didnt have to get out of bed etc...I go to work and almost immediately get a text from her that she is going to the beach and that i should join her after work. this right away makes me really happy that she doesnt seem to be messed up too much over the situation after all, and that we are still talking and she is wanting to see me. After work I drive home to shower and change and i call her to see what is up.

She is at the beach with katie and they both want me to come and hang out with them. wait...what.

After a little thinking i decide "**** it, ill go" and figure they mustve talked and this will be a way for katie to apologize and we can talk about it briefly and then go back to everything being normal (obv brief lapse of knowledge on how girls act on my part). I get there and both of them are acting like nothing had ever happened. we are just hanging out and joking around as usual...having some beers on the beach etc. eventually i fall into the normal routine and forget that there was ever anything going on in the first place...until they get up to go move katie's car closer. katie goes off ahead and jenn waits a second and then comes right up to me and says "you know, i asked you if you ever hooked up with so-and-so and you said no, well katie is pretty sure you did" and she just walks off. WTF.

they get back in about 40 mins and we are right back to having fun and w/e as usual but im confused as f, obv. eventually im ready to just gtfo because i just felt at any second things could get really weird. jenn starts talking about how she is tired and that katie and i should go out drinking and she will go home. im like "wtf? i dont want to do that, i came here to spend time with you etc". katie is getting super annoyed etc and im srsly considering calling someone to just come pick me up. i want to talk about this w jenn but not in front of katie so the best option seemed to be for me to just GTFO. eventually i get the idea that ill drive jenn home saying i need to grab something from her place and while there we can talk. we leave katie and she seems silently pissed off.

at jenns house we just kind of hang out and do nothing. we make something to eat and eventually get to bed. this morning we wake up and she takes me home. when i get home i get a "words with friends" invite from katie. WTF LIKE 4 REAL 4 REAL. again i talk more with jenn and everything seems cool and we made plans for tomorrow night. will update more (hopefully shorter) tomorrow or wednesday
05-30-2011 , 08:57 PM

no apologizing
tell her this other chick has lost her mind
if she still guilt trips you, tell her you don't have time to deal with psychos making **** up for no reason and she can either move past it or hit the road

you start catering to these chicks and they will eat you alive
05-30-2011 , 08:59 PM
just read part two, both of these girls are nuts, get out while you still can
05-30-2011 , 09:34 PM
wunterslaush tho
05-30-2011 , 09:37 PM
lol FTP update, just went off on friend for random thing b/c I just finished reading update... yes its that bad
05-30-2011 , 09:43 PM
^^Que? The fact that our euro friends are paying rake to pay us, or the fact that they are still working dilligently to ensure US players are paid out in full?

Last edited by wafflehouse1; 05-30-2011 at 09:44 PM. Reason: 6 weeks later.
