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garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never

01-28-2016 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by jumpalot
The Software section on this site wasn't exactly front and center.
You're welcome for the link to it in your other thread, by the way.
I had asked about software here a few days ago
No you didn't. Or at least not with this account.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-28-2016 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River

Why are you torturing us from two different accounts?
This might be the reason.

Originally Posted by jumpalot
The Software section on this site wasn't exactly front and center.

Anyway you can google Poker Genius Software and get a free trial for several days.
The software is a 9 or 10 on a scale of 10.
Corrects mistake you make along the way calculates your sb/100
Offers a variety of Type poker games etc etc.

Its an must have tool if you are a rookie.

I had asked about software here a few days ago and No One had mentioned
Specific software that was a must have.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-28-2016 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by jumpalot
I had asked about software here a few days ago and No One had mentioned
Specific software that was a must have.
I'm not sure why you created the new account, but it seems like this post is well-suited to the thread you already started with your other account.

Not every question and/or thought needs a new thread.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-28-2016 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by jumpalot
@cry me a river. I should also mention that as a race horse trainer No One No One knows more about horse racing then me. I've made over a 1/2 million dollars betting on horses.

I've been to forums about horse racing where everyone there is a self proclaimed expert and half of them know Jack ****.
Trying to figure out who those people are on this forum is a bit harder because.
I KNOW I know **** about Poker OK
if yu are THE most competent horse racing expert and have made half a million $, then why only half a million?
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by xMars
if yu are THE most competent horse racing expert and have made half a million $, then why only half a million?
Because horse racing is Pari Mutuel Wagering In Other words there is a type of "saturation limit" after you reach that point you are only starting to bet against yourself my lowering the expected pay out back to yourself
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 10:49 AM
As you step in class from a 2/4 limit to 3/6 limit to 5/10 limit
are the players you encounter likely to increase in ability in a linear or expodential fashion ?

would the same be said for expected money won/lost ?

In other words if you played a 2/4 limit game for 3 hours lost 100
is the loss in a 3/6 game expected to be about 150, 200 or greater then 300 ?
150 would be linear 300 would be expodential.

Are these questions even answerable ?
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 11:04 AM
1) There are exponentially less 'bad' players as you move up in stakes ... but the bad players usually have more money!!

2) You will lose more money when you play with 'more' better players when you don't adjust your playing style.

Think of a water pipe ... Do you get 50% more water going from 1/2" (12mm) to 3/4" (18mm)? A leak is a leak and the bigger the pipe ... GL
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by jumpalot
Because horse racing is Pari Mutuel Wagering In Other words there is a type of "saturation limit" after you reach that point you are only starting to bet against yourself my lowering the expected pay out back to yourself
i call shenanigans
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 11:56 AM
As of right now, you've made 82 posts between 2 accounts, and started 20 threads.

We have a thread just for most of the questions you've asked in different threads.

Every thought that pops into your head doesn't require a whole new thread. The front page of this forum shows 25 threads at a time, and currently you have 4 of them.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 12:02 PM
He's kind of right, except that he'd only be betting against himself if he put all his money into one race.

From Wikipedia:
In real-life examples, such as horse racing, the pool size often extends into millions of dollars with many different types of outcomes (winning horses) and complex commission calculations.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I think Poker Academy Pro does something along the lines of what you're asking for.
I have no idea if it's any good.
The heads up limit holdem version used to be powered by Polaris, a very strong heads up limit holdem bot. No idea for no limit though.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 01:13 PM
you know when i said stop making threads?
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 01:30 PM
I think if you're thinking about the game in these terms, you can probably expect your losses to be "expodential" in any event.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 03:19 PM
Yeah and because there is only one horse race per calendar year in most countries, it's impossible for even the best odds-picker in the world to make > $500K.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
you know when i said stop making threads?
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 03:56 PM
No problem...i have seen this movie before all legends in your own mind....BYE
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by WereBeer
Yeah and because there is only one horse race per calendar year in most countries, it's impossible for even the best odds-picker in the world to make > $500K.
You are far more cluess about horse racing then i am about poker BET THAT

I am done with this place
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 04:38 PM
Read some posts in this forum and in the strategy forums here: where people posted a hand for discussion. Look at how they posted the hand and all of the information they provided. This is the 29th post in this thread and it still isn't possible to glean all of the information that is necessary to discuss the hand that you want to discuss.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by jumpalot
I am done with this place
We hardly got to know either of you :|
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 07:40 PM
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
01-29-2016 , 09:09 PM
A new guy comes in for help and as usual you big hitters have to take cheap shots to make yourself feel better. I bet you're all bitter after you realised you can't beat the live 1/2 games any more and now want to take it out on someone who wants to do better than you. For shame!
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
02-03-2016 , 10:26 AM
I recently played a live low limit game.
Some of my observations.
The Live Players weren't nearly as good as the online players.
2. I had expected the players to be a lot looser. Only one guy at the table
was a very loose player. Most of the guys weren't raising unless they had sometime pretty decent after the flop.
3. a Paired board with a guy really firing away most always meant either a set or full house
4.One lady at the table was kind of like the comedy (I guess there is one at every other table ?) She kept critiquing my my hands/play. In the mean time
after about 3 hours I was about even and she was down like like 250 dollars.
NOT being able to take her BS another min I pointed this out to her and she finally shut her F'ing mouth.
5. Question WHY Would anyone make a straddle bet ? Am I wrong ?
To me it basically looked like a Fart in the Dark
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
02-03-2016 , 12:11 PM
1) Yes, live players are generally weaker than online players. Online players play more hands and the weaker ones usually get weeded out more quickly.
2) Loose and 'not raising' are 2 different things. Do you mean betting or raising after the Flop? In live poker you will rarely see a raise on the Flop with a weak hand. It will usually be a huge draw or top pair minimum.
3) Same as 2 .. rare to find someone without trips (different than set), FH or an overpair in that spot.
4) Why would you point out to a weak player that they are weak? Now she will take a look at her game instead of yours. As long as she has chips on the table and you think you have an advantage let them spout off on pretty much anything that keeps them from looking at their own game.
5) Straddles create action whether UTG or B. At tight passive tables you can immediately pick up more information about a player's calling range when there is a straddle in play. Straddles also make the game bigger by making the stacks effectively smaller. If you think you have a post Flop edge on the table a straddle is a good way to exploit it. GL
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
02-03-2016 , 12:28 PM
@answer20. I am trying to figure out if the straddle makes any sense ?
He makes the bet pre flop in the dark.
I am thinking If he pre flops KK isn't his straddle discouraging action he might other wise want ?

As for your reply to #2 I meant raising after the flop. The Guy was raising again on the turn when all the smoke cleared all the guy had as like low pair maybe even Ace high.
Only one such guy at the table. Expected there might have been three such players.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
02-03-2016 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by schrool
@answer20. I am trying to figure out if the straddle makes any sense ?
He makes the bet pre flop in the dark.
I am thinking If he pre flops KK isn't his straddle discouraging action he might other wise want ?
Straddles encourage action because there's more money in the pot to start with.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
