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garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never

03-11-2016 , 11:02 AM
@Kurn thanks again
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Who needs textbooks when you've got Wikipedia?

(Those equations scare me much more than one card dead session).
those equations are enough to put people off for life
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 09:50 AM
You can't even spell variance.
How could you expect to win at poker then?

0 and 4 WITH pre flop pairs 8 or better
0 and 5 four to a flush pre turn
1 and 7 AK, AQs and AJs pre flop

Also,fold pre.Or even better:quit poker.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 11:11 AM
In limit poker do better players have typical numbers for
Pre Flop played %
Pre Flop Aggression %
Post Flop Aggression %
Went to Show Down and Won %

I would guess the better players are probably in a range for each of the above and the most importent of them all would be the last catogorie.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 11:35 AM
Yes, most winning players will have similar stats in the long run, because there is an optimal way to play.
Everyone will have slightly different tendencies, however, and - particularly in player pools with very bad players - there can be multiple "styles" that lead to profit, and these different styles can cause the stats to differ quite markedly. e.g. In some games, nits are winning, but so are LAGs.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 12:46 PM
Thought this was going to be about post count:thread start ratio
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Thought this was going to be about post count:thread start ratio
vwp sir!
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 05:02 PM
For 6 max:
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
In limit poker do better players have typical numbers for
Pre Flop played %
I like a vpip, or voluntarily put in pot stat of 35-40% and a pfr, or preflop raise stat of 25-33.

Pre Flop Aggression %
Nah just take notes, but 3 bet preflop % is useful. I usually 3 bet between 15 and 25% on average.
Post Flop Aggression %
Not sure about this one.
Went to Show Down and Won %
wtsd of 35-45 is good depending on your opponents.

Won $ at showdown between 50-55% is good. I typically run high for this stat. I think it's because river value is worth more than the other streets. When you make an exploitive bet on the river, sometimes you're winning a full bet extra.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Bob148
For 6 max:

I like a vpip, or voluntarily put in pot stat of 35-40% and a pfr, or preflop raise stat of 25-33.

Nah just take notes, but 3 bet preflop % is useful. I usually 3 bet between 15 and 25% on average.

Not sure about this one.

wtsd of 35-45 is good depending on your opponents.

Won $ at showdown between 50-55% is good. I typically run high for this stat. I think it's because river value is worth more than the other streets. When you make an exploitive bet on the river, sometimes you're winning a full bet extra.
why they moved this post is beyond me...totally legit question
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
why they moved this post is beyond me...totally legit question
It's because you make endless ****ing threads, mostly about things which are either pointless or which you should be able to work out for yourself/are in a million places across 2p2.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-12-2016 , 10:11 PM
Most of us would get our thread merged into the dumb questions thread, not our own containment thread.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by TheDefiniteArticle
It's because you make endless ****ing threads, mostly about things which are either pointless or which you should be able to work out for yourself/are in a million places across 2p2.
Nope this as well as other posts were listed as a NEW THREAD until someone lumped them All into one place.

P.S. For a guy who is SO SO "clueless" I did manage to beat limit poker in less then 1 year of playing the game.
And Unlike Some people here I still think there is room to learn.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-13-2016 , 05:10 AM
I think your reading comprehension is not so good ^

Reread TDA's post and try again.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-13-2016 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
Nope this as well as other posts were listed as a NEW THREAD until someone lumped them All into one place.
OK, just so we are clear: THIS THREAD is where new posts of yours should go, not in a NEW THREAD.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-14-2016 , 03:03 AM
^^^^ there's a guarantee of satisfaction.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-09-2016 , 11:47 PM
Ultimately bb/100 indicates how well you have done.
Has anyone ever looked at hands played vs plus or minus land ?
Is it an indication of anything ?
example say you played 10k hands and the only time you were net loss was between hands 2k to 4k.
This number might be a moot point ?
It also indicates you were in plus land for 80% of the hands you played.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 12:17 AM
This thread is definitely in minus land with little chance of ever reaching plus land.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 03:00 AM
Where is this place known as Plusland?

Sounds wonderful.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 06:53 AM
Gary, this definitely needs to be gathered with your other nuggets of wisdom in your own thread.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 07:05 AM
@venice Really ? Really ? that was basically a Yes or No Question.
A question that some people might have never pondered.
Lose The Attitude Ok

Or Perhaps You Meant to say IF a guy/gal has their bank roll above even 80% of the time its obvious the bb/100 is gong to take care of itself.
Your The Kind of guy (a real wise ass) that I just LOVE crushing on an ALL IN.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 07:26 AM
It sounds like there are two different questions being asked here.

First, are wins and losses spread evenly across a session, or do there tend to be periods of winning and losing play?

Second, are winning and losing rates symmetrical, or does there tend to be longer periods of winning or losing, but at higher rates (for example, do you build up a stack over five hours, get bored and spew it all off in one hour)?

These are valid questions, but most players are able to figure this out by mentally tracking their own tendencies.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 07:44 AM
Any time you look at a 'standard' stat you are 'just one of the crowd' so if you can further break down the components of the stat you could be further ahead. You may find nothing or you may find something, but it should never hurt to try and see if something else is there.

1) Your big losing 'areas' of the curve could've been when you had outside personal issues on your mind.

2) I like to look at pot sizes as well as the average BB gained.

3) You may also want to look at the same stats for hands that ended on Flop, Turn and River to see what your patterns are.

Any business needs to try and figure out where their profit comes from as well as try to eliminate/reduce the losses.

Send your requests to the software folks and see if you can come up with a new standard stat. GL
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
It also indicates you were in plus land for 80% of the hands you played.
This is irrelevant. The point is not to win hands, it is to win money. It does you no good to win all the small pots and lose a few big pots. Thinking "But I won most of the pots I played" is just looking for a way to fool yourself into thinking you are better than you actually are.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
This is irrelevant. The point is not to win hands, it is to win money. It does you no good to win all the small pots and lose a few big pots. Thinking "But I won most of the pots I played" is just looking for a way to fool yourself into thinking you are better than you actually are.
Not irrelevant at all if the stat allows the player to 'see' that they need to review and work on their play in those big pots. Poker is about winning 'the war' and not all 'the battles'.

Certainly a win rate of 80% on it's own merit may give you a false confidence, but if you have an 80% win rate and 'only' an average BB/100 rate as well it should tell you that your game is not what you think it is.For a stat that you don't hold in high regard you have actually told him how to 'use' that stat to review his game in the same comment!!

I think what OP is really referring to is if there is any merit to 'removing' blocks of play from any analysis of his game. I would agree to let him do so only if he can 'safely' justify other root causes for the poor/good results that may be skewing a better analysis of his 'regular' game.

Basically he is asking permission to use the "But I was drunk" type of excuse to separate out some of his stats ... to each his own. GL
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
05-10-2016 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
@venice Really ? Really ? that was basically a Yes or No Question.
A question that some people might have never pondered.
Lose The Attitude Ok

Or Perhaps You Meant to say IF a guy/gal has their bank roll above even 80% of the time its obvious the bb/100 is gong to take care of itself.
Your The Kind of guy (a real wise ass) that I just LOVE crushing on an ALL IN.
troll confirmed, move on ppl
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
