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[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) [Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names)

06-12-2012 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by so_low
Actually, wait times have gotten shorter again. All April requested payouts took a long time, but ppl have already gotten May requests as seen in this thread.
I can only speak to my own experiences... My cashout time has already doubled, and based on the timelines in this thread, I expect the time lapsed to be 3x that of my cash from a few months ago.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-12-2012 , 06:28 PM
4/14 processed
6/11 received large check
Got no tracking# from Bovada
DHL delivered check - was shocked
Major Bank said up to 14 days to clear
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-12-2012 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by J_Phil
Why are you so defensive? Do you collect a paycheck from Bovada?
This ignorant comment is similar to your other posts and the reason why they annoyed me enough to correct them. No offense, but quit talking out of your ass ftw. Btw, lol at the DOJ stopping every processor that pops up like weeds every day to feel the void in the market as another ones leaves. That works well in the war on drugs. Also lol at comparing Bodogs financial situation to FTPs when you have zero knowledge to make any such assessment. Bodog could be broke but as far as we know they have been a thriving sportsbook for many many years and theres nothing to suggest otherwise. Poker is a side business to them fwiw.

Last edited by 5thStreetHog; 06-12-2012 at 07:21 PM.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-12-2012 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
This ignorant comment is similar to your other posts and the reason why they annoyed me enough to correct them. No offense, but quit talking out of your ass ftw. Btw, lol at the DOJ stopping every processor that pops up like weeds every day to feel the void in the market as another ones leaves. That works well in the war on drugs. Also lol at comparing Bodogs financial situation to FTPs when you have zero knowledge to make any such assessment. Bodog could be broke but as far as we know they have been a thriving sportsbook for many many years and theres nothing to suggest otherwise. Poker is a side business to them fwiw.
I have only read two of your posts, but I seriously doubt you are capable of correcting anyone about anything. You have said nothing substantive or factual - you simply disagree with my theory... Which is fine, but don't act like you have inside information that proves me wrong, or that you stand on some moral high ground by arguing that Bovada will never go under, as evidenced by their continued sportsbook existence.

Your argument is more flimsy than mine is.

Anyway... Back to waiting on my 4/29 check. Looks like it's going to be a couple more weeks.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-12-2012 , 08:36 PM
4/15/12 cashout received 5/11/12 via DHL
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-12-2012 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by J_Phil
I can only speak to my own experiences...

This is not a good way to look at the big picture. People post in this thread all the time with check request date and date received. Using everyone's data together is much better for picking up patterns than any 1 individual's experience. April cashouts were all ****ed, but by all appearances, bodog is cranking up the payout machinery and many people have already gotten May requests.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-12-2012 , 10:45 PM
I finally received my check after nearly 2 months. I deposited into my bank along with 3 other checks, and I was not questioned at all. I'm not sure if it was because I was depositing several checks at once, or if the teller just didn't have any reason to question me. It's worth a shot to deposit more than one check if you can to see if it helps those with picky banks.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 12:15 AM
Agreed. He might not be an uninformed deuche but he is certainly acting like one. I feel bad for people like 5trh street hog. He wasted like 10 minutes of his life actually replying in an informative way. He will never get that time back.

Also huge note to all people serious about recieving cashouts in a timely fashion: check your account messages everyday. Fed ex/dhl is likely delivering in a timely fashion except you are not there and then you just whine here when it's your own f'ing fault. You know who you all are. Bandwagon 2011 joindate pointdexters.

I get all my cashouts in a timely fashion EVERY time. The one time it took over a month I got a bonus. i actually would prefer 5 weeks for cashouts with a bonus rather than the 3 week standard time frame.

So quick quick note on my last cashout. I req 5/20 and rec 6/8. It was one of those really good checks with the heat sensitive watermarks and holograms etc..?? You know what I'm talking about... the ones that clear in like instantly when you deposit to atm.

So it was one of those and I made my weekly (hopefully) walk to the atm to deposit. The check shot back out and the atm said ."there were no acceptable items". tried a few more times and then even tried a different atm and still not acceptable. One notable comment about the check: It was the first check I recieved with evidence of 'structuring.' In other words the cashout was for 3k but the check was $3000.07.

So I call bovada and they say it is a completely legitamite check and possibly try to deposit by teller. So I go in monday to the branch. I don't dress nice and some of the people at the bank know i'm a pro, but not the southern bell teller.

As a goof, I decide my plan is to strong arm her with passive aggression. I will only say two things:

1. "I would like to deposit this check into my account."

2. "It is a legitamite check."

