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garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never

03-10-2016 , 10:27 AM
I believe it is spelt 'variance'.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 10:37 AM
16 hands? That's nothing. Wait till you hit a 50k hand heater where you just can't lose and you run 15 big bets/100 hands over expectation.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 01:26 PM
Who needs textbooks when you've got Wikipedia?

(Those equations scare me much more than one card dead session).
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Why would you want to transition to the game that's been analysed exponentially more than any other over the past ~15 years?
Online, no way I'd touch LHE. Live is a completely different story, especially at levels below, say, 40/80.

For example, the Foxwoods 20/40 game is still pretty good from what I'm told, but it's a bit above my BR for now.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
@otap becaise i jump back and forth between 6/3 and 2/4 limit so maybe i am even at 2/4......i didn't keep exact records for each THATS Why
If you're going to take poker at all seriously, keep exact records. It takes less than 30 seconds to record session info such as: date, game, stake, time, and $.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 07:49 PM
You're 2 hands into a limit game you have a 55 pre flop
the flop comes 4 10 K rainbow
You have 2 other players in the pot you check
one guy bets the other guy raises.
Do you normally stay in the hand for the turn ?

I am thinking at this point yes ? Some one has an over pair or even 2 pair
but i am thinking you have to get yourself one more look for a possiable set ?
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 08:08 PM
for the love of god give us an accurate description of the hand

almost certainly a fold, there's simply not the odds to continue
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
You're 2 hands into a limit game you have a 55 pre flop
the flop comes 4 10 K rainbow
You have 2 other players in the pot you check
one guy bets the other guy raises.
Do you normally stay in the hand for the turn ?

I am thinking at this point yes ? Some one has an over pair or even 2 pair
but i am thinking you have to get yourself one more look for a possiable set ?
Gary, no offense..... but with limit, it really is all about the math.

SO.......when it gets back to you on the flop, do you have the odds to chase your 2-outer? How much to call, how much is in the pot? Does your bet close the action?
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
You're 2 hands into a limit game you have a 55 pre flop
the flop comes 4 10 K rainbow
You have 2 other players in the pot you check
one guy bets the other guy raises.
Do you normally stay in the hand for the turn ?

I am thinking at this point yes ? Some one has an over pair or even 2 pair
but i am thinking you have to get yourself one more look for a possiable set ?
You need to think again.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Gary, no offense..... but with limit, it really is all about the math.

SO.......when it gets back to you on the flop, do you have the odds to chase your 2-outer? How much to call, how much is in the pot? Does your bet close the action?
yea understood thanks....if you not getting at least 12 to 1 fold
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 09:04 PM
We just need more information to help you out, such as the stakes, blinds each player has, position, number of players, etc. A pair of 5s is not very strong on that board as there are two over-cards on just the flop itself. If you get the right price to call, if the player stacks are deep and the pot has been raised heavily pre-flop, then it would possibly make sense to stay in the hand.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by trophy6
if the player stacks are deep and the pot has been raised heavily pre-flop
This is a limit game
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-10-2016 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
yea understood thanks....if you not getting at least 12 to 1 fold
12 to 1?
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
12 to 1?
pot odds
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 01:00 AM
I seriously cant believe that you guys have not figured out that this guy has been trolling all y'all.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 02:23 AM
fold! fast!
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by squid face
I seriously cant believe that you guys have not figured out that this guy has been trolling all y'all.
And why would I be trolling ? Because a guy that has been playing several months doesnt have the same knowledge as a guy who has been playing several years.

The ONLY reason I asked this question was BECAUSE I was questioning IF
pot odds are as importent in limit as in NL.

I went from ground zero to beating limit poker in a several months Thats more then most people can say. If its any consolation to you I still SUCK at NL.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 09:40 AM
Since it's your second hand in, you're either on the button after buying the button in your first hand, or you're in the small blind after playing your big blind. In either case, since you only have two postflop opponents, either one guy limped preflop and you and the big blind completed and checked respectively, or you limped preflop and the blinds completed and checked respectively, or you raised preflop on the button and both blinds called.

If you raised preflop from the button and both blinds called, I say bet the flop and fold the turn to that action.

If you limped preflop, I say raise preflop.

If there was a preflop limper, I say raise preflop.

If the button raised and both you and the big blind called, I say 3 bet preflop.

If there was a limper preflop and you were in the small blind, I say raise preflop.

A much better description of the hand would look like this:

one limper, I call preflop with 55, small blind folds, big blind calls.

flop xxx

checks through

turn x

big blind bets, limper raises, I?


As posted, you put us in a position to have to put these important pieces of information together on our own.


Seriously though, even if you were somehow four seats off the button, I say raise preflop.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
pot odds
You have 2 outs and 47 unseen cards. That's 23.5:1, even assuming you make 4 additional big bets when you hit, 12:1 is still nowhere near what you need to continue.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
The ONLY reason I asked this question was BECAUSE I was questioning IF
pot odds are as importent in limit as in NL.
Gary, no offense meant, but this shows you have very little knowledge of the difference between limit & NL.

Pot odds a far more important in limit. In NL, since implied odds can be huge, you can make certain calls where you do not have immediate pot odds.

Implied odds exist at limit, but are far less significant, so pot odds rule.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
And why would I be trolling ? Because a guy that has been playing several months doesnt have the same knowledge as a guy who has been playing several years.

The ONLY reason I asked this question was BECAUSE I was questioning IF
pot odds are as importent in limit as in NL.

I went from ground zero to beating limit poker in a several months Thats more then most people can say. If its any consolation to you I still SUCK at NL.

not sure why..maybe you get off on it?

Number of threads started, v number of posts
incomplete/changing stories
leading questions
the list of trolling type of behavior is quite lengthy
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
You have 2 outs and 47 unseen cards. That's 23.5:1, even assuming you make 4 additional big bets when you hit, 12:1 is still nowhere near what you need to continue.
Outs One Card % Two Card % One
Odds Two
Odds Draw Type
1 2% 4% 46 23 Backdoor Straight or Flush (Requires two cards)
2 4% 8% 22 12 Pocket Pair to Set

The odds of 2 outs with 2 cards yet to come is 12 to 1 as listed above
see where is says pocket pair to set 12
you were probably thinking with one card to come
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
Outs One Card % Two Card % One
Odds Two
Odds Draw Type
1 2% 4% 46 23 Backdoor Straight or Flush (Requires two cards)
2 4% 8% 22 12 Pocket Pair to Set

The odds of 2 outs with 2 cards yet to come is 12 to 1 as listed above
see where is says pocket pair to set 12
you were probably thinking with one card to come
No NO No No NO!

You're not all-in, so odds with 2 cards to come are irrelevant.

You base your decision on immediate pot odds to improve by the next card.

Why? because when you miss - there's going to be more betting! When you call $x on the flop, you're not paying $x into a pot of $y to see the river, you're paying to see the turn.

Then there will be more betting and you'll have to calculate your pot odds to see the river.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
No NO No No NO!

You're not all-in, so odds with 2 cards to come are irrelevant.

You base your decision on immediate pot odds to improve by the next card.

Why? because when you miss - there's going to be more betting! When you call $x on the flop, you're not paying $x into a pot of $y to see the river, you're paying to see the turn.

Then there will be more betting and you'll have to calculate your pot odds to see the river.
Ok thanks
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by garyfelice55
Ok thanks
I'm going to recommend some reading for playing LHE.

Ed Miller's "Small Stakes Holdem" - not one of his NL books. This is specifically for fixed limit.

Do not read NL strategy posts. LHE and NLHE are radically different games.
garyfelice55/jumpalot containment thread - better late than never Quote