All questions will be answered by either statement 1 or 2.

Long, boring story short: It worked and I only had to use statement #1!

Check cleared 10 hours later at midnight as counter credit.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by so_low
This is not a good way to look at the big picture. People post in this thread all the time with check request date and date received. Using everyone's data together is much better for picking up patterns than any 1 individual's experience. April cashouts were all ****ed, but by all appearances, bodog is cranking up the payout machinery and many people have already gotten May requests.
Sorry, I was just being hyper defensive when I read your post because of the one preceding it...

Obviously the larger data set is more meaningful than my small anecdotal sample. I was just trying to explain how I came to my (possibly) ill-conceived theory.

I get the feeling that I'm coming across as an "online pokerz aer riggd" douche. My fault. I'm an entirely different brand of douche, which is the libertarian, government-knows-more-than-we-think, conspiracy theorist variety. My only real point is that the DOJ is chronically understaffed, so the various agencies (SEC, DEA, FDA, etc.) just lay in the weeds for ridiculous amounts of time while people become complacent, and then once they've built an air tight case they come in and shut down the whole party.

But I get it - this thread isn't the place for my flimsy accusations or mildly plausible conspiracy theories. I won't derail the thread any further.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 01:09 AM
Your worries are not unreasonable Phil. No harm done.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 11:22 AM
I just shed a tear. That was adorable
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 12:45 PM
What is the oldest April check someone is still waiting on tracking information for?
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 01:06 PM
I'm waiting on April 21st check.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 01:13 PM
I'm waiting on an April 29th check.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 01:32 PM
Apr 14th
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by vetiver
Apr 14th
Didnt expect to see one this old.

Just to clarify, is it a check or wire?
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 02:07 PM
I got a April 14 check on Mon
waiting on 2nd one from April 14
bank said 14 days to clear - i hope its sooner
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 02:32 PM

I'm going to be out of town from about 6/26-7/16.

I want to do a cashout and I was thinking of doing it now, with the idea that it would arrive sometime after 7/16. But if it comes earlier and I am out of town, what then?

Any thoughts on when a cashout requested today would likely arrive.

My last cashout was requested on 4/6 and took about 8 weeks. Has the situation improved at all?

I'm reading this thread and many mention quicker payouts for May requests, but I don't see many specific such posts

[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 03:08 PM
Requested 4/18. Received it today. 14-21 business days to clear. If it cashes in July, payout request to money in bank would span 4 calendar months.....1/3 of a year, lol.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 03:12 PM
You realize April to July is 3 months and not 4 right? And 2-3 week from yoday would put it at 2.5 months, not 3. No need to be embellishing things now.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 03:58 PM
I am embellishing, but I did say "would span 4 calendar months," and I am not incorrect in that regard.

Requested in April (1) waited May (2) received in June (3) and cashed in July (4). Did I really wait four whole months? No. Did it span across 4 different months for any certain time? Yes.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by nevowski69
I am embellishing, but I did say "would span 4 calendar months," and I am not incorrect in that regard.

Requested in April (1) waited May (2) received in June (3) and cashed in July (4). Did I really wait four whole months? No. Did it span across 4 different months for any certain time? Yes.
You'd have a point if not for your "1/3 of a year" comment.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 04:47 PM
Yea, that part was a tad (ridiculously) dramatic...
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Quit implying that the DOJ is forcing Bodog to shut down. There is zero evidence to suggest this yet you repeatedly make this claim. Quit pulling things out of your ass and posting them on a public forum as if they have some basis in reality.

Bodog has been in the DOJ cross hairs long before all this UIGEA BS as a sportsbook. One things has remained constant over all these years, them saying go **** yourself to the US government.
To be clear, and by most of these posts it appears some of you don't know (or forgot this) but Bodog has already been indicted by the DOJ. The ONLY difference between Bodog and FT/PS/UB is that Bodog continues to serve US players while the others decided not to or shut down.

I would say having criminal charges filed by the US gov't is a little more than "being in the cross-hairs" a better 'gun analogy' would be that they got shot in the leg but are still fighting.

I do not play on Bodog or Bovada anymore - and I don't have an opinion as to whether US players should consider it safe. But I think it is only fair for people to have correct information.
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
06-13-2012 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by 09Bear
What is the oldest April check someone is still waiting on tracking information for?
April 26, 28 & 29. So, 29 here.

Patiently optimistic about next week!

Also, saw someone else mention getting a check before they recieved tracking info. This has happened with my last two checks recieved (from March)
[Bodog] Bovada/Ignition payout thread for US players (DO NOT post bank names) Quote
